Ear command

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Allows Prydaen and Rakash in moonskin to make expressions with their ear movements.

EAR <OPTION> <self> / <person>

Prydaen Messaging


EAR ALARM - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back in alarm, gazing around warily.
EAR ALARM <Self> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back in alarm, gazing around guardedly.
EAR ALARM <Person> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back in alarm, gazing warily at <person>


EAR ALERT - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, glancing around alertly.
EAR ALERT <Self> - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, taking in his/her surroundings in one quick glance.
EAR ALERT <Person> - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, glancing alertly at <person>.


EAR ALERT - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, glancing around alertly.
EAR ALERT <Self> - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, taking in his/her surroundings in one quick glance.
EAR ALERT <Person> - <Prydaen> perks up his/her ears, glancing alertly at <person>.


EAR ANGRY - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back and hisses angrily.
EAR ANGRY <Self> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back sharply, letting out a feral hiss.
EAR ANGRY <Person> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back, hissing angrily at <person>.


EAR ANNOYED - <Prydaen> flicks his/her ears back in obvious annoyance.
EAR ANNOYED <Self> - <Prydaen> flicks his/her ears back savagely, narrowing his/her eyes to mere slits.
EAR ANNOYED <Person> - <Prydaen> flicks his/her ears back in annoyance, gazing steadily at <person>.


EAR CONFUSED - <Prydaen> quirks one ear sideways in confusion.
EAR CONFUSED <Self> - <Prydaen> quirks his/her ears toward each other, a puzzled expression crossing his/her face.
EAR CONFUSED <Person> - <Prydaen> quirks one ear sideways, glancing at <person> in confusion.


EAR CURIOUS - <Prydaen> angles her ears forward in curiosity.
EAR CURIOUS <Self> - <Prydaen> angles his/her ears forward, eyes bright with curiosity.
EAR CURIOUS <Person> - <Prydaen> angles his/her ears forward, gazing curiously at <person>.


EAR FLICK - <Prydaen> flicks one ear back as though listening for something.
EAR FLICK <Self> - <Prydaen> flicks her ears restlessly.
EAR FLICK <Person> - <Prydaen> reaches over and flicks your ear, casting an admonitory glance at you.


EAR GROOM - <Prydaen> brushes one ear with his/her hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
EAR GROOM <Self> - <Prydaen> grooms his/her ears carefully, then runs her fingers over her mane.
EAR GROOM <Person> - <Prydaen> reaches over and grooms your ears for a moment, purring softly.


EAR HAPPY - <Prydaen>'s ears perk up happily.
EAR HAPPY <Self> - <Prydaen> perks his/her ears up in delight.
EAR HAPPY <Person> - <Prydaen> perks his/her ears up happily as s/he gazes at <person>.


EAR IGNORE - <Prydaen> twitches one ear in a gesture of disinterest.
EAR IGNORE <Self> - <Prydaen> twitches his/her ears in distraction.
EAR IGNORE <Person> - <Prydaen> angles an ear toward <person> slightly, but otherwise ignores <person>.


EAR NERVOUS - <Prydaen> twitches an ear nervously.
EAR NERVOUS <Self> - <Prydaen> twitches her ears in agitation.
EAR NERVOUS <Person> - <Prydaen> twitches an ear at <person> nervously.


EAR PLAYFUL - <Prydaen> tilts her ears forward playfully.
EAR PLAYFUL <Self> - <Prydaen> playfully tilts her ears in opposite directions.
EAR PLAYFUL <Person> - <Prydaen> playfully tilts her ears toward <person>.


EAR PROUD - <Prydaen>'s ears stand up proudly for a moment.
EAR PROUD <Self> - <Prydaen>'s ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his/her face.
EAR PROUD <Person> - <Prydaen>'s ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at <person>, a look of pride on his/her face.


EAR RELAXED - <Prydaen>'s ears relax for a moment in obvious enjoyment.
EAR RELAXED <Self> - <Prydaen>'s ears sag slightly in relaxation, a contented smile on his/her face.
EAR RELAXED <Person> - <Prydaen>'s ears relax slightly as s/he gazes at <person> contentedly.


EAR SAD - <Prydaen>'s ears droop for a moment.
EAR SAD <Self> - <Prydaen>'s ears droop dejectedly as a look of melancholy crosses his/her face.
EAR SAD <Person> - <Prydaen>'s ears droop for a moment as s/he gazes sadly at <person>.


