Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings/Petitions and Log 12-03-2022

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It has been 443 years, 343 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine (ship) in the year of the Golden Panther.

Log provided from the point of view of Kaelie, Order of the Black Fox - Council

 ~~In Attendance~~
 Court Advisor Aaiyaah
 Ambassador Edrac 
 Councillor Elizzibiana
 Sir Madigan
Oracle Mazilyn
Vesper Jaelia 
Maunderer Aislynn
Primal Lady Zalinyar
Woodsman Jennanta
Paladin of Eylhaar Arkalye 
Harmless Biomancer Kaele 

Aaiyaah says, "Hello eeryone."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Good to see you!"
Aaiyaah says, "Will get started here shortly."
Madigan asks, "How are we today?"
Aaiyaah says, "Kicking off in two rois folks. Just a general heads up, we may see some potential conflict during this meeting. I advise to be prepared to defend yourself at all times."
Madigan says, "Which, is rather normal most times."
Zalinyar says, "I'm going to need more rum."
Jaelia says to Zalinyar, "Thank you for the sugestion."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Hello and welcome everyone! It is so very good to see everyone! A special welcome to Northern Watch, Theren Guard, and Dragon Shield in attendance!! Please make yourselves comfortable, get your classes going, and help yourselves to all the booze on the bar or food from the sideboard that you want!"
Zalinyar says, "I'm worse at defending myself than I am at keeping the bodies in the basement."
Aislynn quietly says to Zalinyar, "There's no shame in preferring peace."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Agenda for today is as follows.....Welcome and introduction (what we are doing now), discussion of current events and happenings, petitions, and then open floor. However, let me make sure to inform everyone that we may at any time have fighting break out so please, be aware of your surroundings and protect yourselves at all times!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I understand that each of you could be doing any number of things right now and I want to personally thank each of you for making time to be here today! The purpose of these meetings is to help foster better communication among Therengians, allies, and friends to foster closer working relationships!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That said, I am here at your disposal to assist you in any and all means to carry out His Grace's wishes in an effort to realize his vision for Therengia! Please do not hesitate to call on me to help in anyway possible!"
Aaiyaah asks, "With that, let us get started! Who would like to kick us off with current events?"
Zymi says, "We will start."
Reiku softly says, "I come as a messenger on behalf of the Raven Family and they have asked me to relay the following sentiments."
Reiku softly says, "It has come to our attention that the incompetent actions of one Northern Watch member, Salvitoriel, have led to some confusion. It seems he was incapable of relaying a simple message so this will be the one and only time this will be repeated. Until The Raven Family is paid what they are owed they will take their payment out in the hides of those who uphold the Bastard son of Jeladric IV and his unwillingness to pay his honest debts."
Reiku softly says, "Or perhaps they are wrong? Is it the unwillingness or the inability of an unfit ruler that has driven his province to bankruptcy? The Raven Family is not unreasonable, they will accept timely payments to settle this sizable debt as well as offer the assistance of Brother Ishcah to help organize the province's finances. Until a good faith showing is made, blood will continue to flow."
Aaiyaah says, "I hope the Ravens are prepared to do that until the end of time. The Baron is not paying a single coin."
Reiku softly says, "Locating, or sending familiars after members of the Raven family or their allies will result in the death of the one tracking them, as well as any accomplices giving them assistance."
Reiku says, "Shh I am not done."
Reiku softly says, "It is the Raven Family's sincerest hope that sanity will return to the minds and hearts of those who uphold and support this theft of services. It is their hope the bloodshed will end but that rests entirely upon the choices of the one you support and the longer he delays in paying his debts the longer he exposes you all to the continued aggressive and just attempts of the Family to collect what is owed to them."
Zymi says, "I would say I am surprised to see you on the floor Aislynn, but I would be lying."
Aislynn quietly says to Zymi, "Have your eyes checked, darling. I'm on my recliner."
Reiku softly says, "That is all we have to say."
Zymi says, "Look to be lying down but call it what you like."
Aaiyaah says, "Ok, apologies for speaking before you were done, let me repeat."
Aaiyaah says, "I hope the Ravens are prepared to do that until the end of time. The Baron is not paying a single coin."
Zymi says, "We are."
Aaiyaah says, "Very well."
Reiku says to Aaiyaah, "Then the blood of his people will be upon his hands."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who would like to speak next?"
Zalinyar asks, "And follow that comedy act?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "ODS will be hosting a gala later this month we invite you to bring your favorite tea and fanciest dress, there will be prizes and fun for all."
Madigan says, "Arkyale, any update on the bridge ceremony? All good if that is on hold or off the table, but wondering if that is still in the works."
Arkalye gruffly says, "As of right now Atvus is still asleep, so nothing more has been discussed."
Madigan says, "Understood."
Mazilyn asks, "What bridge ceremony?"
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Arkalye, looking forward to it."
Zalinyar says, "Since the fest was going on during the last Heart and Helm events, we're planning on repeating the heralding contest and announcing the winners of that at our first event."
Madigan says to Mazilyn, "Sorry. Was casting a spell or two there. A dedication of the newly built bridge."
Aaiyaah says, "I look forward to that as well."
Mazilyn asks, "Didnt that happen?"
Zalinyar says, "And the second one will be a free form Q and A session with explanation of how we will run the World Jousting Tournament, and give everyone in attendance an opportunity to get better aquainted with tournament."
Zalinyar says, "That's all I have for Heart and Helm."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Zalinyar, it is always appreciated."
Madigan asks, "Zali, you still working on the World Jousting Tourny as well, or who's court is that in now?"
Zalinyar says to Madigan, "I am."
