Miskton/Logs/20221112 Visions

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Event Name: Vision Meeting
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2022-11-12
Game Date of Event: 443-07-22
Point of View: Miskton
You say, "Okay, I think we can probably get started."

Aluwyyn chuckles.

You say, "Thank you all for coming this evening. I've got a number of visions to discuss... and now it seems even more than I originally anticipated."

Rifkinn says to Aluwyyn, "Wonderful, i will have Brother Frulle stop by and give you your just rewards."

Rifkinn smiles at Aluwyyn.

Aluwyyn chuckles at Rifkinn.

Aluwyyn gazes at you.

Morlokk slowly says, "Thoughts a few rois."

You say, "To start..."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "I found myself in a long corridor smelling of pine, a warm, dry breeze carrying the sound of grinding stone and clanking metal. As I watched, paint chips flaked upward from the sandy floor, settling on the walls, recreating a lost mural composed of words and symbols winding around fanciful depictions of a giant, multi-limbed being striding across a forest. The mural continued around the bend of the hall, so I walked forward, revealing a robed figure kneeling at a stone altar painting the face of a large clay figure. The mural continued to form, the robed figure continued their meticulous work, and the clay figure twitched. The vision ended."

You say, "Some people have raised the possibility that this might be related to those new forms of clays constructs that have been noticed up in Therengia."

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Jaelia raises an eyebrow.

Shinesden says, "I have seen that one a few times."

You say, "That seems plausible, though I'm not sure how the giant being in the mural plays into that."

Aluwyyn ponders.

Jaelia smiles broadly as she grasps your lesson, encouraging you.

Shinesden ponders.

Anuril asks, "Could the giant multi-limbed figure be the old hollow eve mechanical spider?"

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

You say, "I hadn't noticed it much at first, but on later review the fact that the floor was sandy stood out to me, as that would seem to speak a bit as to where the location might be."

You say to Anuril, "That's a possibility. It did walk through forests."

You say, "I'm not sure what a clay figure would have to do with the spider, but it would fit the mural."

Anuril says, "Wasn't..."

Anuril ponders.

Hanryu studies the faces around him.

Gwenddolyn says, "Sand where pine trees are, seems not many locations would have both of those."

Anuril asks, "I've heard talk of some merchant that sold dolls once that.. came alive?"

You say, "Though at this point most stuff to do with the spider would probably be underwater, along with it."

You say to Anuril, "I've only heard stories, but yes."

Anuril gives a slight nod.

You say, "Well, there were a few dolls apparently from that merchant that went wild at Hollow Eve some time back, but after the initial troubles."

Aluwyyn takes a sip of his wine.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes and if you had one in your vault, well that was not fun."

Aluwyyn glances at Gwenddolyn.

Jaelia says, "- I don't mean to be crude but we are SURE the foxes from teh chicken coop that are soft and cuddly...."

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Jaelia says, "THe Merelew are wonderful, but there are some sects..."

Anuril grins at Jaelia.

Gwenddolyn says, "So the crashed and burned spider is being used for something else perhaps."

Gwenddolyn asks, "Is that a possibility?"

You say, "It may well be, since the remnants are dangerous. But I don't think that necessarily ties into the clay figure being painted."

Jaelia asks, "The waters have been out of balance for awhile it seems, despite earlier attempts that did make it better, is that the correct understanding of history?"

Jaelia nods.

Jaelia says, "I don't - I don't like the idea of false or null life, just like I do not like the idea of false or null faith."

Gwenddolyn asks, "Could it have crawled ashore somewhere?"

Gwenddolyn says, "Or been raised by someone."

Jaelia frowns.

You say, "Some pieces might wash ashore, but I don't think there's anything left large enough to crawl."

Hanryu says, "The explosion was pretty final and thorough."

Aluwyyn chuckles.

You say, "Let's see... For the next vision..."

You say, "I found myself standing before a mirror, gazing at my reflection. I tentatively reached forward and touched the smooth glass, but as my fingers grazed the surface, the reflection of my hand rippled and took on monstrous form -- a hideous claw wrapped in vile tentacles. The reflected appendage reached through the mirror and gently intertwined its fingers with my own, and I recoiled in revulsion, my reflection reverting to normal."