EAR SCRATCH - <Prydaen> scratches one ear, looking bemused.
EAR SCRATCH <Self> - <Prydaen> scratches behind his/her ears vigorously.
EAR SCRATCH <Person> - <Prydaen> reaches over and scratches behind your ears, purring happily.


EAR SLEEPY - <Prydaen>'s ears droop sleepily for a moment.
EAR SLEEPY <Self> - <Prydaen>'s ears droop sleepily as s/he lets out a huge yawn.
EAR SLEEPY <Person> - <Prydaen>'s ears droop as s/he gazes at <person> wearily.


EAR SURPRISE - <Prydaen> quirks his/her ears outward in surprise.
EAR SURPRISE <Self> - <Prydaen> quirks his/her ears outward for a moment, letting out a startled hiss.
EAR SURPRISE <Person> - <Prydaen> quirks his/her ears outward for a moment, blinking at <person> in surprise.


EAR WARN - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back and hisses warningly.
EAR WARN <Self> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back sharply with a menacing hiss.
EAR WARN <Person> - <Prydaen> lays his/her ears back, hissing warningly at <person>.

Rakash Messaging

As a member of the Rakash race, when in moonskin you have the ability to be more expressive with your ears.


You see: Your ears bristle warily as you monitor the sounds in the area.
Others see: <Player>'s ears bristle warily as s/he listens to the sounds in the area.


You see: As your ears relax from contentment the tips curl forward, slightly muffling all noise.
Others see: The tips of <Player>'s ears flop forward giving his/her face a soft, contented appearance.


You see: The fur on your ears stands straight up as you sense danger.
Others see: The hair on <Player>'s ears stands straight up sending the Rakash notice of danger.


You see: You flare your ears as you angle them to catch every sound.
Others see: <Player>'s ears flare as s/he angles them to catch every sound.


You see: Your anger causes your ears to flick rapidly.
Others see: <Player>'s ears flick rapidly, displaying his/her anger.


You see: Your ears are tied to your heart and flop forward over themselves, broadcasting your feelings to all within sight of you.
Others see: <Player>'s ears flop forward giving <him/her> a love-sick appearance.


You see: Both your ears quickly flip forward, in the traditional Rakash greeting.
Target sees: <Player>'s ears flip forward, giving you a Rakash greeting.

For each other Rakash in the room, you will additionally see:
<Rakash> notices your greeting.


You see: A sudden uncontrollable itch in your right ear sets it to quivering madly. You quickly reach up and scratch it, soothing the itch.
Others see: <Player>'s ear suddenly begins to quiver madly. Momentarily distracted, s/he reaches up and gives it a thorough scratching.


You see: Your left ear points at the ground giving your face a sorrowful expression.
Others see: <Player>'s left ear points at the ground giving his/her face a sorrowful expression.


You see: As you swell with pride your ears stretch upward, adding a little to your height and imbuing you with an imposing feeling.
Others see: Swelling with pride, <Player>'s ears seem to stretch, giving him/her a more imposing look.


You see: Your ears sag slightly, losing their perky stiffness as you begin to fall asleep.
Others see: <Player>'s ears lose some of their perky stiffness and sag slightly as s/he begins to fall asleep.


You see: You absentmindedly spin your claw in your left ear and drag out a tiny speck that smells like ear wax when you sniff it.
Others see: <Player> digs in his/her ear with his/her claw then frowns in disgust as s/he sniffs at what s/he found.


You see: Your ears snap up in alarm!
Others see: <Player>'s ears snap up in alarm.


You see: As you turn one ear towards the front and one to the back, the flesh between them pulls rather taut.
Others see: As <Player>'s ears turn in two different directions, <his/her> face looks a tad comical.


You see: Your left ear betrays your nervousness and begins to twitch uncontrollably, increasing your discomfort.
Others see: <Player>'s left ear begins to twitch in what appears to be a nervous reaction.


You see: Your right ear flicks twice in a quiet warning.
Others see: <Player>'s right ear flicks twice, issuing a quiet warning.


You see: Your ears begin to droop, giving your face a tired look.
Others see: <Player>'s ears droop slightly, giving <his/her> face a tired look.


You see: You wiggle your ears in a carefree display of your happiness.
Others see: <Player>'s ears wiggle with joy.