Madigan asks, "Top notch. Update there?"
Zalinyar says, "It will be held in January, two events a week starting the second week."
Elizzibiana says, "On behalf of the Iron Circle I want to thank those that showed up for the dice event, we hope you had fun. For thise that were unable too, maybe you can attend the drunk drink on Aesry in a couple days."
Aaiyaah says, "I missed it! Oh no..."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I wanted to go to that!!"
Elizzibiana says, "I'm sure another will come around again."
Zalinyar exclaims, "It was fun!"
Elizzibiana says, "Please check the calendar for the time, it will be on Aesry again."
Elizzibiana says, "For the drunk drink that is, check the calendar."
Elizzibiana says, "And on a side note, I want to introduce Edrac, a fellow ambassador but with the White Rose."
Aaiyaah says, "Welcome."
Edrac says, "Hello."
Elizzibiana says to Aaiyaah, "That is all, thank you."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you as always."
Madigan says, "Nice to meet you Edrac. Welcome to Theregia."
Edrac says, "Thank you."
Madigan wryly says, "Keep your spells up at all times."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anything else before we move to petitions?"
Aaiyaah says, "Very well. My favorite part of the meeting...."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who has petitions for His Grace?"
Aaiyaah says, "Looking good so far."
Zalinyar asks Aaiyaah, "Is there an update on Heart and Helm's request?"
Aaiyaah says, "Not at this time m lady."
Edrac says to Elizzibiana, "Be right back."
Aislynn quietly asks, "I would like to request that the citizenry clerks be asked to change their speeches. Every citizen of this Province is being promised protection from outside forces, yet that seems to be uniquely not provided here in the wild, wild North. Perhaps promises that can't be kept shouldn't be made?"
Aaiyaah asks, "I see, I will communicate that to His Grace. Is this a petition from the Order of the Dragon shield officially?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Not at all, just from me. A citizen."
Aaiyaah asks, "So not as Vice Speaker?"
Aaiyaah says, "Understood."
Aislynn quietly says, "Correct."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you m lady."
Aaiyaah asks, "Any additional petitions?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "The Jackals would like to follow up on our petition for the holiday and altar."
Aaiyaah says, "Understood, but no decision has been made at this time. Similar to the bridge, please keep asking. We needed something else to nag His Grace about."
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, if no other petitions..."
Aaiyaah says, "Going once...."
Madigan says, "Crobin..."
Madigan says, "Wanted me to interrupt you. I am honoring that with what I just said."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Starting over! Going once!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Going twice!"
Aaiyaah says, "Gone, moving on to coming events."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who would like to share with us any news of additional happenings that may be coming?"
Aaiyaah says, "Outside the normal routine of events we have."
Madigan says, "We anticipate welcoming in this class of Watch recruits in the near future."
Madigan says, "Do not be overly concerned if you see them dying in the near future."
Madigan says, "They are just running the Gauntlet."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That is outstanding!!!!!!"
Madigan says, "Also."
Arkalye gruffly asks, "So more feeding the Deamon?"
Aaiyaah says, "I look forward to sharing with His Grace new members joining the Watch."
Madigan says, "Fighting the demon Arkalye. Killing the ur-mamas diminishes not increases the demon. Although, it is dangerous."
Arkalye gruffly says, "I do wish you lot would find some other place to play than under Eylhaar's temple."
Aislynn quietly says, "The road to ruin begins with good intentions."
Zalinyar says, "Perhaps the new recruits will help the ordinary citizens feel less vunerable up here in the wild wild North."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Commander, I bid the new class of recruits success in the Gauntlet. Having ran it with Teyl, I have seen how much of a challenge it truly is."
Arkalye gruffly says, "The needless death is the antithesis of her teaching."
Madigan says, "Someone must fight and that is why we exist. We will fight sir."
Aaiyaah says, "Everyone, this is not the time or place to debate the internal operations of the Northern Watch. His Grace has empowered them to act accordingly and it is between Commander Madigan and Marshal Amlach if there is a issue." Aaiyaah asks, "Is that understood?"
Arkalye gruffly says, "As you say Court Advisor."
Aaiyaah says, "Oustanding."
Aaiyaah asks, "Any additional upcoming events folks wish to speak on?"
Aaiyaah says, "Great! Open floor! So far we have not had any interruptions so far so good."
Jaelia says, "In my Travels, I have had many speak of those lost, those passed, those missing, those gone, and wish to - not only find peace, but to Remember. I wish to reach out to those in Theren, Zoluren, and Shard, to request a coordinated event that - while driven by individuals, if others choose to participate, we allow a gathering in each separately for a Day of Remembrance."
Jaelia says, "I understand death and loss and grief, but we must also celebrate and share and remember."
Jaelia says, "There seem many who wish for these, and I look for contacts across these places who would wish to assist or help faciliate such. That is all."
Jaelia says, "I just - too many stories."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That sounds fantastic Jaelia and welcome to Therengia and to our meeting!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I hope you can attend more in the future!"
Madigan says, "Just so."
Jaelia says, "It is an Honor and A Privelage."
Jaelia says, "Thank you. I can speak to others at another time, Thank you for your time."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Thanks again Jaelia!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Anyone have additional comments, thoughts, suggestions?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Alright! I like it, short and sweet kinda meeting today!"
Zalinyar says, "Oh, the White Rose Random Rose Raffle is later, bring a dira, get a rose for the raffle."
Zalinyar says, "It's usually a really fun event."
Aaiyaah says, "Alrighty, if nothing else, going once...."
Jaelia says, "I am looking forward to all the upcoming events, Thank you."
You say, "And the OBF Egg Hunt is tomorrow."
Aaiyaah says, "Going two and a half..."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Gone!!! Thank you all for coming!!"