You say, "I collected myself and leaned forward, watching as my visage twisted and contorted, gazing at me in monstrous reflected curiosity, and I pushed against the glass, falling into the mirror."

You say, "I turned and saw my reflection, normal in every way, and looked down to gaze upon my hideous claws. The vision faded."

Ezerak wrinkles his nose.

Shinesden nods.

You say, "I'm not sure what specific event this vision might be related to, but my general thought is that it will involve the appearance of something which appears threatening, but in actuality won't be too different from us."

Aluwyyn shifts his weight.

Reiku writes something on her paper.

Reiku offers Rifkinn a crisp sheet of white paper.

Rifkinn accepts Reiku's white paper.

Rifkinn reads his paper.

Brief flashes of silver light illuminate the surroundings in sharp bursts as shimmering bolts arc from within the depths of the shadowy orb, swirling around Jaelia merely to rejoin with their parent on the other side.

You say, "The being in the mirror appeared monstrous, but was not actually threatening in its actions."

Rifkinn snickers.

Gwenddolyn says, "Claw and tentacles in other visions."

Rifkinn nods at Reiku, obviously agreeing with her views.

Reiku hums to herself.

Aaiyaah gets a heavy leather-bound chronicle embellished with an oversized golden key and arch from inside his silk backpack.

Aaiyaah turns the page of his leather-bound chronicle.

Aaiyaah turns the page of his leather-bound chronicle.

Aaiyaah jots down some notes.

Jaelia asks you, "It depends, how dangerous are you?"

Hanryu says, "Plenty of demons like to courrupt human form also."

You say to Jaelia, "Not very, at least relatively speaking."

You grin wryly.

Anuril asks, "The mirror could be some kind of boundary, a point of no return?"

Anuril ponders.

Gwenddolyn says, "How many other visions have claws in them, quite a few."

Jaelia says, "I do not know enough about Visions to unpack all their various symbolism and ties to history. And I like the idea of remaining open minded before rushing to judgement, as some things, are truly just neutral, it is actions, not the thing itself, or purpose. But the Visions just rile me and I don't know why."

You say, "It didn't seem triumphant or otherwise like it was winning something, either. Just curious."

Rifkinn whispers something to Reiku.

You say, "The next vision seems very specific, but perhaps might be a bit more metaphorical than it appears..."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You exclaim, "A cruel General stood before a city gate, a bloody brother and sister clinging to one another nearby. The General summoned fire, scorching blue flames curling up his arm, and screamed across the battlements, "Face me, face me now, or they die like the rest!"

You say, "Somber faces peered down from the battlements, but no one moved, and the children clung to one another, the younger boy weeping, the older sister's jaw clenched in fury. Some time passed."

You say, ""You made your choice," the General finally said."

You say, "The flames erupted, spiraled toward the children, the boy screaming in fear. The fire raged, clawed forward, and the older sister looked up defiantly, held her palm forward and softly said, "No."

You say, "The walls of the city splintered and exploded in every direction, the General's flesh peeled from his bones, and the sky broke. The boy stopped screaming, and looked at his sister in wonder. The vision faded."

Aaiyaah jots down some notes.

Aluwyyn cocks his head.

Gwenddolyn says, "No racial clues there either."

Gwenddolyn says, "Reminds me of Morganae and her brother."

Rifkinn says, "Well thats the last time that kidd will think about telling on his sister."

Anuril smirks at Rifkinn.

You say, "Any points could be of significance, of course, but the main ones that stand out to me are the General wielding blue flame, the targets being siblings, and that the sister's counter attack destroyed her attacker as well as apparently those who didn't help them."

You say, "And the breaking of the sky."

Reiku squints.

Reiku beams!

Reiku takes a sip of her water.

Gwenddolyn says, "That is similar to what Morganae did to the Dwarven General."

Morlokk nods politely.

Hanryu asks, "I'm unfamiliar with the significance of blue flames. Can you elaborate?"

Gwenddolyn says, "Elemental."

Anuril says, "Often associated with sorcery."

You say, "The Shear spell uses blue fire, though doesn't seem to be applicable here. Changing the color of fire could be hylomorphic sorcery, of course."

Gwenddolyn nods to you.

Anuril quietly says, "The shear spell, which is based on a sorcerous pattern originally..."

