The Theory of Temporal Shadows

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The Theory of Temporal Shadows

The following is the only surviving lecture by Aaoskar Moonbender on The Theory of Temporal Shadows (NOTE: This is only Aaoskar's theory).

Aaoskar blushes as he says, "What I propose this night is a new theory on Shadow, Time, Probability, and Prophecy. It is best described as The Theory of Temporal Shadows. It is a theory that expands upon our first lessons within the guild. While I am speaking tonight, I want you to know that this new theory is only possible due to the collaboration of many within our guild, including my good friend and colleague Aerathor Vas’Waerd, and other talented seers.

“As you all know, the shadows spell is often thought of an introductory spell, but this spell is particularly advanced and it is quite extraordinary that we have come to think of it as simple. This spell aids us in many practical ways, but its true worth is that it gives us a deeper understanding of the the Plane of Probability, Shadow, and Time itself."

"We are all indebted to Erzebet Crowther who firmly set this perfected version of the shadows or shadebringer spell in our lunar tradition. Whether she created it or rediscovered it from the text, Thee Mottl'd Tyxte, is a debate best left to another day."

"Prior versions of this spell had a tendency to swallow the caster and propel them into other dimensions or planes. And as should be apparent by all earlier failed versions of this spell, the Shadows spell works by enveloping the caster in shadow caused by a Moon Mage's subtle manipulations of the Plane of Shadow causing a temporal distortion, which we then perceive as a shadow or darkening of reality. This understanding of lunar magical theory coincides and helps explain the nature of Katamba."

"It is believed by many within our guild that Katamba is past the point where its land should be scorched and blackened by a past cataclysmic event. Indeed, many have speculated that shadow covers or emanates from Katamba. But as we believe that the shattering of Grazhir halted time's progression, I now hypothesize that Katamba appears black for the same reason that the shadow spell works. The shadows of Katamba are due to a temporal distortion which is a result of The Children of Grazhite creating a temporal stasis or distortion that we still see when gazing upon the moon, Katamba. Similarly, the Plane of Probability is often known as the Plane of Shadow because shadow or temporal distortion is an inherent quality of the Plane of Probability. This coincides with Tezirah's claim that time passes differently within the Plane of Probability."

"This Theory of Shadow, Time, Probability, and Prophecy might also explain the possible "immortality" of a mortal transformed into the being we now call Pelag Ai Aldam. Perhaps his nature has been infused with the essence of the Plane of Shadow or perhaps a long existence is a side effect of living on a Plane where time is either distorted or halted. Of course, if this were the case, longevity would be an odd term to use for his existence may reside between the blink of an eye."

"This understanding might indicate that Prophecy is possible because we are gazing upon the Web of Fate through the lens of a Plane of existence enveloped in temporal distortion and perhaps stasis."

"And lastly, on a side note of which I have only recently started to consider, it could be possible that the Rakash transformation back into their moonskins is somehow connected to the Temporal Distortions as seen in Katamba. When Katamba is at its darkest, the temporal distortions are at their greatest, which results in the Rakash people being returned to one of their true, ancient form. I say one of their forms because I speculate that they and perhaps Prydaens be descendants of the race we know as changelings."

"I know that this is a different explanation of the inner workings of our magic, our gifts, and our relationship to the Plane of Probability, but after much research, I believe this to be an accurate representation of a "simple" spell and the nature of Katamba, the Plane of Shadow, and Time itself."

"Unfortunately, there is little other evidence that I can or am willing to share at this time. I put forth this new theory of Time and Probability not because I expect any of you to accept my words, but rather as a way to open up new discussion into the nature of reality. I find it distasteful to accept any tradition without constantly re-examining it from different perspectives."

Aaoskar glances back up and blushes before taking a seat amongst his esteemed colleagues.

(Shortly after this lecture, Aaoskar, with the aid of a group of seers, unleashed a planar invasion upon Elanthia during his research into the shattering of Grazhir and the Obelisk builders.)