Miskton/Logs/20211009 Visions

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Event Name: Vision Meeting
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2021-10-09
Game Date of Event: 439-07-26
Point of View: Miskton
You say, "Okay, I think we should probably get started."

You say, "I imagine there may still be people on the way, but I have also discussed several of these visions with a number of them already."

You say, "Ah, there we go."

You smile.

Kethrai glances at a Elf assistant.

Ayrell says to you, "My apologies for the delay."

You say, "Just in time."

Ayrell curtsies gracefully to you.

Elaun gazes off into the distance.

You say, "So, as I was about to say... I think perhaps I'll start with one that was rather clear to start with, and I think can be rather definitively placed at this point."

You say, "I saw a horrific monster galloping towards the field of battle, tentacles sprouting from its back as it ran on four legs. Crashing into a line of soldiers, the monster rent and sundered flesh and bone, bathing in the blood and screams of its enemies. A Human man with a scarred face and burnt hand roared in challenge, stepping forward and brandishing fire and acid, and the two met head on. Suddenly everything froze, a billowing spiral of fire raking across the monster's belly, a razor tipped tentacle skewering the man through the shoulder, and both turned to me."

You say, ""Finish what we have started!" the man shouted."

You say, ""Further Their cause!" the monster bellowed."

You say, "The vision faded."

Tirost sadly says to you, "That is hard to hear."

Angel nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

You say, "I think most who were on Basalt Isle are familiar with what happened between Zauldin and Sivroch. Although I was not personally in a place to see it happen."

Karthor says, "Oh hey, a vision that sounds familiar instead of mysterious. How 'bout that."

Brisknite nods to you.

Kethrai nods to you.

Elaun nods to you.

Merilwen grins at Karthor.

Anuril nods to you.

Eyst asks, "Oh? What happened?"

Sliayyl grins at Karthor.

Tirost says to you, "You and Angel told him of that vision shortly before we left, as I recall."

Angel smiles at Tirost.

You say to Eyst, "Zauldin was attacked by Sivroch, and thrown through a hole in space to... someplace else."

You say, "Killed by whatever was within, beyond the reach of the Immortals."

Kethrai gazes upward.

Tirost nods to you.

Eyst says, "Ah... such a loss."

Tirost glances at Vanzok.

Tirost asks Vanzok, "You disagree?"

Vanzok asks Tirost, "Hmm?"

Tirost shakes his head at Vanzok.

Eyst says, "I really must hear a first hand account from someone, it appears there's a lot of specifics I haven't heard yet."

Anuril quietly says to Eyst, "I think you will need about five accounts to get a somewhat full picture of events."

Elaun nods to Anuril.

Angel nods.

You say, "I think, in the aftermath of events on the island, there are several other visions that can probably be tied to them, as well."

Tirost nods.

Zalinyar asks, "Would it not be that each person present would take away from that experience something unique unto them?"

Elaun asks, "Did anyone try and predict the umm...beings... at the Basalt's future?"

Constantia frowns.

You say, "The opportunity did not arise, though I think it might have been a bad idea."

Elaun nods to you.

Angel nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You say, "As for the previous visions... I think the visions of the beacons of golden light very likely related to the Sanyu Aes weapon, although it would take a paladin to speak to what they actually experienced there."

Angel says to you, "I stuck to my mission rather than stray and lose search and rescue."

You say, "And for other visions... there were several about a squad of monstrous figures, but I think the final one makes the most direct linkage to things that were seen on Basalt Isle."

Anuril gazes at you.

Saragos nods to you.

Vanzok says, "The golden light in your visions - and the specters or ghosts - almost certainly refer to the Sanyu Aes."

You say, "Ah, yes... The beacon visions, for those who aren't familiar with them..."

Betlind nods in agreement.

You say, "In the first..."

You say, "My prophetic senses chaotically howled with a deafening wrongness, and a fetid wind assailed my senses, burning my eyes and causing me to retch. There was violation there, forms that defied the possible, creatures made from madness. Tooth and claw, frost and bile, and eyes and steel, and bramble and wire and they came, rending and tearing and howling, and they came, chaos in their wake, and they ca-."

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light cascading with clean lines and sharp edges, and it poured forth, shackling the future with its righteous refusal."

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light cascading with the screams of a soul burning."

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light cascading from the skies, eradicating and expunging."

