Hollow Eve Festival 439/Visions

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Over the course of Hollow Eve 439, a series of visions were displayed globally, and appeared to progressively get darker in nature. As different people would see different visions at any one time, the visions below are only outlined in a rough order.


Date and Time: 11/09/2021
Your mouth fills with brine, and your vision ripples like water. Drifting gently within a floor of a kelp forest, you seek out pristine fronds and sturdy stalks, harvesting sparingly. Coiling the long stipe around your chest, you pare the blades from its bladder, separating the oily leaves into a loose weave satchel. After a short period of time, you have an impressive haul, and swim for the edge of the forest. A pair of dolphins play in a small clearing, chasing one another and occasionally tossing a starfish back and forth. They approach you, gently batting and softly nibbling on your arms, and together, you swim for deeper waters. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: ?