Teach Room (script)

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Teach Room (script)
Category utility
Front-end Genie
Author Isharon

This script offers to teach your ongoing class to everyone in the room. It will not work without the triggers that set the class variable.


#trigger {^(\w+) begins to lecture you on the proper usage of the (?!Sorcery|Stealing|Thievery)} {#send listen to $1}
#trigger {^(\w+) is teaching a class on (extremely advanced|advanced|intermediate|basic|simplistic|extremely simplistic) \(compared to what you already know\) (.*)( which|, but).+You are in this class!$} {#statusbar 3 Listening to $1 teach $3}
#trigger {^(\w+) is teaching a class on(?! (extremely advanced|advanced|intermediate|basic|simplistic|extremely simplistic)) (.*)( which|, but).+You are in this class!$} {#statusbar 3 Listening to $1 teach $3}
#trigger {^(\w+) just tried to teach you\.$} {#echo >log $1 tries to teach you.}
#trigger {^All of your students have left, so you stop teaching|^Because you have no more students, your class ends|^Being unconscious, you make a lousy student, so \w+ stops teaching you|^But you aren't listening to anyone|^But you aren't teaching anyone|^No one seems to be teaching|^You stop listening to|^You stop teaching so as not to disturb the aura of quiet here|^You stop teaching\.|^Your teacher (has left|is not here), so you are no longer learning anything|cannot concentrate to teach .+ in combat\.|stops teaching and looks around quietly|^You're unconscious!$} {#statusbar 3 ""}
#trigger {^You are teaching a class on (.*) which} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}
#trigger {^You begin to listen to (\w+) teach the (.*) skill} {#statusbar 3 Listening to $1 teach $2}
#trigger {^You continue to instruct your students? on (.*)\.$} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}
#trigger {^You decide to take things as they come} {#send teach open}
#trigger {begins to listen to you teach the (.*) skill} {#statusbar 3 Teaching $1;#var class $1}

Script (Teaches Class to Everyone)

eval players replace("$roomplayers", "Also here: ", ", ")
eval players replace("%players", " and", ",")
eval players replace("%players", ".", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is kneeling,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is lying down,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is prone,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is sitting,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is sleeping,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who has a \S+ visage,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who has coalesced into a battle of light and shadow, each warring for dominance,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who has coalesced into a battle of light and shadow,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is bathed in pale golden sunlight,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is behind a plexus of azure lines,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is being harassed by an intrigue of phantasmal kittens,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is blurred by hazy afterimages,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is covered in layers of filth and surrounded by a cloud of putrescence,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is covered with whitened ridges,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is darkened by an unnatural shadow,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is emanating a \S+ holy aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is flickering with fire motes,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is followed by a rabid confusion of smirking weasels,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is haloed in a double rainbow,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is in a globe of blue fire,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is in an? \S+ \S+ cage,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is mounted on .+ horse,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is radiating an? \S+ aura,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is sheathed in an aura of crackling electricity,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is shining with a dark golden glow,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is shrouded by swirling \S+ fog,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is shrouded in ghostly flames,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by a band of twittering songbirds,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by a fiery mantle,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by a.+shimmering shield,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is surrounded by \S+ circling blades? of ice,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is swathed in shimmering sunbeams,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is trailed by a discombobulated shadow jumping in and out of view,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", " who is trailed by a discombobulated shadow jumping in,", ",")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replacere("%players", ", [\w'-]+ ", ", ")
eval players replace("%players", ", ", "|")
var players %players
put #echo players: %players
eval total count("%players", "|")

eval player element("%players", 1)
eval number count("%players", "|%player")
var count 0
gosub RemoveLoop
action setvariable player $1 when ^@.* (\S+)$
put #parse @%player
counter set %count
gosub teach
if %players != "|" then goto Loop

eval number count("%players", "|%player|")
eval players replace("%players", "|%player|", "|")
eval players replace("%players", "||" "|")
evalmath count %count + %number
if !contains("%players", "|%player|") then return
goto RemoveLoop

counter subtract 1
put teach $class to %player
waitforre ^I could not find who you were referring to|^That person is too busy teaching|^You begin to lecture|^You have already offered to teach|does not have the necessary training to learn|is already listening to you|is already trying to teach someone else|is listening to someone else|is not paying attention to you
if %c = 0 then return
goto teach