Shop of Horrors

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[Shop of Horrors, Outer Chamber]

On the wobbly cart you see a slimy bowl filled with bobbing eyeballs in thick red punch, a magnum of flat champagne, an iron cauldron filled with soggy grapes floating in tepid orange brandy, a cracked oak cask filled with stinkweed mead, a hogshead of brown prune grog and a leaking vat of silver leech wine.

On the worm-eaten sideboard you see a tray of crunchy black beetle tarts, a dirty crystal dish filled with curdled lemon meringues, a cracked bowl full of steamed worms in cold cream sauce, some undercooked chicken breasts floating in thick red liquid, some loaves of stale sourdough bread, a lard-smeared ham studded with ants, a plate smothered with oily slices of leucro brisket, a trencher of rancid trollkin ribs, a platter of freshly roasted slugs and a bowl full of spoiled potato salad.

On the hook you see a grinning wax skull - 5000 K Pasty white wax is molded into the shape of a Human skull, the empty sockets pushed in deeply. A smirk is crudely carved into the wax, as if added as an afterthought.

[Shop of Horrors, Inner Sanctum]
A thick cobweb covers the one small window, tiny trapped bodies in neatly wrapped packages here and there in its strands. A shadowed figure lurks in the corner, larger than the rest, its eyes reflecting in the lantern-light. An assortment of dark silhouettes rests on a rickety shelf, a crumbling display case squatting under it. Remnants of carpeting lump under a lopsided table in one corner, the goods on it tilting sideways as if trying to hang onto the surface. You also see a crooked arch. Obvious exits: none.

On the rickety shelf you see: 3750 K

  • a grinning skeleton doll
  • a wide-eyed phantom doll
  • a wicked death spirit doll
  • an ochre-green ghoul doll
  • a stark white ghost doll
  • a sneering spectre doll

On the lopsided table you see:

  • a fat dung beetle pin - 1250 K
  • a shiny black beetle pin - 2500 K
  • a shiny gold beetle pin - 5000 K
  • a shiny silver beetle pin - 3750 K
  • a long blue centipede pin - 5000 K
  • a fuzzy-legged mosquito pin - 5000 K

This cleverly designed pin is a miniature replica of the real blood-sucking thing, from the almost-translucent black wings to the long sharp needle-like appendage which digs deeply into unguarded skin.

On the display case you see a lovely red rose - 6250 K Picked and magically preserved in the height of its beauty, this gorgeous red rose exudes a delicate fragrance.

[Shop of Horrors, Drowned Cellar]

On the disintegrating shelf you see:

  • a jade-inlaid machete with a frayed leather handle - 15000 K
  • an onyx-inlaid broadsword with a worn leather grip - 27500 K

On the warped case you see:

  • a crooked war mattock with a ripped leather grip - 31250 K
  • a dull silver-plated hammer with a scarred leather grip - 18750 K


This shop is in Crossing on Ranik's Map 1c.