Dantia/Logs/20210724 Log

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[Kygar's Pub, Common Room]
Long tables lined with matching benches fill the roomy pub, standing over a sawdust-covered floor swept clean every day.  Bunches of drying herbs hanging from rafters add spicy scents that mingle with the aromas of meats roasting on spits and the freshly-popped corn kernels that fill wooden bowls.  A small stage has been set up in one corner for minstrels, storytellers and other entertainers.  Contrasting shouts of glee and groans of dismay come from rooms set off to the east and the west.
You also see a stone seat, a wispy phantom thrall, a stone seat, a large sign, a handwritten menuboard, a waitress, Rog, a serving counter and a swinging door.
Also here: Follower Isaish (sitting), Chelinde, Fatalist Koramoor, Lord Knight Tankata, Battle Mage Tirost, Warrior Priest Rakkor, Provisioner Greyhallow, Arcane World Ender Voranos, Storm Lord Jeruliath, Newswoman Navesi, Mastermind Telamont, Sothios, Soul Surgeon Zynell, Philosopher Zharen, Shield Maiden Betlind, Iron Chronicler Slarc, Purified Scholar Zauldin, Commodore Khoheke, Archmage Xelten, Arch Hunter Hanryu, Dragon Priest Atuen, Lash of Ushnish Elizzibiana (sitting), Kolja, Philosopher Yvela, Sir Madigan, Laush, Wildling Senthic, Maunderer Aislynn (sitting), Natarian, High Priestess Khaelyn, Philomath Miskton, Kintryn, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Smuggler King Collain, Tempest Knight Saragos, Lady of Elamiri Ayrell, Vanzok, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie, Mazrian, Battler Tweedee, Inquisitor Whiteburn, War's Fury Grymmlen and Slo'Shh'oiyvh-ur Frulle.
Obvious exits: north.

[General] Sivroch thinks, "I see some of you have arrived.  To our isle in ten minutes supplicants.  We have much to discuss."

> glance madi
You glance at Madigan, a male Human.

[General] Nefis thinks, "Yes, we await your arrival, Mysteriarch"

Madigan says, "Bloody demon."

[General] Kauga thinks, "Kauga not know what Mystery Arch means.  Kauga think there might be prize there?"

[General] Aislynn thinks, "Not all prizes are worth having, Kauga."

[General] Nefis thinks, "There are always rewards for those willing to pay the price, Kauga"

[General] Whiteburn thinks, "I have heard much of you, she-beast. Now, I have heard your thoughts. Hear you mine, and know that I am Whiteburn, Servant of Drogor. The sands of your life within the hourglass drain apace. Ware you well."

[General] Nefis thinks, "I hesitate to think she is at all threatened by you, Inquisitor.  She has made short work of your betters, and fought even avatars of the Gods and come back victorious.  What threat are *you*?"

[General] Madigan thinks, "She still have the imprint of my holy sword on her cheek? That should remind her very well of the threat."

Commodore Khoheke came through a swinging door.
[cast_heal]: harness 30

> smirk madi
You smirk at Madigan.

Purified Scholar Zauldin came through a swinging door.

Zauldin says, "Everyone...  Big crowd."

Zauldin nods to Khoheke.

Khoheke says, "Good evening, everyone.  We will get started shortly."

Saragos says to Khoheke, "Good to see you looking well."

Khoheke smiles at Saragos.

