Hollow Eve Festival 436/Visions

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< Hollow Eve Festival 436
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Over the course of Hollow Eve 436, a series of visions were displayed globally, and appeared to progressively get darker in nature. As different people would see different visions at any one time, the visions below are only outlined in a rough order.

Trident Attack

Your mouth fills with salt water and you feel the crushing weight of the ocean around you as your vision ripples like water. A Merelew swims nearby, eyes covered by nictitating membranes and throws a jagged pointed trident directly at you! You scream, a trail of bubbles fluttering to the surface, but the trident flies just past your face, missing you by inches, and slams into something hard behind you. Unfolding and reaching with grasping claws, the impaled decapod reaches for you, and the Merelew rams into the deadly creature, thrusting the trident deeper into its body. The two wrestle for dominance, and the vision fades.

Buried Icon

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself standing in a small clearing within a kelp forest, the long fronds gently waving in the current, brilliant spears of sunlight flickering around you. A brilliant shaft lingers on a discarded ceramic cup, which gleams warmly, and another falls on a cluster of corals which grow before your eyes, stretching upward. Suddenly, a flounder startles, erupting from the sand in a cloud of silt as it swims away. A small, buried icon is revealed, depicting a sea turtle holding a crescent moon in its beak. The sunbeams appear to avoid the piece, leaving it in darkness, and it sinks back into the sands with an almost aching sadness. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.

Sea Creature

You smell brine and feel the warm sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. Flying over the ocean, you find yourself following a flock of gulls as they sail along the waters, scanning for schooling fish. A long shadow races below you, and a massive head crowned with branching horns breaks the surface, rows of gleaming double-slit eyes focusing on you for a moment before the creature dives back below the waves, disappearing into the depths. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.


You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself seated at the edge of a long wooden dock, surrounded by a warm breeze, your feet dangling in cool waters. Something bumps your foot, and a large dolphin rolls on its side to look at you, intelligent eyes sparkling. Sinking below the waters a moment, the dolphin surges upward in a playful back flip, soaking you in a wall of water, and skips along the gentle waves chattering happily. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.

Long Shadow

You smell brine and feel the warm sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. Flying over the ocean, you find yourself following a flock of gulls as they sail along the waters, scanning for schooling fish. A long shadow races below you, and a massive head crowned with branching horns breaks the surface, rows of gleaming double-slit eyes focusing on you for a moment before the creature dives back below the waves, disappearing into the depths. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.

Message Vial

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself standing on a crowded boulevard, Merelew and mainlander enjoying the fresh air -- bartering for wares, trying new foods, laughing over mistranslated exchanges -- as new relationships are forged. A figure casually leans against a building, eating a roasted seabird wing, and hands a small message vial to a shadowy hand emerging from the darkness of the adjacent alley. Casting the bones of the meal aside, the figure disappears into the crowd. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.

Regret Their Impudence

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself in a dark room, strung with faintly glowing orbs, a dozen Merelew seated at a long coral table, flowing hoods covering their faces and features. They sit with painted hands resting on the table, and stare ahead, barely breathing, barely moving. A figure paces the room, and stops, a mechanical voice changer manipulating the words that emerge from the robes like a whisper passing through the legs of scuttling creatures.

"They will regret their impudence. They will remember loyalty. They will choose Andreshlew."

The figures hammer the table in unison, once, twice, three times, and everything ripples as the vision fades.

This Wont Work

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself standing in a dark workshop, lit with a few luminescent crystalline globes. A Merelew in coral manacles and a wide, flared iron collar labors at a workbench. Thick scars and deep burns line her back and arms.

"This won't work," she says. "I already told you this won't work."

The sound of a knife sharpening along a whetstone rings out, and the woman sighs and continues manipulating a small machine, slotting curved pieces of metal together and making small adjustments. Everything ripples as the vision fades.

For Andreshlew

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself standing in a dark workshop, a scarred and burnt Merelew, bound in iron and coral, kneels before a small device. A voice calls out, "Will it work?", and the Merelew simply nods, her eyes fixed on the object before her.

"Good. Ready it, we are done here." The sound of steel scraping along steel rings out, and the woman frowns. Her hands dart forward, grabbing the device, and she twists it violently, shattering an internal vial as clockwork whirs to life.

She snarls, "For Andreshlew." and the device erupts into a globe of lightning, vaporizing her as electricity rakes across the room. Hooded figures hiding in the shadows are revealed as they fall to the ground, their robes and flesh burnt. A door opens, casting light over the room, and a Merelew with a three wavy red lines tattooed below her gills smiles wickedly, and the vision fades.