You say, "The sense of wrongness passed, and the vision faded."

Brisknite nods to you.

You say, "The second was quite similar."

Anuril nods.

Angel says to you, ""shackling the future" is ominious after that battle."

You say, "My prophetic senses chaotically howled with a deafening wrongness, and a massive form of shadow and violation slowly rose in the distance. Within the form I made out countless skittering maws, claws, wings and talons consuming everything and growing larger and larger. They reached for the skies, grasping at the stars and extinguishing them one by one. A shockwave reached me, a fetid wind pushing me back, burning my eyes and forcing me to wretch."

Tirost nods to Angel.

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light cascading with clean lines and sharp edges, and it poured forth, evaporating the growing form with its righteous refusal."

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light woven with the roar of pain of a soul burning."

You say, "A beacon roared, golden light raining from the skies, rewriting and commanding compliance."

You say, "The sense of wrongness passed, and the vision faded."

Eyst says, "I take it the weapon performed well then."

Angel says, "Evaporating the growing form."

Kethrai says, "That is a good description of what happened."

Kethrai says, "Light poured down from the sky and seemed to burn the lich."

Brisknite nods.

You say, "And the other vision I was about to speak to..."

You say, "I saw a squad of monstrous figures encircling an endless void. Their scarred armor grew ever more fearsome, fed by inky tendrils extending from the yawning violation they guarded. They slammed wicked weapons against massive shields in challenge and formed an impenetrable shield wall, and after a moment, several flickers of golden light raked across the area, blasting the ground to slag but deflecting off the figures' shields. The brilliant bombardment ceased, and the figures snarled. The tendrils pulsed, and the figures grew ever larger."

Tirost says to Eyst, "I wish I could describe it..."

You say, "An undeniable but somehow comforting weight began to press down over the area. The figures glanced upward in confusion, and suddenly, slammed to the ground under an oppressive force. Their armor began to scream and hiss as the figures strained against an invisible weight, and their bones began to break. Still, the pressure continued, and coughing ichorous blood, the figures were crushed, the tendrils withering. The vision faded."

You say, "Which is very similar to what I saw when the Sanyu Aes was activated."

Mazrian nods.

Karthor nods.

Kethrai nods to you.

Mazrian dryly says, "Prophecy that becomes clear in hindsight? Color me shocked."

Betlind begins chortling at Mazrian.

Angel chuckles.

Tirost grins at Mazrian.

Apollys asks you, "Interesting, in the first vision, that you mentioned frost, and brambles. Were those at all recurring in anything you think is connected to the Isle?"

Karthor nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Everburned takes a sip of her rum.

Angel ponders.

Constantia ponders.

Kethrai says, "Brambles yes: the barricades themselves."

You say to Apollys, "Possibly not directly to the Isle, but to visions apparently involving demons, yes."

Apollys nods.

Anuril blinks.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Apollys says to you, "I only mention it because of the tendrils in the vision of the lions."

You nod.

Constantia nods.

Tirost takes a sip of his reserve.

Zalinyar says, "Well, the barricades, the Giant form of Jhariem, and the defeat of the kraken."

Angel nods to Zalinyar.

Nsar says, "Jeihrem."

You say, "There were also a large number of visions featuring figures in golden plate, fighting figures similar to those twisted figures. More than we have time to go over at the moment, I think. They could plausibly be related, but I'm less certain about those."

Apollys says, "Were I a more clever man, I would write these thoughts down, but alas."

Constantia glances at Nsar.

Nsar says, "At least pronounce it correctly."

Zalinyar blinks at Nsar.

Vanzok casually observes the area.

Zalinyar glances at Nsar.

Zalinyar says, "Not everyone has perfect speech."

You say, "There are a couple of other recent visions that seem like they can be tied to recent events, though the specific meaning still requires some puzzling out."

Saragos asks, "So anyway, we were talking about Jay-ram the Lich?"

Mazrian chuckles at Saragos.

Angel chuckles to herself.

Sliayyl grins.

Angel smiles at Saragos.

Merilwen grins.

You say, "First, one that seems to be related to the custodians in Zengmodaleth, and the attempt to communicate with them."

Brisknite frowns.

Tirost raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Apollys says to Saragos, "I think it's a hard sound. Hee-ram."