> look khoh
You see Commodore Khoheke Moglin, Defender of the Moglin Trading Fleet, a S'Kra Mur Paladin.
Supported by a row of spines, a membranous, fin-like crest runs medially along Khoheke's head, shortening toward the back of the neck.  Vertical slits pierce the blue depths of his fathomless eyes, while several scars mar his blunt, Reshalian snout.  Brightened by ghostly white countershading, his dreary grey scales resemble the hue of the stormlit sea.  Khoheke's left hand is missing, replaced by a prosthetic hook of silversteel.  His powerful, keeled tail is sheathed within a barbed tail guard.
He is of commanding height for a S'Kra Mur.
Though middle-aged, he has the sleek build of a man in his prime.
He has a tattoo of a kingsnake entwined around a ship's anchor on his tail.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a kiralan trident bound to a haft of ayabere, a mariner's arbalest resembling a hammerhead shark, a scallop-shaped buckler emblazoned with the crest of House Moglin, an abyssal blue helm adorned with membranous glaes fins, some scalloped scale armor with spiny pauldrons, some webbed covellite gauntlets with wave-like scales, a naval officer's gamantang (overcoat) with gold laced buttons, a stormwood pilgrim's badge carved into a compass rose, a heavy gold signet ring bearing the crest of House Moglin and an articulated baldric of imbricated covellite scales.

Madigan comes and stands near you.

> look Zaul
Purified Scholar Zauldin, a Human Necromancer.
Zauldin has an angular face, and his features are marred by a triple line raked across his brow and cheek.  He has tilted almond-shaped blue eyes and sandy blond hair.  His right hand frequently twitches, clenching into a tight fist.
A strange orange light periodically flickers around his head, casting bizarre shadows across his scarred features.
He appears to be mature.

He has severe scarring about the head.

He is wearing a leather satchel secured with a brass clasp, a roughspun linen vest, a quilted cloth hauberk embroidered with a small unicorn, a thin steel skinning knife with a leather-wrapped hilt and a pair of battered leather boots.

Khoheke says, "Welcome, welcome.  Though we spoke following the chaos of the naval engagement, I wanted to meet with everyone and discuss matters as we ready ourselves for what comes next."

Khoheke sternly says, "To start, understand that this meeting is under heavy guard, and authorities are at the ready.  This will be a discussion, not a demonstration of barroom brawling or pyrotechnics."

Khoheke says, "With that unpleasantness out of the way, firstly, I want to thank Houses Zsikiel, Lisska'Vran, Redthorne, Tierskel, and Dne -- as well as Therengia and Zoluren -- for the commitment of essential forces to the fight.  Without these ships, we would not have been able to strike such a decisive blow to Jeihrem's fleet."

Khoheke says, "To make sure everyone understands the magnitude of what we have accomplished, and what we are attempting still, I want to make something clear -- we did not emerge from this engagement unscathed.  Ships were sunk, and more importantly, sailors lost, may Peri'el guide them to peaceful shores."

Khoheke says, "Srinoja's fate is ... unknown.  She was last seen dead on the deck of my ship after she poisoned my hand with enchanted puffer fish toxin.  I regret that I did not get a chance to see her corpse with my own eyes."

Khoheke looks down at his hook and sighs.

Tweedee asks, "Hows that hand?"

Tweedee peers quizzically at Khoheke.

Khoheke says, "It will not regrow, but it is also not getting any worse."

Tweedee nods.

Khoheke says, "It is practical enough."

Saragos says to Khoheke, "Might be that her body has been put to necromantic purposes by the Lich.  We've had some hints."

Tweedee exclaims, "If it starts walking, stab it!"

Tweedee says, "Or get a leash..."

Khoheke says, "I confess that I am not operating in the circles where I would have heard such hints."

Aislynn quietly says to Khoheke, "It is believed that what is left of her visited the Empath's guild in Crossings recently. It certainly sounded mostly like her."

Khoheke says, "My crew informs me that Srinoja was dispatched by Enthien with a flurry of throwing blades.  Well met."

Khoheke says, "As soon as Srinoja fell, the foul creature Sivroch swooped down and absconded with the Gnome's corpse.  As you can imagine, we have no idea what has happened to Srinoja since, though I doubt she was granted a peaceful burial at sea."

Aislynn quietly says to Mazrian, "Enthien's going to want a raise."

Khoheke says, "And the rumors you bring now seem to confirm that."

Khoheke says, "Enthien's raise is the honor of having served a noble cause."

Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Khoheke says, "During the fight, Jeihrem set his undead kraken upon us.  It was no easy task, but you all dispatched the vile beast and kept it from crushing the Oshu'k'et.  We are grateful for this aid.  She's in dry dock, and the ship's carpenters are still working on repairs, but there's plenty of fight left in her yet."

Khoheke says, "So here we stand.  United Houses and the mainland, battered but steadfast.  The sea's most formidable pirate removed from the field and a clear line of attack to Jeihrem's isle with a holy weapon that works."

Khoheke says, "We will not underestimate our foe -- scouts have evaluated the area and identified ideal locations for establishing firing positions on the valley and the manor.  We will land, secure a beachhead, and consecrate an altar to ensure fallen combatants can return to the fight as soon as reasonably possible.  We will then proceed to the manor and take the fight to Jeihrem himself, and if all goes according to plan, destroy him with the holy weapon."

Khoheke says, "You will be called upon to contribute to the fight in several ways: fighting those that defend the isle, and perhaps more importantly, by directing the assembled weaponry that we will bring.  Once a base of operations is established, we will have need of Empaths and Clerics to support the wounded and fallen, though it is also likely that Empaths will be needed on the field of battle."

> adjust rose
You adjust your Therengian rose into place.

> nod
You nod.

Khoheke says, "Warrior Mages will be needed to facilitate some of the ballistae, as they are magical in nature.  When the time is right, Paladins will need to aid me in readying the holy weapon."

> glance madigan
You glance at Madigan, a male Human.

Khoheke says, "We have no illusions that this will be easy.  Some of our scouts did not return, or returned to us mad, with pieces missing.  The isle is preparing its own defenses, and its allies are prepared to fight us for every span of territory gained.  We should expect the worst.  If you have any ideas or are in possession of any intelligence, please let us know."

Khoheke asks, "Now, I'll open the floor to questions?  I believe Saragos and company have some things to say regarding their own preparations?"

Saragos says, "We have ways to get to the Isle without using ships.  We used them during our evacuation mission.  We're prepared to use them again."

Saragos says, "We may be able to soften the resistance before the ships come into range.  If you have specific intelligence, we can work with that.  If not, we plan to execute that operation independantly and adapt to what we see."

Rakkor asks Zauldin, "Have you given any more thought to my proposal?"

Zauldin says to Rakkor, "Refresh my memory?  Everyone wants my head."

Rakkor says to Zauldin, "Less conventional travel, while still aiding the fleet."

Rakkor winks at Zauldin.

Zauldin says, "Khoheke may be able answer that."

Zauldin asks, "Though, I'm not sure, was Saragos finished?"

Navesi says, "He has more to say."

Saragos says, "I can wait.  We also have a proposal regarding the possibility of the Kraken's return and Kauga."

Khoheke says, "We have enlisted additional aid still in the form of a graciously donated airship, financed by Uroi Odalva.  The Blipzerg Brothers' craft, the Aloof Gannet, is a marvel of modern engineering, and will aid us in securing the skies and providing a bird's eye view of the battle."

Saragos says to Rakkor, "Go ahead."

Rakkor nods to Khoheke.

Rakkor says to Saragos, "Actually, he directly addressed it already."

Rakkor smiles.

Saragos says, "Very well, then regarding the Kraken - we're concerned it will reveal itself once more when ships approach the Isle.  We have a proposal regarding dealing with it."

> mychar listens quietly, but mouths several quite words, as if rehearsing something she intends to say.
Dantia listens quietly, but mouths several quite words, as if rehearsing something she intends to say.

Saragos says, "You have an ogre prisoner named Kauga, a kraken hunter.  Dantia has a rapport with him, and believes she can convince him to work towards our ends, that it is in his interests, and frankly, he has no place else to go, as we rescued him from certain death on Hara'jaal."

You ask Khoheke, "If I may speak on that topic?"

Saragos says, "We believe that he can prove useful to the invasion, and also perhaps earn himself a reprieve."

