Weapon:Orange rencate hand claws with hooked tips

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orange rencate hand claws with hooked tips
Look: The orange metal of these rencate hand claws is sharpened to a vicious point, but each tip has been curved to a hook, creating a weapon that appears intended to rend and slash.
Type: Hands brawling weapon
Range: melee
Puncture: a lot (4/4)
Slice: a lot (4/4)
Impact: none (0/4)
Construction: highly protected (13/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 20 stones
Appraised Cost: 32,662 Kronars26,129.6 Lirums <br />23,568.899 Dokoras <br />32.662 LTBpoints <br />32.662 Tickets <br />32.662 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the hands slot.
  • This item is styled or has special functions for Prydaens.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental loot