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril rubs his head.

You say, "There was also blue fire in the recent vision of sitting in a chair and being exposed to something which overwhelms and destroys the seer."

Hanryu nods.

Aluwyyn smiles at Ayrell.

Ayrell smiles at Aluwyyn.

Hanryu says, "Thanks."

Aluwyyn sits down on the camp stool.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully to Aluwyyn.

Aluwyyn shifts his weight.

Anuril frowns.

You ponder.

Ezerak smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ayrell smiles at Ezerak.

Anuril blinks.

You say, "I suppose something with power on that scale that might object to sorcery could be something like a Herald."

Anuril says, "There..."

You say, "Actually having them active would be quite unsettling, though."

Hanryu frowns.

Aluwyyn blinks.

Hanryu glances at you.

Anuril says to you, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Kethrai reports there is an invasion of some kind in Steel Claw clan. Cloud eels and... some kind of Drogor... thing."

Aluwyyn stands up.

You frown.

Aluwyyn closes the camp stool.

Reiku raises an eyebrow.

Anuril clears his throat.

You say, "That is something that should be dealt with. They could quite easily spread from there, given that the fly."

[Running around Steelclaw Clan and Crossing hunting cloud eels for a while, then returning to Shard.]

Mountain Lord Ezerak's group came through a black Moongate.

Apollys came through a black Moongate.

You nod politely.

Jaelia bows her head and chants catechisms.

A black Moongate collapses in on itself.

Ezerak says to you, "Thank you for your assistance."

Jaelia says, "I am Laying Phelim's Blessing down."

Jaelia gestures.

Glimmering cracks of silver spiderweb the walls, leaking a misty light that collects overhead. For but a single instant, the light floods through the area like a cascade of holy water, refracting the ambient illumination and casting everything into rainbowed halos.

Morlokk stretches his arms.

Jaelia nods.

Morlokk takes off a pilgrim's badge.

Apollys says to you, "Circlet's crooked."

Apollys taps his head.

You nod politely to Ezerak.

Jaelia takes off a ebony pilgrim's badge sculpted with the emblem of Phelim.

You adjust your shesegri circlet into place.

Apollys nods to you.

Ezerak says, "Well then, visions."

Ezerak chuckles.

Jaelia grins.

You say to Apollys, "Getting zapped with lightning will do that."

Apollys says to you, "I wouldn't know. I make it a very specific point to avoid lightning while I wear my fancier headgear."

Apollys flashes a quick grin at you.

You say, "Yes, the visions."

You say, "Let's see, where were we..."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "I felt cold grass beneath my feet, and felt the whispers of the stars far above in the dark night sky. A radiant blob of black ooze marred the sky, slowly drifting downward. Pulsating as it descended with a purple glimmer flickering at its center, the blob hovered above me for a moment, pulling itself tighter and tighter before silently exploding outward with a flurry of shadowy particles."

You say, "Wherever the dark snow landed erupted with spreading tendrils and roots, a growing fungus that blanketed all visible surfaces. A single piece landed on the back of my hand, and I watched as my arm was covered in writhing black. The vision faded."

Ezerak frowns.

Morlokk laughs at Aluwyyn.

Morlokk looks at Aluwyyn and shrugs.

Ezerak asks, "The Hand?"

Aluwyyn winks at Morlokk.

You say, "That's definitely one source of potentially spreading corruption."

Apollys says to Ezerak, "I'm glad you mentioned it first, because I'd hate to seem biased."

Aluwyyn squints at Morlokk.

Apollys says, "But it certainly sounds like it could be."

You say, "The darkness with a purple light flickering in it seems like it might besomething sorcerous."

Ezerak grins at Apollys, his dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak says to Apollys, "It is always a concern. Also, it is good to see you again."

Jaelia says, "And if we potential sources known and unknown, it isn't like we can point to a direction and say, yes, Keep an eye on that one."

Jaelia says, "We have so many right now, not a clear one -."

Aluwyyn smiles at Morlokk.

Aluwyyn nods graciously at Morlokk, giving him a polite smile.

Apollys says to Ezerak, "It's good to be seen, after the time I've had."

You say, "The black ooze coming from the sky could be of importance, with the recent visions of attempting to capture stars and such."

