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Reiku RavensbloodReiku.png
Status Active
Race Gnome
Gender Female
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime
Relatives Sueki, (deceased), Ravens Family

"Women are often told they can catch more flies with honey... but I can catch plenty with your hollowed out carcass, so really this can go either way."


You see Shadow Reiku Ravensblood, Scavenger of Elanthia, a Gnome.
Reiku has an angular face with a handful of large claw marks scarring the jaw and neck, slightly pointed ears, hollow, sunken cat-slitted amber eyes and an upturned nose. Her raven hair is calf length and dirty with both sides shaved at the temple, and is worn pulled back in two braids. She has pale skin and a rawboned figure.
She is tiny for a Gnome.
She appears to be young.
She has an oily, dark tar-like mask smeared around both of her eyes. Black soot is feathered over their browline to give it a matte finish, and streaks of the powder fall down their cheekbones.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a battered tricorn hat with faded bloodstains spoiling the dark leather, a battle-worn longcoat of aged leather with a high-lacing collar, a small fey-bone fetish bundled with glossy black feathers, a sun-bleached linen shirt cinched at the waist by dark splatter-stained leather, some linen handwraps coated in resin and glass shards, some black leather gloves with the finger holes cut out, a silver band topped with a glaes raven's head cradling a chaos chalcedony in its beak, a butcher's toolstrap woven from bloodstained leather, some marred dark leather pants cross-gartered below the knee with linen strips and a pair of battered skeleton-winged leather boots caked in dried mud.


Member of the Ravens Family
January 7, 2023 - Present

Biological family:
Was born a twin to Sueki. Sueki walked the starry road on the sisters' 15th birthday. Both were originally Elothean Savants, only Reiku was found to be favored by the gods. See Origin story and Reiku's Sacrifice for more information.


Spouse: Single
Roleplay Stance: Heavy
PvP Stance: Open
Discord: GrrArgh#5547

Play list
ADONA - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Imagine Dragons - Enemy
Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
Blue Stahli - Anti You
twenty one pilots - Heathens
Tool - Forty Six & 2
Maroon 5 - Animals


Born Reiku Oyama
Reiku is pronounced Ray kOO.
Reiku means "beautiful stone of black color.
She is [tiny for a gnome] which would put her just shy of 2ft tall - don't ask me how she swings a giant mallet, she just does. 2ft tall is about knee height on someone who is 6ft
Frequently is seen without a tongue (self inflicted) and even when she does have a tongue she seldom speaks.
Follower of Aldauth
Finds beauty in the broken beaten scarred and damned.


a Darkmist abyss monkey draped in strands of clattering bone fragments

Reiku's Sacrafice (1/11/23)

444 years, 101 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer during the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Amber Phoenix.
Reiku was killed via voluntary ritual sacrifice to her god Aldauth as an offering to the god of agony to bless the venture of the Ravensblood family initiating what became known as the Dark Inquisition.

Unbeknownst to those watching the dark ritual, it was not just a request for a blessing, but also a bid to the gods to remove the taint of necromancy that had long burdened her physical form though her soul had long since been redeemed, allowing her to move forward in her goals of destroying the guild that she felt tricked and betrayed by without the corruption constantly nipping at her heels.

Slain and favorless she departed, her body destroyed as it was gripped by a flaming ghostly hand burning it to cider and when she awoke, she found herself no long in her previous form of an Elothean but now in the form of a gnome though she retained her features including her Elothean savant eyes.

Character was rerolled, though still played as the same character, with same memories and same experiences, just new guild and physical form

Rifkinn says, "Brothers, Sisters, Ravens."

Rifkinn says, "Our work with the peasants of this world is coming along, those of the north who built their tower while we labored on the bridge have shown where their interest lay."

Rifkinn says, "Bringing the guilded from their arrogance and power and raising up the unfortunate, those who work the lands, tend the shops and labor for our vanities."

Rifkinn says, "Past transgressions with the Red Hatchets have been put to rest and bestowed upon us is our nest."

Rifkinn says, "A war with those who envy Brother Atuen and the fear he commands has started. The Grey Dragons? Whatever that means."

Rifkinn says, "But today, Brother Raikage, Brother Liurilias and myself wish to install a fresh cabal to our charter."

Rifkinn says, "If you will all entertain me for a little longer, I will explain why I bring this to you all before the vulture of agony."

Rifkinn says, "As you all are well aware, my own devotion as Inquisitor, following Brother Liurilias, has seen the Inquisition take many turns, but always with the one direction. And that is death to anything that practices or supports that of Necromancy and its supporters."

Rifkinn says, "One cannot escape the change that has engulfed our lands. Necromancy is no longer seen as the threat it is. And this has come about through blind arrogance, pathetic sympathies, and Idiotic ideologies."

Rifkinn says, "I lay the blame of this not just at the feet of those who are guilded."

Rifkinn says, "This apathy is rooted here in this temple, and buried deep by Tallis Elaria herself. Her leadership and words have grown soft as the years since so many peasants fell at the hands of the Devourer. But yet it is those who support such arts today are the ones who claim to be the victors of her. Such hypocrisy."

Rifkinn frowns.

Rifkinn says, "The Inquisition as it is today, is nothing. And Tallis, with her ignorance has brought that once feared caucus to a memory."

(Raikage also frowns)

Rifkinn says, "So today, we will usher in a new Inquisition, If Tallis Elaria remains so quiet with the continuing struggle that is Necromancy I say we abandon the present doctrine of the Inquisition. Through the Hounds of Rutilor we will find our zeal, but amongst ourselves we will set the standard to which we hunt down the Necromancer. If using them for our own ends serves, then that service we will use."

