Post:Tuesday Tidings 122 - Swamps and piggies and nasty things, oh my! - 06/21/2022 - 09:02

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Tuesday Tidings 122 - Swamps and piggies and nasty things, oh my! · on 06/21/2022 09:02 1952
Today's Tuesday Tidings is a revamp of the Gwenalion Fens near Langenfirth. I've ... worked over the area to divide it into six new zones, rather than the two sections it had before. The safe room remains the same. But now the creatures are divided up and shouldn't be mixed up (with one small occasional exception).

The arrangement now looks like:

entrance - swamp trolls around level 32 (range should be 1 on either side)
next area - small peccaries around level 35 (range should be 1 on either side)
then two areas of fendryads - the twisted ones should be in the northern bit, the gnarled in the southern. Twisted should be around level 37, ranging 2 levels each side. Gnarled should be around level 44, ranging 2 levels each side. Lastly the water area has been divided into two zones - southern one should be around 52 (ranging 2 each side) and the northern one should be around level 58 (also ranging 2 each side). The only place the creatures should mix is the fendryads - there's a bit of a chance the gnarled ones will occasionally sneak into the twisted ones but it shouldn't be that often.

All of the creatures had their spawn rate increased, in some cases, a very large jump. Be careful venturing in ... the spawn is definitely supposed to be greater and it could be easy to be overwhelmed. Also, because I changed the levels around on them and because they are older creatures, there may be some changes in their "level feel" since they have some odd quirks due to their age and some stuff with their code.

Mucho thanks to Zadraes for QCs!

SGM Ulerith
Creature Goddess and general dogsbody

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ULERITH on the forums.