Jaelia shakes her fist!

Jaelia nods to you.

You gesture.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Apollys peers through the Moongate.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril's group came through a black Moongate.

Anuril beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Anuril bows to you.

You release your mental hold on the lunar energy that sustains your moongate.

A black Moongate collapses in on itself.

Kethrai takes off a blindfold.

You nod politely.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Kethrai gives a slight nod.

Anuril pats Kethrai on the back.

You say, "For those who just arrived, the last vision I mentioned..."

Anuril observes you with fascination.

You say, "I felt cold grass beneath my feet, and felt the whispers of the stars far above in the dark night sky. A radiant blob of black ooze marred the sky, slowly drifting downward. Pulsating as it descended with a purple glimmer flickering at its center, the blob hovered above me for a moment, pulling itself tighter and tighter before silently exploding outward with a flurry of shadowy particles."

You say, "Wherever the dark snow landed erupted with spreading tendrils and roots, a growing fungus that blanketed all visible surfaces. A single piece landed on the back of my hand, and I watched as my arm was covered in writhing black. The vision faded."

Morlokk offers Jaelia an iron fragment.

Jaelia accepts Morlokk's iron fragment.

Morlokk nods politely.

Anuril quietly says, "The fungus is among us..."

Anuril casually observes the area.

Kethrai just nudged Anuril.

Jaelia says, "I shall return it home."

Anuril nods to Jaelia.

Morlokk smiles at Jaelia.

Jaelia says, "One rois."

Morlokk nods in agreement.

You say, "It does, at any rate, certainly seem to be about some form of spreading corruption. There are unfortunately many forms that could take, though."

Apollys says, "Another interpretation of that vision could be the world being corrupted by a wrong choice, like a Prydaen choosing to marry an Elf instead of a rather dashing Human."

Apollys gazes at his fingernails.

Jaelia nods.

Aluwyyn gazes at Jaelia.

Apollys winks at Anuril.

Anuril shakes his head at Apollys.

Jaelia says, "Come on now..."

Kethrai says, "Yeah, I don't see that interpretation."

Anuril coughs.

Jaelia laughs!

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Apollys says to Kethrai, "Fair enough. I just want you to follow me around for the healing benefits."

You ponder.

Jaelia exclaims, "Yes, go up!"

(Jaelia begins to lecture her totem.)

Morlokk grins like an idiot.

Morlokk grins.

You say, "And before I cover the last vision I've been seeing recently, I think I'll just go over the one from earlier, since it seems rather clear now."

Morlokk raises an eyebrow.

You say, "My vision clouded over. Serpentine shapes writhed in the distance, occasionally coiling together and uncoiling in an instant to lash out at other shadows in the mist. With a tremendous crackle and a burst of light, something flattened a building right behind me. As it toppled, I turned around in time to catch its blast wave of cinder and soot in the face. I blinked and pawed at my seared eyes, and everything shifted back to normal."

Jaelia frowns.

You say, "I would say the eels answered that one."

Jaelia says, "I give up."

Anuril grins at you.

Jaelia says, "Later."

Morlokk opens his belt purse.

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Aluwyyn pats Jaelia on the back.

Jaelia taps an iron fragment that she is holding.

Kethrai says, "But, the eels weren't fighting each other, and they're... small-ish."

Jaelia says, "It isn't glowing. May not be able to, but we'll try later."

Ezerak says, "Luckily, no flattened building that I saw."

Kethrai says, "That vision seemed to be talking about large shapes in the distance."

Morlokk offers Aluwyyn a pale yellow belt purse shaped like a kernel of corn.

Jaelia nods.

Aluwyyn closes his belt purse.

Jaelia asks, "But Cinder and soot?"

You say, "In hindsight, I think what flattened the building was lightning."

Jaelia asks, "The Eels, do they not usually come with whirlpools and things? Cinder and soot, Lightning?"

Apollys asks, "Snake-like shapes lashing out at shadows, seemingly in opposition?"

Jaelia asks, "Death Cult vs. Drogor vs. Other?"

Morlokk nods to Aluwyyn.

You say, "The other shadows presumably being people."

You say, "The ones that weren't writhing and serpentine."

Morlokk nods to Aluwyyn.