You say, "My mouth filled with the taste of copper, and I found myself wandering across a perfectly flat landscape, interspersed with perfect pillars that spanned far above. The tops of the pillars were a veritable web of electrical discharge, massive thick discharges zigzagging randomly, and dull purple coronal discharges hissing with spinning ball lightning. I walked for some time along the field, the air reeking of ozone and charged with static from the immense charge above."

Anuril peers quizzically at you.

You say, "After what felt like ages, I spotted a perfect cube of white material in the distance, an interruption to the repetitive forest of pillars. As I approached, I began to see a steady stream of custodians moving in and out of the cube. Suddenly, a loud *buzz* could be heard from behind me, and turning around, I saw a custodian nearby, a dozen electrical appendages extended. It flashed a series of colors -- red, green, red, yellow -- over and over, and advanced towards me. The vision faded."

You say, "Notably, the pattern I saw in the vision contained no blue lights, which had been seen during the actual attempt."

Tirost frowns thoughtfully.

Mazrian nods.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Tirost quietly says to you, "Curious...."

Mazrian says, "I wonder if the blue flash was the callback expected of us.."

Angel says to you, "At one point the blue light was missing. Maybe that vision captures that particular one."

Everburned takes a sip of her rum.

Saragos says to Mazrian, "It looks like they were losing the blue from the sequence we saw."

Angel nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

You say, "I can't say if the white cube is some actual structure which exists in the Plane of Electricity, or perhaps some complicated elemental construct which I don't have the correct frame of mind to be able to fully comprehend."

Saragos says, "That may be the degradation. If we can re-insert the blue, we might get some results. That's discussion for a meeting other than this, I think, but this vision provides a helpful clue."

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Mazrian nods to Saragos.

Saragos says to you, "I'm fairly certain that it's nothing we've seen yet."

Angel nods to Karthor.

Angel smiles.

Tirost glances at Nefis.

Mazrian raises an eyebrow.

(Miskton rubs the bridge of his nose for a moment.)

Brisknite whispers something to Saragos.

Brisknite winks at Saragos.

Zalinyar nods.

Kethrai whispers something to Anuril.

You say, "Anyway, yes, this is certainly something worth further looking into, but probably at a later time."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Eyst ponders.

Angel smiles at you.

Tirost says to you, "The colors and their sequence sound significant."

You nod to Tirost.

Vanzok stares blankly into the distance.

Mazrian nods to Tirost.

Mazrian says, "There were several attempts at giving us sequences to reply to."

You say, "The next vision did not have much meaning to me at the time, but appears to make some sense given events that have happened since."

Mazrian says, "Musical, visual..."

Zalinyar says to you, "Many mysteries to delve into."

Tirost nods to Mazrian.

You say, "I wandered through thick pine and cedar, low growing groves of juniper and holly. Birds chirruped and flitted between the canopy above. As I wandered, I got the strange impression that I was being watched, a foreboding malevolent danger following me."

You say, "Suddenly, I realized the birds had fallen silent, and I glanced around in concern."

You say, "Strong calloused hands covered my mouth and pulled me into a copse of holly, the spined leaves tearing at my clothes and skin. I found myself staring into the eyes of a man wearing a crown of antlers, draped in leaves and vines, mud covering his face. He held a single finger to his lips and pointed up. I slowly raised my eyes, and the vision faded."

Eyst nods.

You say, "The specific events seen in the vision did not occur, but a very similar figure was spotted in the Forest of Night."

Mazrian nods to you.

Tirost glances at Eyst.

Elaun asks, "Might we need to brace for an invasion?"

You say, "Following a group of us there attempting to communicate with the dryads and nyads."

You say to Elaun, "Hopefully not."

Elaun nods to you.

Tirost asks you, "You encountered the antlered being in the vision?"

Apollys says to Elaun, "We're more than safe here. We have Lady Betlind on our side."

You nod to Tirost.

Apollys just nudged Betlind.

Eyst says, "Indeed we did. If there's an interest in those events or the figure in general, I'll be hosting a gathering to discuss them next month [ooc: Next Saturday evening]."

Betlind casually observes the area.

Kethrai quietly says, "It sounds like the antlered man in the vision is trying to protect you from... whatever is watching from the trees, and scared the birds."

The suspicious figure says, "Every offering that was made was subsequently defiled."

Tirost nods.

Betlind leans on Apollys.

Merilwen gazes at a fairly made suspicious figure.

