Allye/Residences/Beach Villa

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AllyeBeachVilla midjourney.png

[The Enclave at Fang Cove]
This quiet locale is a blend of soil, sand, shell and wood debris as the inland jungle meets and mingles with the beach. A long dead frond rests its dried tip on the ground as it dangles from a tall full-headed fan palm. From time to time, one of the night's avian predators alights in the treetop and silently surveys the sandy beach for its prey. You also see a spacious white sandstone villa with tropical shonji plants growing in brightly colored clusters along the path to the front door and an unremarkable hutch.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

>look palm
Though already tall, the tree is still quite young and will continue to climb both up and out as it ages.
>move villa
You walk through the door of the spacious white sandstone villa.

[Allye's Beach Villa, Bedroom]
A cozy e'erdream and sungold bed draped in sheer whisperlayne curtains and a lifesculpted e'erdream vanity with delicate sungold filigree rest upon the alabaster floor of this tiny hovel. An elegant alabaster fireplace with matching urns, with a horizontal seascape of a woman in a floating shell hanging above it, burns from its resting place at the edge of the silk carpet covering the alabaster floor. Gold watered silk papered walls enclose the area, holding in its lingering smell of sea spray. You also see a large garden window with sparkling glass panes, an Ilithian black bogbirch wardrobe carved with lotus blossoms, an embroidered golden silk chair that is facing the vanity and a long-haired pure white cat.
Obvious exits: none.

>look bed 
Small clusters of delicately carved flowers are captured in mid-bloom across the frame of the canopied bed, and the subtly inlaid metal gilds the unfurled petals in warm hues of rosy pink, red, and purple.  Gossamer lengths of whisperlayne cascade down to pool upon the floor and billow out to flutter dreamily with the slightest breeze.  The bed offers a comfortable haven for any who rest within its embrace, submerged in a plush sanctuary of cashmere blankets and soft, down-filled pillows.
>look on bed On the cozy bed you see a strawberry tart-shaped pillow decorated with a glittery glaze, a cashmere pillow embroidered with roses, a plush ghost pillow swathed in tatters of white lace, a plush fish-shaped pillow, an emerald satin frog-shaped pillow with sad-looking eyes, a heavy silver satin pillow, a scallop-edged whitework quilt, a fancy tri-colored blanket stitched with interlocking faiyka and a shell-pink cotton blanket.
>look vanity 
Polished to a bright sheen, the rare wood is stained a soft grey tone to complement the lacy pattern within the grain.  Fine twists and spirals of lifesculpted wood cradle an oval mirror within a series of delicate branch-like prongs.  Multi-hued metal strands glimmer with rosy pink, red, and purple hues across the surface of the lady's dressing table, accentuating the edges of the tabletop as well as its lacework trim and delicate drawer handles.
>look under vanity Under the e'erdream vanity you see a large luxurious towel of plush ivory cotton and a glazed ceramic wash basin with a fluted brim.
>look seascape 
The woman, who is only wearing her very long golden hair, stands in a large seashell floating on the waves.  A woman on the shore attempts to wrap a garment around the central figure while two personifications of the wind blow across the scene.
>look in wardrobe 
In the bogbirch wardrobe you see a shimmering golden seasilk bathing gown, a flowing long-sleeved bathing gown of elegantly pleated dark green zerarin wool, a loose-fitting dark linen bathing gown with long tapered sleeves, some glossy seasilk bathing bloomers adorned with gold filigree seashells, some dark green zerarin wool bathing bloomers with delicate gold ankle-chains, some dark linen bathing bloomers trimmed with shadesatin ruffles, some shimmering golden seasilk slippers laced with tiny gilded seashells, some dark green zerarin wool slippers laced with delicate gold chains, some dark linen slippers laced with long shadesatin ribbons, a sleeveless westan wool bathing tunic banded with blue and white stripes, a sleeveless linen bathing tunic with alternating red and white stripes, a sleeveless dark dragonar bathing tunic patterned with imbricated scales, some knee-length bathing trousers of blue and white striped westan wool, some knee-length linen bathing trousers with alternating red and white stripes and some knee-length dragonar bathing trousers with imbricated dark scales.
>look cat 
Looking more like a fluffy pure white ball than a real animal, the cat has a slim feline head and large slitted eyes that reflect light.  With a bottle-brush tail and a solid-colored body, the cat holds a rather regal bearing, as if knowing who is really in charge of the household.
He is lying down behind the door.

>pet cat
You gently pet the pure white cat.  He purrs very loudly and then rubs around your ankles, then curls up and starts biting your foot playfully.

>kiss cat
You walk over to the pure white cat to pick him up and scritch his fur, giving him a little kiss between the ears.  He purrs happily, letting you hold him for a bit before jumping down.