Apollys says, "Mmm, I wouldn't associate any of that with Drogor specifically. He's more water and sharks, less fire and shadows."

Morlokk nods to Aluwyyn.

Anuril quietly says to Kethrai, "Oooh, we were in a vision."

Aluwyyn peers quizzically at Morlokk.

Kethrai glances at Anuril.

Anuril leans on Kethrai.

Jaelia says, "Apologies, Not what I meant. I don't know that things send things to attack us in forms only Drogor has in his hand."

You say, "The eels aren't aligned with the Voidgazers, I think."

You say, "They just get riled up when Drogor does."

Jaelia nods to you.

Kethrai says, "I didn't get a very good look at the other things besides the eels that were attacking today..."

You say, "Perhaps Drogor is upset about all the adventurers helping the leviathans to explore areas his avatars have been lurking."

Apollys asks, "Oh, I see. I wasn't exactly aware, being tucked away as I've been. Perhaps we can test that theory. I've got plenty of spears, we can go stab the sea, perhaps?"

Jaelia says, "So have been too busy shopping and not enough in praise and worship and service."

Kethrai says, "But I got a strong sense of association with Drogor. Might have been the lightning they kept raining on us."

Aluwyyn nods to Morlokk.

Jaelia grins at Apollys.

You say, "The eels have been seen in the past when Drogor was making his displeasure known."

Aluwyyn nods to Morlokk.

Aluwyyn gazes at you.

Aluwyyn nods to Morlokk.

Apollys says, "Strange choice, given what all we know dwells in the sea. These eels aren't exactly the most intimidating."

Morlokk nods at Apollys, obviously agreeing with his views.

You say, "Convenient, though, since they already live in the skies above us, and don't need to worry about water access."

Apollys says, "I suppose, but when I'm angry, I throw rocks, not mud."

Jaelia says, "The Sky and Sea are just mirrors."

Anuril quietly says to Jaelia, "That's deep."

Aluwyyn shifts his weight.

Anuril gazes off into the distance.

You say, "And the stormriders are a bit sturdier. And good at blasting people with lightning."

Jaelia nods to you.

Morlokk slowly says, "Hang around her much youre bound to learn sumthin."

Morlokk nods to Jaelia.

Jaelia laughs!

You say, "And then, the last vision I've been seeing lately... It's not often I get to end on an apparently pleasant note."

Jaelia smiles at you.

Morlokk beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Jaelia says to you, "This one is nice."

You say, "I found myself seated in a dark room at a large bar. The back wall was lined with neatly arrayed bottles of various colors -- caramel toned whiskeys, dark rums, clear vodkas, milky unfiltered zuoganaas and countless others. A warmly smiling Human man stood on the other side of the bar and said, "I know just the thing."

You say, "The man grabbed a tumbler and peeled an orange, twisting a strip of rind before dropping it in. Adding a pinch of sugar and dash of bitters, the man muddled the mixture and poured a generous portion of whiskey. I heard an eruption of laughter, and the man grinned and nodded to someone behind me. The man placed a large pyramid of ice into the glass, gently stirring before sliding the drink toward me."

Kethrai says, "Oh, the one with the newfangled."

Apollys asks, "The Principality of River's Crossing is hosting a brandy and cupcakes night?"

You say, "The man said "We don't always remember, but this will help you return."

You say, "I looked into the glass, watching the pyramid of ice slowly cracking, swirling fluids mixing and twinkling, and the room grew distant as the vision faded."

Ezerak chuckles.

Anuril ponders.

You say, "I don't know the exact ingredients that were used, but an attempt at recreating the recipe I saw in the vision was pretty nice."

Apollys furrows his brow.

Jaelia grins at you.

Anuril says, "I wonder if the shape of ice is important. Pyramidal is.. unusual."

Jaelia says, "Although after some Visions, I think just about any drink would be nice."

Apollys says, "Somehow I suspect that vision has the darkest, most hidden meaning of them all, just on sheer principle."

Jaelia grins at Apollys.

Morlokk frowns at Apollys.

Kethrai says, "The words stick with me, somehow. WE don't always remember, but this will help YOU return."

Morlokk frowns at Apollys.

You say, "Oddly enough, someone has reached out looking for information on the Mountain Guard, and their letter had a seal on it with a pyramid."