Saragos nods to you.

Saragos says to you, "Of course."

Khoheke nods to you.

You say, "My associates and I have discussed the situation you find yourself in with Kauga. As we have been allies with House Moglin for years now through the course of these efforts, we ask that you consider the following."

You say, "As a Commodore, you understand the necessity that your crew follow your commands. As a sailor, Kauga understands the hierarchy of a crew. We should expect nothing less than for Kauga to have dutifully followed Srinoja's commands, without questioning her motives. This is the nature of work at sea, not an indicator of true conviction."

You say, "Kauga was never seen during Srinoja's looting raids, and I highly doubt he was the mastermind behind the naval engagement escalation. The times when we have seen him 'at work', he was on menial tasks - fetching supplies without so much as stealing or killing. Instead, he showed a childlike curiosity and kindness towards several of us gathered here. He was clearly unaware of the duality of 'his' side versus 'ours'. If he had truly believed in Srinoja's principles, I doubt he would have let us live."

You say, "Srinoja was only able to focus on short term gains, and we see where that got her. A wise leader is able to see the shades of grey between black and white, and are able to focus on long term gains over short term platitudes."

You say, "With that in mind, we propose that instead of a shortsited execution, that Kauga instead be taken into your service, to join the crew aboard the Oshu'k'et. He can be put to hard, physical labor, and you can keep a direct eye on his activities."

You say, "We must use every advantage in the Assault against the Lich. Kauga is the only person we know who has killed a kraken, a feat that a dozen of us protecting your Oshu'k'et were not able to completely do. Having his strength and experience aboard could mean your life or death should the kraken rise again."

You say, "Whats more, Kauga can teach his kraken fighting techniques to others on your crew, spreading this seed of knowledge throughout your entire fleet. In this way, you can further secure your shipping trade far into the future, beyond this assault. Where there is one kraken, there are bound to be more."

You say to Khoheke, "We appreciate your consideration in this matter, knowing that this decision could be the difference between our success or failure. Thank you for your time."

Khoheke says, "I have concerns that someone whose loyalty is so easily swayed -- if that is true -- may not be entirely reliable as a crewman on my vessel."

> nod
You nod.

Khoheke says, "And there is still the matter of his upcoming trial.  Nonetheless, we are willing to give him a chance to deploy his impressive skillset in battle with the kraken."

You say to Khoheke, "And in such a case, it's a short drop and a sudden stop. It can be dealt with quickly."

Khoheke says, "Should he prove useful and reliable in that endeavor, that fact would certainly be of relevance to the court."

Enthien says, "I would be happy to handle that problem."

> nod Khohe
You nod to Khoheke.

Khoheke says, "Should he not -- as you say, the sea may take care of that."

You say to Khoheke, "I am pleased to hear you are open to that, thank you."

> nod
You nod.

> nod sara
You nod to Saragos.

Kaelie says, "If Dantia can't charm him we have Enthien willing to harm.  It's a combo of ease."

> chuckle kaeli
You chuckle at Kaelie.

Vanzok says, "I've a note, when there's a moment."

Khoheke says, "If he betrays us, he will be executed."

Natarian asks, "Is that not his fate now?"

Khoheke says, "If Kauga does not like those terms, he can try his luck with the judges -- without this potentially mitigating character evidence."

Khoheke says, "His fate has not been decided.  It will be decided after his trial."

Greyhallow says, "Interesting you're willing to play judge, jury and executioner when there is already a proposed day in court."

You say to Khoheke, "We understand that is still a potential consequence, but believe it better to see if we can put him to use first."

Greyhallow says, "Even if the does betray us... capture him. See justice handled properly."

Khoheke says, "The trial will be open to the public, and those with firsthand testimony will be allowed to present evidence."

> smile khoh
You smile at Khoheke.

You ask, "And you are saying that trial will be held after the Assault?"