You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself standing knee deep in a hissing tidepool, warm water and sun baked rocks sheltering the tough life hunkering down or exploring the crevices. A small octopus clumsily stretches over a rocky lip and pulls itself into the pool, quickly darting for cover and scanning its surroundings for prey. Thick algae and kelp fronds rapidly grow before your eyes, and a wave breaks over the far end of the pool, cold currents winding around your feet. The octopus spots a small cup, and wraps its tentacles around the inside, covering its body for protection. With a loud *snuff* of exhaled sea water, a sea turtle struggles to escape the tide pool, its eyes narrowing in fear. Everything ripples once more, and the vision fades.


Your mouth fills with salt water and you feel the crushing weight of the ocean around you as your vision ripples. A cloud of silt and bubbles fills your vision, the occasional decapod claw, Merelew webbed hand, and Gor'Tog muscular limb being revealed through the chaos. The decapod retreats, and begins to ratchet its club arm back, but the Gor'Tog hooks one meaty hand over the appendage and begins to twist, and the Merelew grabs the other claw and pulls the opposite direction. The three struggle, the Gor'Tog roars, a stream of bubbles rising to the surface, the Merelew screams, and the decapod snarls, and slowly, the club arms begin to tear free from the creature's body. With a quick spin, the Gor'Tog and Merelew slam the torn free club arms down onto the decapod. The decapod twitches and goes limp, sinking down to the floor, and the Merelew quickly grabs the Gor'Tog and swims for the surface. The vision fades.

Injured Gargantuan

Your mouth fills with salt water and you feel the crushing weight of the ocean around you as your vision ripples. You find yourself floating in the featureless depths, pale light visible far above, inky black darkness stretching all around and below. A massive shadow begins to coalesce below you, rows of gleaming double-slit eyes and a head crowned with branching horns rising from the darkness. Swimming slowly for the surface, the creature appears injured, gargantuan coral armor plating torn free along swaths of its body revealing deep gashes. As it passes you feel the pressure of subsonic clicking and calls play across your body, and for a long while you simply watch it swimming by, a landscape of broken armor, lacerated flipper, and trailing clouds of black blood. The vision fades.

Flying Leviathan

You smell brine and feel the rush of cold air, and your vision ripples like water. You find yourself perched atop a flying leviathan, standing between its enormous branched horns, and you feel the penetrating gaze of a row of its enormous double-slit eyes as they bore into you. A low echoing rumble vibrates your feet, and the undulating leviathan shivers with excitement. With a series of hoots and clicks, the creature banks sharply and angles downward, the exhilarating freefall leaving you gasping as you frantically reach for something to hold onto. Looming before you, details on the ocean surface begin to resolve, and the leviathan tucks its flippers against its sides as it readies itself for the plunge. The vision fades.


You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. A pair of fishermen wrestle with a large net, pulling a large fish up against the boat. The fish struggles, slapping against the wooden boat and tearing the net, and the fishermen appear to be unable to subdue their catch. The boat rocks violently, taking on water, and the two fishermen begin to shout in fear. Suddenly, a trident slams into the fish's head, pinning it against the hull, and with a dying shudder, the fish relaxes. The fishermen breathe a sigh of relief as a pair of webbed hands yank the trident free and help push the large fish onto the boat, and a Merelew emerges from the water with a smile and a nod. The fishermen wave in gratitude, and the vision fades.

Retching Gor'Tog

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. A rocky beach stretches before you, and a Gor'Tog kneels as he retches seawater onto the sand. A Merelew sits next to him, wrapping a cut arm in a makeshift kelp bandage. The Gor'Tog sits up and stretches, several loud *pops* and *cracks* coming from strained joints. The Merelew grins at the Gor'Tog and offers him a hemolymph-stained trident. The Gor'Tog graciously accepts, and the vision fades.

Woman in Sand

You smell brine and feel the sting of sea spray, and your vision ripples like water. You see a vision of Andreshlew, the resplendent city shining with corals and sea grass. Parks with carefully transplanted and tended maple and oak, holly, and juniper line mangrove pools and willow-encircled ponds. A coral ribbed glass dome showcases a massive aquarium, filled with scuttling crab and busy shrimp fastidiously picking through the gravel for scraps, while schools of fish lazily circle the enclosure. You watch as a Merelew woman dressed in a simple robe dyed in greens and blues walks calmly into the ocean surf and taking a knee, buries her webbed hands in the soft sand. An expanding ring pulses outward, luminescent plankton swirling in its wake, and the vision fades

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