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I'd could actually argue this point --> Sharpening claws. <-- Is there any IG or even GM statements to this affect? As an old time s'kra player it was always debated amongst the players that it is a player taboo, not a real IG/GM thing. I'd say maybe based on player perception that sharpening ones claws is taboo but not having any IG reference or even GM input on the matter. Appreciate any reference from them/IG per this matter. PURHEART (talk) 12:35, 1 August 2021 (CDT) aka the original & current player of Elizzibiana

It most likely originated from players, but there are some in game GM-supplied sources that speak on it. Introduction to S'Kra Anatomy (book) has a blurb at the bottom. S'Kra Mur Physiology has what looks like player comments and GM Basilisc's comments about the origin of it as well. Hope that helps! --SPICYDIAPSID 1810 01-AAUG-2021 (UTC)

Yes it does but it still contradicts itself if I am reading the sources you gave correctly. I'll concede the point because of this line thats there >;Note that these are just general guidelines but should be taken to heart.<
Considering I know of quite a few S'kra IG that are ahh mated to non S'kra the point is becoming very moot, my guess is they either don't know or really care anyways. And since Elizz carries both the lanahh'zhra title & a styled lanahh'zhra'naarti, she'll just keep on sharpening her claws. Thanks Spicy PURHEART (talk) 18:08, 1 August 2021 (CDT)