Khoheke says, "But this meeting is not about the trial, and I don't have much more information about it, as that is to be handled by the government of Ratha and not any one House."

Saragos asks Khoheke, "I have a few points for clarification.  Will only Paladins be needed to activate the holy weapon, or can Clerics be of use as well?"

Khoheke says to you, "Yes, the assault takes priority."

> nod
You nod.

Khoheke says, "For this specific task I have in mind, I need the service of Paladins whose souls are pristine."

Vanzok asks Khoheke, "There are few applications of Holy Mana which require such... specificity. Are you willing to share more on the nature of this... rather mysterious weapon?"

Khoheke says, "Zauldin can, perhaps, speak more to the nature of the holy weapon."

Zauldin says, "The holy weapon is..."

Zauldin says, "I do not wish to give all the details.  It is specific to Paladins for a reason that may not be easy to explain.  It has been named Sanyu Aes, which is a description that does not perhaps do it justice."

Zauldin says, "As Khoheke said, the contribution of Paladins is essential.  And Khoheke has been trained in what is required."

Zauldin says, "I assure you, by the Temple, it works, and they do not know what is coming."

You ask Zauldin, "And our intent is to use the weapon specifically against Jeihrem himself?"

Voranos says, "I thought it was a holy mana user, not necessarily a paladin."

Mazrian asks, "Point of order, they seem to think they know what is coming?"

Betlind softly asks, "'Divine Fire'?"

Vanzok nods to Betlind.

You hear a voice say, "Considering the discussion is out in the open I'm sure they're aware of what's coming."

Zauldin says to Mazrian, "Then I should not reveal more.  The weapon works.  It is unlike anything that has been seen."

Khoheke says, "The sanctity of the Paladin's soul acts as an important bulwark of Order.  It is that which we need, specifically."

Voranos asks, "Mana is not typically a paladin's forte, are you certain a cleric in good standing with the gods cannot assist with the weapon?"

> rub madigan left hand
You rub Madigan's left hand.

Madigan says, "We will have your paladins there that are not on the front."

Madigan nods in agreement.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Betlind nods to Madigan.

Vanzok slowly says, "I am surprised to hear the Temple has a weapon calling on divinity distinct from the Immortals, given the, ah, certain gifts of Clerics."

Vanzok says, "Regardless, I will pass along the requirement to some Paladins of my knowing. With Madigan."

Mazrian asks Zauldin, "The lich is said to have power over reality itself on his island.  If that's true, how do we level the field and win with the force we can muster?"

Khoheke says, "The call for Paladins' service will go out when the time is right.  The nature of the service will not harm the Paladin, but spiritual purity is of the utmost importance for this task."

Saragos asks Khoheke, "Consecrating an altar, setting up firing positions and other such fortifications seems like a great bit of work.  Is the plan to take and fortify that ground, and then launch a further attack all in one go?"

Whiteburn says, "I have a query, myself, regarding such things."

Khoheke says to Saragos, "Yes, with as little delay between the two as possible."

Zauldin says, "It is likely to be an uphill battle.  We are not trying to bill this as a guarantee.  But we have some things working in our favor."

Saragos asks Khoheke, "Also, without going into specific details, it sounds as though you've accepted the sites that we outlined as looking promising.  Is that accurate?"

Khoheke nods to Saragos.

You say to Khoheke, "And any ideas on how to breech the manor walls? A few of us have tried a number of things, with no luck."

Mazrian asks Zauldin, "Please, elaborate?"

Khoheke says, "Plans have been made to assure that those who wish to fire from above will be able to do so."

Whiteburn asks Khoheke, "I wouldst speak with you regarding the projected altar consecration, as I've some considerable experience with such. Would you be amenable to the assistance of Clerics in this task?"

Zauldin says, "Dealing with Jeihrem will fall to the weapno."

Khoheke says to Whiteburn, "A Cleric's aid would be not only welcome but essential."

Zauldin says, "Weapon."