You say, "I certainly got the impression that he meant me no harm, in the vision, and was attempting to protect me from something."

Everburned takes a sip of her rum.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at you.

Eyst says, "As I understand there's been been some sort of shared experience between a number of rangers that may also be related."

Betlind says to Apollys, "Now I'll be the first to fall. Thanks."

Betlind grins at Apollys, her dimples flashing into view.

You say, "There were also reports of figures lurking in the trees snd shadows around a Ranger meeting outside Riverhaven, but I didn't get to see anything there first-hand."

Apollys asks Betlind, "That'll give me ample time to run. It's your Paladin-ly duty, isn't it?"

Apollys flashes a quick grin at Betlind.

Elaun says to you, "I only ask because at the Raid, I was lucky enough to get to fly in an airship. this style of ship could easily be used for war, and it would be something in the sky to hide from."

Tirost asks Eyst, "Can you say more about what the rangers experienced?"

Betlind hugs Angel, getting a smile in return.

Angel asks Betlind, "Better?"

Angel hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Betlind nods emphatically at Angel.

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say to Elaun, "And likely scare the birds away as well."

You ponder.

Heucuva casually observes the area.

Elaun nods to you.

Eyst says, "Ah, I can try to recall it as best I can. I don't know whether it's a exactly a vision but it may be close enough to be suitable for the occasion.."

Eyst glances at you.

Anuril asks you, "I thought there was a similar vision where the thing above you was, a tall tree, with figures climbing in it?"

You say, "It seems related, at least."

You nod to Eyst.

Anuril asks, "An incredibly tall tree or vine?"

Tirost smiles at Angel.

Eyst says, "Let's see.. as the fellow on the gweth described it.. A shadow is visible from the treeline, moving silently between trees. You have the instinctive feeling, a remnant of a time long before civilization, as if you are being watched -- or hunted. As you turn to look, it is gone."

You say to Anuril, "There was a vision like that, yes, though I don't know if it's necessarily related."

Eyst says, "More movement darts along the treeline, abruptly and swiftly. Though you cannot clearly see, you are able to make note that the shadow is hunched over, as if moving on four limbs. You can almost make out a large pair of antlers. Rather than moving like a prey animal, however, you cannot help but notice a single pair of predatory eyes watches you as it skulks."

Tirost nods to Eyst.

Betlind bows to Navesi.

Angel says to Eyst, "Twice the shadows."

You say to Eyst, "Yes, the bit about it moving on four limbs did give me pause. But otherwise the behavior was somewhat similar."

Eyst nods.

Tirost says to Eyst, "An initial encounter, perhaps."

Eyst says, "Certainly different from the figure we encountered, but too many similarities to discount."

You say, "So, I look forward to following up on that. But at least it does seem like the man with the crown of antlers is not actively hostile, which is something."

Eyst nods in agreement.

You say, "Two more visions to discuss this evening."

Angel nods to you.

Tirost nods to you.

Anuril rubs Kethrai's back.

Kethrai leans on Anuril.

Angel smiles at Navesi.

You say, "I found myself wandering an expansive desert, silvery sands stretching in every direction. A small campfire burned gently nearby, and a man sat staring into the flames. I approached and took a seat on the other side of the fire, cautiously watching the man. After some time, he looked up and began to smile, wider and wider, an impossibly expansive grin stretching his lips, over too many teeth. I turned to run, but stone walls blocked my path, and I quickly became lost in a maze. To my surprise, after frantically wandering for a short while, I found an exit, and fled across the dunes."

You say, "The laughter followed, and a voice rang across the sands, "Perhaps that was the point all along."

You say, "The vision faded."

Karthor scratches his head.

You say, "I wasn't sure what to make of that at first, but on reflection I've heard many people describe the places they were taken away to on Basalt Isle as mazes..."

Elaun nods.

Betlind nods.

Angel rubs a tarnished silver halo.

Mazrian nods.

Angel winks at Tirost.

Brisknite nods to you.

Tirost flashes a quick grin at Angel.

Kethrai asks, "But I don't think anyone has described anything like a desert?"

Everburned ponders.

Anuril says, "I experienced a burned wasteland, with a campfire."

Kethrai gazes at Anuril.

Karthor nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Mazrian nods to Anuril.

Navesi says, "I saw a desert."

Tirost glances at Anuril.