Kethrai asks, "So are the bartender and the vision-haver part of the same 'we'?"

Jaelia says, "I can't speak to that Vision, that is for those who know the references. But I agree with Kethrai, That line seems very important."

You say, "The timing seems slightly suspicious, but not everything necessarily has to do with a vision."

You chuckle.

You say to Kethrai, "That would seem to be the case."

Morlokk slowly says, "If youre visions ever slow down i keep a bottle of absinthe at all times."

Morlokk nods emphatically.

Ezerak says, "Ah yes, the pyramid."

Ezerak ponders.

You say, "I've been wondering if other seers saw someone other than a Human man as the bartender, though I've not been able to hear much on that front so far."

Jaelia says, "To be fair, these Visions were also discussed in the last meeting. If we are still seeing them, they still have message we need to receive or continue to receive."

Apollys says, "Is it important at all that the peel usually goes in after the drink? He sort of built the drink backwards."

Anuril says to Apollys, "I think it's in there to be muddled."

Apollys says to Anuril, "But it's just a peel. You squeeze a peel. Muddling it? That's strange."

Apollys says, "Don't trust strange bartenders, someone never said to me."

You chuckle.

Jaelia says, "But regardless, returning, regardless of indication, in some rituals, is working backwards from what got you to that point. It isn't always that simple. But it is a way things are done."

You say, "I imagine the 'return' doesn't mean to that bar, though I wouldn't mind getting a chance to go there. I'm not sure what it does refer to, though."

Morlokk gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Kethrai says, "Could mean return FROM that bar to, wherever else it is the person is supposed to be."

Jaelia nods.

Kethrai says, "Although making somebody a drink is usually not a way to get them OUT of a bar."

You grin at Kethrai.

You ask, "Well, we were interrupted by a bit of excitement, but I think that gets things caught up. Did anyone have any questions, or anything else they'd like to bring up?"

Jaelia grins.

Anuril beams!

Apollys asks, "Any word from the Emerald Knights in the past year?"

You say, "Not that I'm aware of."

Apollys gives a slight nod.

Apollys says, "Lazy louts..."

Apollys gazes off into the distance.

Morlokk slowly says, "Not from me, I thought the general vision with the siblings was interesting..."

Kethrai asks Morlokk, "The siblings and the destroyed city?"

Morlokk nods to Kethrai.

You say, "Definitely dramatic. Whatever happens there seems like it will be... impactful."

Morlokk slowly says, "Not joyful, but interesting nonetheless."

Kethrai says, "I've been meaning to hit the books and see if I can find any references to an event like that... In the case it's historical, rather than in the future."

Morlokk nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Jaelia says, "Gwen has made a point of historical references that were important when she references that dream. But regardless of ties, that is something to come - so it could be pulling from several sources, and that just makes it too much more confusing for me to even attempt to understand."

Morlokk slowly says, "Ill do some reading in the next few days as well....love an excuse to read history."

Jaelia nods.

Kethrai asks, "I don't know of anything here that matches it, but... What if it's from Gorbesh history?"

Jaelia asks, "The Queen's Children, or was it the Queen Herself?"

Kethrai says, "I know they had lots of campaigns of conquest that could have involved a standoff like that."

Apollys quietly says to himself, "How do I phrase that nicely..."

Morlokk slowly says, "Lots indeed."

Jaelia bows her head and chants catechisms.

You say, "It might be filtered through the appearance of some historical event, which could help with interpretation... but whatever is seen, it's something that will happen in the future."

Jaelia nods to you.

You say, "Well, or MIGHT happen in the future."

Jaelia says, "I found the lesson about some things are neutral, regardless of how they may seem, is an important lesson regardless."

Morlokk nods to you.

Apollys says, "Gwen is capable of linking my choice of shoewear on this particular day to the disappearance of some long-lost nameless Saint in the years before Lanival. I'd caution some critical thought on some of her research."

Kethrai says, "The most historically important brother-sister pairing I can think of is Sable and Lanival... Nothing in that vision really matches though."

Anuril grins at Apollys.

You say, "Well, then, thank you all for coming, and I wish you all fun and good luck with the Hollow Eve festivities."

Kethrai leans on Anuril.

You smile.