Return to the Keep 423/Teasers

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< Return to the Keep 423
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First Email

When the Keep fell, something long forgotten was disturbed within its rubble.

Something so threatening that the Elpalzi forces attempted to secure it for their own.

Adventurers once prevented this, but now magical experiments threaten the fabric of space-time itself!

An ancient power has intervened to preserve the past and allow a chance to save the present.

Will you traverse time and Return to Ulf'Hara Keep once again to save Elanthia from this terrifying menace?

Beginning July 21st, become a hero once again and stop these power-hungry mages before it is too late!

Second Email

Deep in the bowels of a noble estate, myriad lunar mages toiled away. Experiment after experiment, they continued almost endlessly and with a fervor rarely seen. Most of these experiments were of little note, but one was a most resounding and unfortunate success. It caused an anomaly of a most serious nature indeed, for you see, this particular test managed to disrupt Fate itself!

The ruins of the royal Keep -- not so long ago this once-regal symbol of the First Land was teeming with renegade Elpalzi, searching for a relic that would give them the power to rule. With the combined work of adventurers, soldiers, and gentry alike over the course of many years, not only was this prevented, but these rebels met their ultimate defeat! An uneasy peace has been created in the wake of this, and the people have finally begun their healing.

With the plucking of Fate’s strands, however, all of this is now at risk! Things which have already come to pass are in perilous danger of being irrevocably altered. Deep within the Plane of Probability, a being prickles at the waves of potential damage to come from it all and steps in, sealing the point of contamination away.

The featureless, abstractly Human-shaped being looks upon its creation, this moment of distorted time and potentiality trapped within starlight pulled from its own body. Amidst the Keep’s rubble, an ancient relic once thought destroyed has been recovered by the warring Elpalzi. This device allows its user to tap into the consciousness of a single individual – even one amongst those long gone from this world!

The creature sees what will become of this: that the rebels will contact the powerful mage who once commanded them, and, with his vast knowledge, they will begin the creation of a new artifact of even greater power, a tome of time-bending magics.

The starlight-hued head tilts as it scrys further, following all of the potential outcomes. Fate’s strands must be returned to their proper placement. Time must be preserved. The Elpalzi cannot be allowed to finish writing this Tome.

Brave adventurers are called upon once again to Journey back to the Keep and correct the course of history itself!

Will you travel back in time to save Elanthia before the Tome is complete?

Time travel is dangerous and forbidden, but drastic times call for drastic measures. Will the renegade Elpalzi reign supreme and claim the lives of many more victims?

Can you stop the power hungry Elpalzi rebels and ensure their eventual defeat?

Or will they complete the Tome and rule over Elanthia with the mastery of space and time at their fingertips?

Join your fellow adventurers as the story unfolds, beginning July 21st!

Third Email

Travel back in time to save Elanthia before the Tome is complete!
~ July 21st until July 30th ~


With the plucking of Fate's strands the future itself stands at the precipice of being irrevocably altered. The ancient relic must be recovered. The embers of war must not be rekindled.

Heroes are needed to go back in time to prevent this catastrophe from taking form! The future must be protected! Prepare yourselves to travel back to the Ruins from July 21st until July 30th!

Are you up to the task?

Help Lord Zukir by completing TASKs that need to be done. A single pass will grant you one hour within the quest area to complete as many missions as you can. Completing more missions allows you to claim greater rewards, and you can wait to select your treasure until a later run if you want to save up! There are many new items but lots of old favorites are making their return as well. Don't forget there are a wide variety of missions and Empaths are not forced into combat missions.

What can you do with the credits you earn?


  • A Spectral Reaper medallion! Summon your minion to slay your foes!


  • Feature Mirrors! Change your appearance with a multitude of new options to choose from. Make your character look unique!
  • Potency and Infuser Wallets. A popular item makes its return. Stack up all those stones and reduce your item count!
  • Scroll Stacker! A new scroll stacker special for the Ruins makes its debut. Collect your scrolls and store them neatly in your stacker!
  • Familiar Talismans! A few new looks for some old favorites.
  • Sorcerous Backlash Absorber! Backlash be gone! This device can completely negate or significantly reduce the effects of sorcery gone wrong!
  • Carapace armor! Choose from mail or light armor!
  • And more to come!

.... AND MORE!

Be the hero Elanthia needs and stop the Elpalzi!

First Forum Post: Additional Items

As noted in the mailer for this event, most of the prizes from last run are still present, and at the same price point as before. Mechanically, the event is the same. We've made some QoL updates to the tasks.