Anuril says, "It wasn't exactly a desert, more... ash... everything, was ash."

Zynell angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

Elaun nods to Anuril.

Navesi says, "A vast desert of silver sands stretching in all directions. Only glimmers of distant stars for light."

Angel says, "Ahh where the Volcano errupted years ago maybe."

You say, "I don't know all the particular experiences that were encountered, but given that they were so varied they might not all be reflected."

You gaze at Navesi.

You say, "Ah... yes. Well, that does sound rather on point."

Angel says, "Someone is giving tribute coming up to that area lost in the Volcano."

Elaun says, "I dont remember many details, just the pile of flesh."

Angel ponders.

You nod to Angel.

Elaun shudders.

Navesi says, "In fact... I was surrounded by reflections, each with a grin that was too wide."

You say, "I plan on providing transportation after we wrap up here."

Anuril gazes at Navesi.

Navesi says, "I fled from the reflections and found my way out."

Elaun dusts himself off.

Betlind nods.

Vanzok stares blankly into the distance.

Vanzok frowns.

Angel waves to Druesyllia.

Tirost softly says to Navesi, "The demon Pelsacahd's test perhaps? Yvela described something similar."

Navesi frowns.

Angel raises an eyebrow in Tirost's direction.

You say, "From what the man in the vision said, it's possible that there may have been even more to those mazes than met the eye."

Navesi says, "I don't know the names of the various demons, yet, at least not what they are connected to. But please don't speak them aloud here."

Betlind says, "I experienced the same. And when I gazed into the reflection I saw a demonic and corrupted version of myself."

Angel asks you, "Like the shifting sands on the Islands or in Muspari?"

Everburned takes a sip of her rum.

You say, "If escape was intentionally easy..."

Anuril blinks at Betlind.

Sliayyl trills softly at Betlind.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at you.

You say, "What, exactly, a demon could have gotten out of such thing is beyond my current knowledge, though."

Mazrian asks, "Recognition?"

Navesi nods to Mazrian.

Zalinyar nods to Mazrian.

Vanzok bows his head and chants a prayer.

Navesi says, "Sivroch seemed to suggest that they want to be known."

Kethrai shudders.

You stroke your beard in thoughtful contemplation.

The suspicious figure says, "Pelaschad collects your dreams. Bringing you to Their sanctuaries makes you a ripe offering."

Angel glances at a fairly made suspicious figure.

Mazrian dryly asks, "Ok, who is that guy over there?"

Navesi blanches.

Constantia frowns.

Anuril stands up.

Angel says to Mazrian, "Nefis."

Vanzok says, "Nsar's pet, for the figure."

Vanzok bows his head and chants a prayer.

Karthor says, "Not a guy at all, more a poor mockery of a person."

You hear a voice say, "I am right here..."

Elaun coldly says, "My maze was just flesh, walls of flesh covering every surface, distorted faces and mouths, voices whispering. and a strange urge to become one with the writhing mass."

You hear someone snickering.

Tirost nods to Elaun.

Navesi shudders.

Nefis rolls his eyes.

Anuril says, "I also felt an unusual emotional influence in the maze... rage and the desire to burn everything."

Ezerak says, "Come on out."

Navesi says to Elaun, "If you don't mind, I may quote you."

Vanzok bows his head and chants a prayer.

You say, "As long as they refrain from doing anything like placing those altars down or attacking people, please leave dealing with them up to the discretion of the Sentinels."

Navesi writes something on a page in her oak-bound volume.

Anuril takes a seat near Kethrai.

Angel asks Anuril, "Ahh the maze on the island you are referring to?"

Tirost asks Mazrian, "Do you believe demonic entities gain anything by recognition in and of itself? Or are they seeking new worshipers, minions and tools?"

Anuril says to Angel, "The ashen world I was transported to during the battle on the isle, yes."

Heucuva casually observes the area.

Apollys ponders.

Elaun says to Navesi, "I dont mind, I left that out of my report on the matter anyways. was still trying to process it at the time."

Sliayyl smiles at you as he patiently enlightens you further on the practice of Shield Usage.

Yraggahh folds his arms across his chest.

Mazrian says to Tirost, "That is way beyond any knowledge I have. But clearly they went to a lot of effort to get an introduction, so it seems like they're getting SOMETHING they want."

