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BLUFF is a Bard-only series of verbs designed to make use of a Bard's charismatic wit and charm. Uses the Bards Charisma stat in most contests and also drains the Bardic Mojo pool.
Hah! As a Bard, you can BLUFF like so... BLUFF <player|item|critter> BLUFF <player|critter> <option> Options: emperor, sister, lanival, baron, merchant, sidhlot, priest, swallow, glythtide, penguin BLUFF <self> BLUFF DODGE to dodge in combat. BLUFF DISTRACT to gain a better chance at hiding. BLUFF AMAZE to put on a charismatic show. BLUFF DEAD to play dead. *** Be warned, this could get you killed! ***
- Dodge
Will attempt to lower an attacker's confidence, making them less able to land a strike against the Bard for a short period of time.
- Distract
Gives the Bard a one-time bonus to hiding by diverting the attentions of those around him. Acts as if the HIDE verb had been used.
- Amaze
Bard puts on a charismatic display, providing a temporary bonus to their Charisma stat.
- Dead
Using their flair for the dramatic, the Bard attempts to convince those around him that he has been slain. Will produce messaging as if the Bard had been struck down to all those foolish enough to fall for the rouse.
In combat, critters will disengage and move on as if the Bard was actually dead. A failed attempt will leave you lying on the ground, so caution is advised when using this ability.