Zauldin says, "The manor will likely not be accessible.  His minions and what he brings to bear will also be dealt with by the weapon."

> nod
You nod.

You ask, "So we're hoping to draw him out into the open?"

Khoheke says, "Jeihrem's presence is a cancer amidst Drogor's waters."

Whiteburn coldly says, "That is the truth. This insult will no longer be tolerated."

Zharen quietly says, "A bulwark of order...this weapon."

Zauldin says, "There will be a fight.  It will require the coordinated forces of the lot of us."

Koramoor asks, "When's this attack going on?"

Navesi raises her hand.

Khoheke says, "The precise date has not yet been selected."

Navesi asks, "If I might make a brief suggestion on the airship?"

Navesi says, "I know that we have not yet used one in battle, so it will take some more... careful planning to make sure that it is safe and used well."

Khoheke says, "The Oshu'k'et is still being repaired, and it will need to be in service to bear the weapon."

Xelten asks, "It is large, then?"

Navesi says, "To that point, Bards may be useful in the defense of the airship, especially if we can find a way to amplify their volume. These banyakea that Jeihrem uses are living, which means they are susceptible to falling asleep. Thus could we drop any who approach the ship before they can entangle themselves in its workings. And I, ah, happen to know that a drop from that height will cause grievous injury, even when falling into water."

Khoheke says to Navesi, "We will take this into consideration."

Navesi nods.

Mazrian asks, "Would it be correct to say the order of operations is something like "secure the local waters, push Jeihrim's creatures back with the weapon, land, deploy weapons and fortifications, then push under cover of the weapon until we force the Lich out and shoot him with it?"

Khoheke shrugs.

Khoheke says to Mazrian, "Something like that."

Jeruliath says, "A lot is riding on this weapon, then."

Zauldin says, "We expect Jeihrem to not take kindly to the assault, and to underestimate what we bring."

Mazrian says to Khoheke, "Good that we have that straight, then.  Or something like it."

Zauldin says to Jeruliath, "Yes."

Khoheke says, "Yes."

Madigan says, "That beachhead is going to be a meatgrinder."

Zauldin says, "We also have additional offenses planned, which though more...  mundane...  are significant."

Mazrian asks Zauldin, "Could you say more about those?  I understand some will require a Warrior Mage?"

Mazrian says to Zauldin, "How many of us will be optimal?  The more we know, the more I can start gathering."

Zauldin says, "But a forward triage will be essential.  There will be death, and we will rely on the Immortals to keep us in the fight."

Zauldin says to Mazrian, "I am not sure.  I believe the more that can be fielded, the better."

Mazrian nods to Zauldin.

Saragos says to Khoheke, "Will your ship be available to transport the bulk of our forces?  We would like, at minimum, to supply a guard for the holy weapon."

Khoheke says, "The Oshu'k'et will not be serving as troop transport, but we will have another transport vessel available."

Mazrian asks Zauldin, "If there was a "They" hanging around the island where the barrier is thin, how would you fill in the context for that?"

Khoheke says, "You can choose to fight directly against those defending the isle, serve in triage, or contribute your efforts in other ways to support the offensive."

Khoheke says, "We have hinted at some of those other ways tonight, but they will be explained in more detail before the assault begins in earnest."

Whiteburn says, "There is one other matter I would wish to discuss."

You ask, "So we will have another meeting, where we receive a few more of the specifics on all of this?"

Mazrian asks, "Hopefully with more time to digest than before the naval assault?"

Khoheke says to you, "If another is truly needed, we will call one, but possibly not -- besides the debriefing immediately before the assault."

Zauldin says to Mazrian, "Jeihrem has not been idle.  There are some unknowns to be sure.  Unfortunately, he may be enlisting the help of... Others."

Whiteburn says to Khoheke, "I, as well as others of the Clergy, have prepared an auxilary proposal for excising the oceanic abomination - the undead kraken - should Kauga fail in his duties. Though I understand that you and yours may have already devised sound plans, nevertheless, I am still willing to disclose such with you should you find worth in such a thing."

