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Allye/Performances/How a Prydaen Ought to Be
Event Name: Allye's TART Arthe Dale Concert |
Event Instance: Prime |
Real Date: 2022-10-12 |
Game Date of Event: 443-04-17 |
Point of View: Allye |
You get an elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod from inside your silveress handbag.
Saslisena blinks. Cythra says to Eurynomile, "Oh the pains." Eurynomile babbles something incoherent at Cythra. Eurynomile grins. Nilme smiles. You giggle at Cythra. Anuril's body loses its fiery appearance. Karturis just tickled Almarius, who laughs and returns the favor. You say, "For my final song tonight, please allow me to share a more personal tale." Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz. Cythra says, "Okies." Useff takes a sip of his ale. You say, "This is called, 'How a Prydaen Ought to Be.' I hope you will enjoy it." Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you. You flash a quick grin. Aetheline giggles at Cythra. Anuril gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar. Eurynomile grins at Cythra. Almarius giggles at Karturis. Nilme smiles warmly. Elurora cocks her head at you. Anuril takes a sip of his fizz. Shaylynne smiles. Kethrai quietly says, "Oh boy." Nilme leans on Useff. Eurynomile gazes at you. Vixonia grins at Kethrai. Cythra says, "Oughtas." Cythra scoffs. Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Eurynomile grins at Cythra. Karturis thumps a Dwarven iron skirmisher's shield embellished with asini crows with the back of his hand. (Allye raises her instrument to shoulder height and begins to shake out a simple rhythm. The cymbals jangle faithfully, their sound ringing through the area.) Aetheline leans on Shaylynne. Anuril quietly says, "Oh, this will be instructive..." Shaylynne grins at Aetheline. Karturis looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Nilme picks up the pace of her chant, letting each measure roll after the other with a simple grace excelled only by the precision at which she performs it. Cythra giggles at Anuril. Eurynomile smiles at Shaylynne. Elurora looks at Anuril, obviously trying not to grin. Eurynomile grins at Anuril. You sing in a soprano voice: "Raised in love as a S'kra Mur's offspring, I wanted for naught, save but one little thing. Despite all the joy and tarts galore I still couldn't help but to beg to know..." You sing in a soprano voice: "Papa, can you tell me please, Is this how a Prydaen ought to be?" Eurynomile grins. Eurynomile leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face. You sing in a soprano voice: "He told me the tales of my elders before The nightmare of Lyras, the anguish and war, The valor and strength that raised the Barrier high, Could such a bold heritage really be mine...?" Anuril nods. Vixonia trills softly at you. Almarius grins, revealing her dimples. (Allye's sonajero jingles noisily as she shakes out a more complex rhythm, the same driving beat broken into triplets that propel the song forward.) You sing in a soprano voice: "Papa, can you tell me please, Is this how a Prydaen ought to be?" Aetheline tilts her head to one side. Cythra's ears stand up proudly for a moment. You sing in a soprano voice: "He patiently taught me to hook crab and fish, Each catch rendered dead by his swift twist, So fresh that I savored every single bite, But I wondered still if I had it quite right..." Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration. You sing in a soprano voice: "Papa, can you tell me please, Is this how a Prydaen ought to be?" Cythra gazes at her claws. Eurynomile smiles. You sing in a soprano voice: "He bought me the first chmir I ever wore The belted, flowing garment that I so adored, He taught me of raaho, of sarrack, and ysin, But still some piece of the puzzle was missing..." Aetheline rubs Elurora gently, massaging her muscles. Almarius exclaims, "Awww, Itty Bitty Too Mom sounds sooooo adorable!" Vixonia takes a sip of her cocktail. Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid! Elurora leans on Aetheline. Anuril quietly says, "Proud, check. Full of fish, check." You giggle. Almarius giggles at Anuril. You sing in a soprano voice: "Papa, can you tell me please, Is this how a Prydaen ought to be?" Shaelisa nods at Almarius, obviously agreeing with her views. Useff takes a sip of his ale. Cythra giggles at Almarius. Eurynomile giggles at Anuril. Nilme grins at Anuril. (Allye taps her foot in time to the elaborate instrument's cadence. She sways back and forth, and a nostalgic smile crosses her features.) Kethrai quietly says to Anuril, "And fashionable." Anuril nods to Kethrai. Anuril nods. You sing in a soprano voice: "He taught me to hunt, to stalk and to fight, To hone my own instincts by dark or daylight, To revel in chase, as a Prydaen should do, And I hoped that one day, it could be truly true..." Eurynomile smiles at you. You sing in a soprano voice: "Papa, can you tell me please, Is this how a Prydaen ought to be?" You sing in a soprano voice: "When the day came for me to set off on my own Still unsure of myself, but ready to know, My Papa hugged me tight, and then as I left, He shared these simple words I will never forget..." Aetheline leans forward. Elurora gazes at you. Nilme gazes thoughtfully at you. (Allye stills her sonajero with a jangling rattle. She continues to sing, unaccompanied, her eyes misty but her voice ringing out strong and clear.) Almarius gazes at you. Aetheline chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration. You sing in a soprano voice: "'Learn all that you can, as you flourish and grow, Linger with songs and the stories of old. Keep ties to your past, my dear, and never betray The pain and the strength that runs deep through your veins.'" Cythra sniffles. Aetheline dramatically wipes a tear from her eye. Eurynomile blinks. Vixonia's ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at you, a look of pride on her face. Elurora grins at you. Almarius happily exclaims, "Awwww!" You sing in a soprano voice: "'But remember, my child, whatever you do, You're already a Prydaen, by just being you. Your story is different from elders long gone, But it's Prydaen and precious, a beautiful song.'" Aetheline wipes one of her eyes. Anuril smiles. Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. Nilme beams at you! What a warm feeling! Eurynomile smiles at you. Kethrai trills softly at you. Aetheline gives you an emphatic nod. Vixonia nods to you. Almarius looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Allye smiles to herself for a moment before bringing her gaze back to the gathered crowd. With a gracious nod, she dips into a deep curtsy. Aetheline looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Elurora looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Sonatina trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Karturis slowly empties his lungs. Miskton looks at you and applauds! Nilme stands up. Gridaksma looks at you and applauds! Raising his Taffelberry fizz to you, Anuril gives you a toast. Cheers! Eurynomile praises you. Vixonia lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you! Shaelisa looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Nilme looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Useff smiles at you. Sonatina trills softly at you. Aetheline looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Elurora stands up. Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you! Nilme looks at you and applauds! Raising her Taffelberry fizz to you, Aetheline gives you a toast. Cheers! Kethrai looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Cythra looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Useff applauds. Vixonia exclaims, "Love it! And oh so true!" Almarius pulls you to her in a tight hug. Elurora looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Aetheline lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you! Saslisena applauds. Shaelisa takes a bite of a fresh peach tart topped with a spoonful of clotted cream and chews carefully on it. Raising her Burdock's ale to you, Sonatina gives you a toast. Cheers! You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Vixonia. Vixonia hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile. Useff lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you! Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid! You hug Vixonia who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of cloves clings to her fur. Karturis looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Anuril exclaims, "Saving the best for last, that's how you do it!" Jaelia begins to listen to Nilme teach the Parry Ability skill. You pull Almarius to you in a tight hug. Kamisama guzzles down some of his ale and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve. Almarius exclaims to you, "You're soooooooo amazing!" You beam at Anuril! You giggle. Nilme looks at you and applauds! Shaelisa exclaims to you, "That was so pretty!" Raising his Burdock's ale to you, Karturis gives you a toast. Cheers! Raising her vanilla-spiced tea to you, Jaelia gives you a toast. Cheers! You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Shaelisa. Jaelia takes a sip of her tea. Aetheline gazes at you in wonder. Raising his Dwarven ale to you, Kamisama gives you a toast. Cheers! |