Rifkinn says, "We will bring to our lands a Dark Inquisition."

Rifkinn says, "To seal our new path in this fight, I have requested Brother Liurilias to offer up to Aldauth a sacrifice. As a pledge to what we will bring to those who follow, support or get in the way of our mission."

Rifkinn says to Liurilias, "Brother....."

Liurilias gazes at you.

Liurilias says, "Cast yourself upon the altar."

Rifkinn glances at you.

You stand back up.

(Reiku walks quietly toward the altar, her bare feet padding softly across the dark floor.)

You climb up onto a heavily carved altar of black ironwood and stretch out upon it.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Liurilias says, "With my stroke, your journey to remove the stains of your sins will begin. To Aldauth you will go. You cleansing will not be quick and it will not be clean. He has plans for you. We have plans for you."

Rifkinn quietly says to Raikage, "This has been to long comming brother."

Raikage nods at Rifkinn, obviously agreeing with his views.

A shiver runs up your spine.

Rifkinn says to you, "This here is wwhat you are as being a Raven, but today you will be reborn."

Liurilias just left. (technical difficulties)

Rifkinn says, "Let me see if i can find Atuen."

Atuen came through a polished ebony archway.

Atuen says, "Now."

Atuen sprinkles some holy oil on you.

Atuen prostrates himself before a heavily carved altar of black ironwood and rattles off praises to the dark gods. Standing up, he raises a long gilt-edged dagger with a central blood channel above your supine body and pauses. Atuen proclaims, "I, the holy servant, sacrifice this Elothean to the eternal glory of Aldauth! May her paltry soul be found worthy!"
Atuen swiftly slams his gilt-edged dagger downward to plunge it deeply into your heart.
All of your favors with the gods burn off, taken by Aldauth along with your life.

Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.
A chill crosses the surface of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. You feel the eyes of the gods upon you and realize that none look upon you with favor.

A flaming, ghostly hand wraps around your corpse. As the fiery red skeletal fingers close, your ashy remains disappear into the earth with the hand.

Origin Story

coming soon
Please keep in mind if you choose to read her origin story it should be considered OOC information until your character actually has an opportunity to learn these things from an IC interaction.

Logs and Journals

a crisp sheet of white paper(Formal Petition Submitted to Baron Gryfford 10/9/22)
The paper reads:
Court Advisor Aaiyaah,
I am here to represent the interests of my Master who, given the current laws of the land, is precluded from appearing themself. My Master would like to formally petition His Grace, The Baron Gryfford on behalf of all Redeemed necromancers to be able to move freely through and dwell within his lands. This of course would be an allowance made only to the Redeemed, provided they remain upon the path the Gods have placed them. My Master is aware this will seem an absurd request and as such has bid me also deliver a journal in which my Master shares their experiences of the path of redemption. They pray His Grace will read it with an open mind and heart. My Master is under no delusion, they understand the harm and horror they and their unrepentant brethren have caused. Yet my Master comes to His Grace in hopes through a mutual understanding he will see the Redeemed as the Gods now see them, as powerful tools in the fight to come.

My Master's Journal (The journal entry given to Court Advisor Aaiyaah to pass to Baron Gryfford)

Beautiful Things

a battered tricorn hat with faded bloodstains spoiling the dark leather
Tattered and timeworn, the hat is little more than a series of near-matching leather patches. Hints of the original form are still visible under the chaotic assortment of fraying string stitches holding the pieces together. An odd glint of razor-sharp metal catches the eye, drawing attention to its resting place nestled into the seam of the front peak of this otherwise plain headcover.
ATMO: A faint coppery-metallic scent lingers in the air around Reiku.

a battle-worn longcoat of aged leather with a high-lacing collar
With its tattered split-tails and scarred black leather, this garment has been shoddily mended in a multitude of locations with dingy string stitching and crudely crafted metal fasteners pulling gashes and gaps in the material shut. The darkened steel hooks that run from the waist to neck are designed to pull the coat taut at the torso before giving way to frayed leather laces that seal the standing collar closed in a bid to obscure the lower half of the face when worn.

a sun-bleached linen shirt cinched at the waist by dark splatter-stained leather
Dark brownish-red stains are splashed across the worn, well-oiled belt used to pull the thin material of the faded garment tight. Held in place by pit-marked steel buckles, the near-corset provides structure to the otherwise billowing movement of the loose shirt. An open collar with frayed edges reveals missing top buttons, the worn sleeves rolled up to the elbow to disguise tattered cuffs.

some marred dark leather pants cross-gartered below the knee with linen strips
Wide gashes of battles gone by mended and affixed with metal fasteners and fraying string create a haphazard appearance to the splatter-stained material cut to otherwise fit snuggly to a slim figure when worn. Sun-bleached linen in sharp contrast to the dark hues of the well-oiled leather has been twined from below the knee to cuff, allowing easy tucking when worn with tall boots.

a pair of battered skeleton-winged leather boots caked in dried mud
A few scraggly vulture feathers are all that remain on the delicate boning jutting out from the scarred leather of these calf-high boots, the gaps in plumage supplemented by strips of ratty linen that dangle from the ulna. Crude steel buckles ensure a secure fit when worn, while the pitch color of the leather conceals some of the abuse this footwear has seen. Thick mud tinged red with dried blood sits in sharp contrast to the darker hues of the rest of the boot, hinting at a gruesome history.