> nibble dantia
You nibble your lip thoughtfully.

Mazrian thoughtfully says to Zauldin, "Can you expand on that?  It sounds important."

Zharen says, "Zauldin, I have noticed some deviations with the way my Research is going, with respect to attunement. I have concerne Lich's planar coranar corruption is advancing and possibly affecting us all. We must take out this threat.."

Khoheke asks Whiteburn, "We think the undead kraken needs to be put down, and we doubt that anyone but Jeihrem can command it anyway, but what was it you had in mind?"

Whiteburn slowly empties her lungs.

Zauldin says to Mazrian, "It is likely that Jeihrem has enlisted the aid of the Demonic, directly, actively, and will leverage them against us in this battle."

Zauldin asks Zharen, "Say more?"

Zharen glances at Navesi.

Mazrian asks Zauldin, "Do we have any effective defense?  Protection from Evil?  A sacraficial whale?"

Zauldin asks Mazrian, "You have experience in fighting the Demonic, do you not?"

Zharen says to Zauldin, "It is an odd thing my associates have mentioned with some of our Arcane spells. Something feels strange...foreign. Something is odd."

Mazrian says to Zauldin, "Yes."

Kaelie says, "Let's leave my mother out of this."

Kaelie folds her arms across her chest.

Mazrian says to Zauldin, "But, yes, I have that experience.  Many of us do.  We're looking for any edge we can get."

Whiteburn says to Khoheke, "Our plan would involve the utilization of specially prepared harpoons to ensare the kraken. Following that, a squadron of Clerics would be on hand to invoke a war ritual to the Mighty Drogor, Lord of Storms. The invocation of this war ritual is one that should draw down the power of Drogor, and cleanse His once-sacred beast from the control of the lich."

Khoheke says to Whiteburn, "Should Kauga refuse the offer or fail in his mission, we would welcome the attempt."

Kaelie leans over and whispers, "Comapred to Mother Whiteburns plan me getting my fishing pole blessed seems really cheesy."

Khoheke asks Whiteburn, "Would you be willing to lead the consecration ritual for the altar on the beachhead?"

Zauldin says to Zharen, "I'm not sure of anything that would lend itself to magic of the Arcane?  Our patterns are just...  patterns, through a vile lens."

Zauldin says to Mazrian, "I'm not sure of any edge.  Blessed weapons and Holy spells harm them more."

Mazrian thoughtfully says, "There was mention of rubbing oneself with holy water being proof against the ichor the Lich summoned in the Crossing."

Zauldin chuckles.

Khoheke asks Zauldin, "I believe all of the issues on the agenda have been addressed?"

Zauldin says, "If only it was as easy as taking a bath...  well, some of you anyway would be safe."

Zauldin smirks.

Zauldin says to Khoheke, "We should take our leave."

Collain says, "Dousing yourself in Holy water has never been a *bad* move."

Khoheke nods at Zauldin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zharen says to Zauldin, "I have had no one step forward to discuss any oddities with their casting, so I only speak on my experiences. I shall keep researching."

Koramoor says, "Unless you're a necro."

Koramoor smirks.

Zauldin says to Zharen, "Spread your research afield.  You may notice more."

Zauldin says, "Take care, and we hope to see you at the attack."

Khoheke says, "We will be in touch as the assault draws nigh."

Purified Scholar Zauldin went through a swinging door.

Khoheke says, "Stay safe, and prepare yourselves for the onslaught."

> nod khoh
You nod to Khoheke.

You ask Khoheke, "Please let Kauga know we inquired about him?"

Saragos says, "Thank you for the efforts you put in.  We've all suffered for this, some more than others.  Together, we can take the measures necessary to secure our Plane against annihilation."

Khoheke says to you, "I will make sure the offer is relayed to him and tell him who spoke for him."

> smile khoh
You smile at Khoheke.

Commodore Khoheke went through a swinging door.