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Revision as of 06:58, 10 May 2023 by HAGOODJC (talk | contribs)
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Status Active
Race Prydaen
Gender Female
Guild Bard
Instance Prime
Relatives Lilimara, Cheyee


You see Sonic Sonance Sonatina, Sonus Sunderer of Elanthia, a Prydaen.
Sonatina has a triangular face, tufted ears, electrifying cat-slitted blue-grey eyes and a small nose.
Her blue-black mane is very long and fine, and is worn loose.
She has black fur, a slender tail and a gracefully slender figure.
She is very tall for a Prydaen.

Things to know about me

  • Unhealthy compulsion to horde everything.
  • Parents killed during attack on caravan and raised sisters Lilimara and Cheyee, while traveling with caravans until settling in The Crossing.
  • Loves seeing other Prydaen, but especially her girlfriends Eskila and Urilor
  • Jousting!
  • Vast collection of hair accessories.

My Memberships

My Favorite Items

At first glance the polished metal appears to shift between light and dark shades of grey and blue, but when hit by light it reflects a brilliant yellow hue reminiscent of the morning sun breaking through a foggy sky.

Carvings incised upon the blade depict a series of symbols representing various sweeping attack maneuvers suitable for edged weapons and reveal the metal's luminescent purple core.

  • an azure-hued marblesilk sundress sashed by embellished storyplait and blue gold

Designed to hug the body tightly and fall to knee-length when worn, the sleeveless garment is secured by a pair of blue gold chains at each shoulder, laid over each other. Dyed the light hues of a summer sky, white marbling across the fabric complement the effect. A wide belt of silvery-white storyplait is shot through with threads of blue gold, and bears the images of the Faiyka in white gold, the Iladza in yellow gold, and the Shariza in blue gold.

The metal's rich, phthalo blue hue is punctuated by warm, red-gold specular highlights that catch fragmented reflections of their surroundings, and is broken up by a tiny, but complex web of niello keys.

  • some bardic blue songsilk bagpipes featuring elegant blue gold pipes

The vivid azure of the bag's shimmering fabric pulls into focus the intricate embroidery gold-limned trillium blossoms, while tiny blue wrens outlined in gold frolic amidst petals that glisten with shards of crushed tempest sapphire. Delicate patterns of the Triquetra are engraved into the fluted blue gold pipes, their muted hue emphasizing the brilliant sapphire icesilk cords looped just below the caps.

My Pets

A fluffy pet rat named Fluffy
A soft lilac point kitten named Terere
A sunset-hued crypt tamarin named Stinker
An Ilithian river otter named Yakanabu
A light grey horse standing seventeen hands high with black skin and light grey coat. He is named Rapaga



Sweet, sweet sleep
Take me away
To thoughts so rich
My hands itch to assay.

Sweet, sweet sleep
Take me away
To dreams so real
My heart desires to stay.

Sweet, sweet sleep
Take me away
To lands so strange
My feet make their way.

Sweet, sweet sleep
Take me away
To worlds so real
My mind desires to foray.

Take me away
Sweet, sweet sleep so ideal
To my life so complete
Nothing remains but to return to the wheel.

alternative ending

Take me away
Sweet, sweet sleep
To my life so complete
Nothing remains but to be laid deep.