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Allye/Performances/Into the Sea

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 |eventname=Tavern Troupe Concert in the Corner

Allye gets a delicate silverwillow lyre embellished with carved mermaids and seashells from inside her carrying case.

Allye says, "This song is true. Maybe."

(Allye plucks a series of ascending notes on her lyre distractedly, ensuring the instrument is tuned.)

Allye giggles.

Allye teasingly says, "Or maybe not. You decide."

Allye flashes a quick grin.

Allye says, "It's called, "Into the Sea."

(Allye begins to strum a lively jig on her lyre. She bends over the instrument as the driving pace of the song is established, and then she lifts her voice to sing.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Stormy nights where land meets shore
    Crashing waves all dash and roar,
    Your lover prays for you to stay,
    But you must slip away."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Through lashing wind and driving rain
    The rocks are slick, but you sustain,
    For far beyond the ice and noise
    You hear a silvery voice."

(Allye's song bounds and rollicks along at a steady clip.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "You tumble down and smash your head,
    You might begin to think you're dead,
    But open up your eyes and brave
    The world beneath the waves."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "There! Something glitters out of reach,
    Giving chase, you lose the beach,
    You strain your legs but soon you find
    How easily you glide."

Allye smiles broadly as the song swells into its catchy chorus.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And if you really want to see,
    Just walk into the sea with me,
    Into the deep and cold and dark,
    Into the briny sea."

Allye beams!

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "It dances just beyond your grasp,
    It teases, flirts, and seems to laugh,
    Until at last you're face to face,
    A prize in your embrace."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "A maid like this you've never seen,
    With silver eyes and scales of green,
    A shocking swathe of flowing hair
    From half her head does flare."

(Allye waggles her eyebrows.) Allye says, "Now that's my kinda woman."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "But then she gives a dazzling smile,
    She takes your hand, now so beguiled,
    She pulls you deep and deeper down
    Beyond all icy bounds."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Then dark relents to your delight,
    You come upon an island bright
    Where coiling coral cradles pearls,
    A sculpted dream unfurls."

Allye's face lights up with joy.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And in this lively seafloor scene,
    A strange band's music warbles, keens,
    Your partner reaches for your hands
    And pulls you close to dance."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "You dance and dance, until you find
    Your joyful heart's lost track of time,
    The world's a blur, but all the while
    Her smile still fills your eyes."

(Allye's foot taps along with the merry tune, as she flies with reckless abandon into the next chorus.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And if you really want to see,
    Just walk into the sea with me,
    Into the deep and cold and dark,
    Into the briny sea."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "You blink awake to ocean spray,
    Upon cold rock you find you're splayed,
    Now homeward bound, your eyes agleam
    Recalling your strange dream."

(Allye's tapping foot stills, and a line of discord meanders through the otherwise cheery song.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Once at the door, a wrinkled crone
    Cries out in shock to see you're home,
    Your lover's bent by age and grief,
    You drown in disbelief."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Alone and lost you'll end your years,
    Each passing day it haunts your ears,
    That distant, watery cruel laugh
    That caught you in its trap."

Allye smiles strangely as she brings the song back to the familiar, bright chorus.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And if you really want to see,
    Just walk into the sea with me,
    Into the deep and cold and dark,
    Into the briny sea."

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "Now sometimes standing on the beach,
    Whispered dreams call out to me,
    They lead me out to sea...

    And listen close, for even you,
    I think that you would hear them too,
    That tug towards the cold and dark
    Into the briny sea."

(Allye strums a final, jangling chord before sweeping her lyre-wielding arm out until it's parallel to the ground. With a grin, she grasps the skirt of her gown with her free hand and dips into a deep curtsy.)