Angel says to Anuril, "The intention was to drive us mad. I paid no attention."

Angel gazes at a jeweled silver fingernail.

Tirost nods to Mazrian.

Navesi says to Tirost, "If Sivroch wanted to show us, who clearly hate demons, I would guess she merely wanted them to be known."

Vanzok bows his head and chants a prayer.

Navesi nods to Elaun.

Sliayyl bows his head and chants catechisms.

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "I'm afraid we are running a little short on time, so I will move on the final vision for this evening."

Sliayyl smiles at you as he patiently enlightens you further on the practice of Shield Usage.

Anuril rubs a cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with blood-red ruby baguettes to spell "FIRE".

You say, "I found myself gently rocking atop a small raft, crystal clear blue waters beneath me revealing a magnificent coral reef. Countless brightly colored fish in the shade of the raft darted for the safety of nooks and crannies in the reef, swaying gently in the current with fan worms and trailing sea grass. The hot sun beat down, but a cool breeze drifted lazily across the waters."

Anuril stares blankly into the distance.

You say, "I heard a splash behind me, and watched in confusion as a fish crawled onto the raft, using its fins to pull itself forward. Gasping for breath, the fish sat up, looked at me, and said, "Blood will bring it forth once again."

You say, "The vision faded."

Karthor raises an eyebrow.

Eyst nods.

Tirost frowns.

You say, "I... am not sure what to make of that one."

Apollys says, "Before we speculate, I must state something very clearly. Talking fish are not acceptable by any means."

Anuril blinks at you.

Betlind begins chortling at Apollys.

Sliayyl grins at Apollys.

Angel says to you, "If that is Sirvoch in some capacity, the alltars giving her strength maybe."

Tirost flashes a quick grin at Apollys.

Mazrian cautiously asks, "A merlew reference?"

Navesi nods to Mazrian.

The suspicious figure says, "If you're interested in learning about Them, many of us would freely spend the time to enlighten you. They exist, They work, and They are guiding you even when you refuse to acknowledge Their influence."

Karthor says, "Tha'was my thought too."

Angel says, "Sivroch rather."

Navesi says, "Bring forth Andreshlew, perhaps."

Tirost says to Mazrian, "That was my thought as well."

Kethrai asks, "'Bring it forth' could mean Mereshlew?"

You say to Mazrian, "It's possible, yes."

Kethrai says, "Andreshlew, rather."

Tirost glances at a fairly made suspicious figure.

Mazrian nods.

Zalinyar says, "That gasping fish..."

Angel asks, "Is this a new pronoun? Their, Them, They?"

Angel waves her hand distractedly.

You say, "While Drogor might be interested in blood, I imagine He would manifest in such a vision as recognizably a shark."

Angel says, "Nevernind me, I am so tired."

Elaun says, "I am interested in the beings, for informative purposes, but that is at another time."

Sliayyl chuckles at Angel.

Angel raises her voice in merry laughter.

Zalinyar says to Angel, "I'm sure that thing is talking about the altars."

Elaun says, "I think i understand that one."

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Angel says, "I could not help myself, sorry."

Angel clears her throat.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Elaun.

You ask Elaun, "Oh? What are your thoughts?"

Zalinyar grins at Angel, her dimples flashing into view.

Angel asks, "Sicle Grove?"

Karthor says, "Fer some reason my mind goes to the Spider as the thing what might be brought back by blood."

Karthor twitches.

Zalinyar says, "Going."

Eyst says to you, "I must be off, an excellent meeting as always."

Mazrian raises his hand in a quick salute.

Angel says, "Ahh the Apostle's."

You nod politely.

Eyst nods.

Elaun says, "Whatever the Lich did to tear the hole in...reality didnt completely close, he was just wounded."

Tirost nods to Elaun.

Elaun says, "And he could open it after absorbing all of the blood and gore from the massive battle."

You stroke your beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Tirost asks Elaun, "What is represented by the fish?"

Elaun says, "It seemed to funnel into him as he grew and began to tower over all."

Navesi asks Tirost, "It could just be something from the depths telling us about what's down there?"

Tirost says to Navesi, "Perhaps so."

Elaun asks Tirost, "Could be a warning, do the clerics not have visions of fish?"

You say, "I'm afraid we're about out of time, but thank you all for coming. I'll be providing transportation up north for the Sicle Grove remembrance ceremony."