Task Adjustments:

  • Abandoning tasks now has a cooldown.
  • Altered the kill critter task to have one less possible critter (4 to 6)
  • Altered the recover treasure (creature) task to only require 2 to 3 treasures.

Prize additions:

  • a glossy blue-black orb
Carapace armor using mail hauberk template:
APPRAISAL: The carapace armor is chain armor.
The armor looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm left arm right leg left leg chest abdomen back
You feel certain that some waxy-black carapace armor appears to impose high maneuvering hindrance and moderate stealth hindrance, offering:
very good protection and very great damage absorption for puncture attacks.
very good protection and very great damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and very great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and very good damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and very good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing some waxy-black carapace armor your maneuvering would be lightly hindered and your stealth would be fairly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently lightly hindered and your stealth is fairly hindered.
You are certain that the carapace armor is extremely resistant to damage, and are in pristine condition.
The carapace armor is fairly soft.
You are certain that the carapace armor weighs exactly 450 stones.
  • a bone-white orb
Carapace armor using segmented bone hauberk template:
APPRAISAL: The carapace armor is light armor.
The armor looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm left arm right leg left leg chest abdomen back
You feel certain that some waxy-black carapace armor appears to impose high maneuvering hindrance and fair stealth hindrance, offering:
great protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
great protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
great protection and good damage absorption for impact attacks.
very good protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
good protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
moderate protection and low damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing some waxy-black carapace armor your maneuvering would be barely hindered and your stealth would be insignificantly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently barely hindered and your stealth is insignificantly hindered.
You are certain that the carapace armor is extremely resistant to damage, and are in pristine condition.
The carapace armor is fairly malleable.
You are certain that the carapace armor weighs exactly 232 stones.


  • a grey talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a grizzled back panther
CONTAINS: a panther talisman: Appearance: a grizzled black panther with razor-sharp fangs
  • a beige-white talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a scarred lynx
CONTAINS: a lynx talisman: Appearance: a viciously scarred beige-white lynx with black-tipped ears
  • a talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a white-faced owl in mid-flight
CONTAINS: an owl talisman: Appearance: a white-faced owl with piercing red eyes
  • a black and white talisman pouch embroidered with a grinning panda bear
CONTAINS: a bear talisman: Appearance: a bright eyed panda bear with soft downy fur
  • a pure white talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a running snow leopard
CONTAINS: a leopard talisman: Appearance: a muscular white snow leopard with piercing blue eyes
  • a polished leather talisman pouch embroidered with a snarling grizzly bear
CONTAINS: a bear talisman: Appearance: a gigantic brown grizzly bear with massive sharp claws
  • a darkened leather hip pouch branded with a rolled scroll
This is a scroll grab bag. A random scroll is contained within.
  • a lucid crystalline ampoule
This is a sorcery backlash absorber. A few things to note about this item is that they use charges which can be recharged with infuser stones. This device will negate MINOR sorcerous backlashes and dampen the effect of more severe ones to be less severe. One final thing to note is you can ADJUST the ampoule to be worn either on the neck or on the belt.
  • a classic black umbrella with an elaborately carved green parrot's head handle
The classic black umbrella is a magical device which will fly its user from place to place. This uses charges which can be restored with infuser stones. You can study the device to learn more about it, however to activate the device:
- TAP: Sets the destination room, where the user will be taken. You must stand in this room.
- RAISE: Take them to the destination room which the user previously TAPPED, and sets the destination room for a return trip. So you can travel between two locations.
  • a blue leather wallet with a crystal painted on the front
A potency crystal stacker wallet which comes with some crystals as well. Can hold a max of 50.
CONTAINS: a potency crystal (Qty 7)
  • a purple leather wallet with a stone painted on the front
An infuser stone stacker wallet which comes with some crystals as well. Can hold a max of 50.
CONTAINS: an infuser stone (Qty 7)
  • a charming tapestry carpetbag patterned with sprawling cabbage roses
This is a very large back-worn container with ties. It will currently accept a total of 3 items. You can tie the following items: umbrella, pyramid, pestle, mortar, stick, sieve, pot, and scissors. It can be upgraded via a tie merchant.

Please note the ivory wand has not been verified by researchers. Use at your own risk! These wands are PAFO except for the spell contained. They are similar in nature to the Duskruin ones but with new spells.

  • a wand of eventide moonstone etched with a kaleidoscope of butterflies - Shear
  • a lifesculpted Ilithian cedar wand twisted around an Elamiri sapphire - Ice Patch
  • a frigid icesteel wand with a miniature scythe-shaped tip - Frost Scythe
  • a baroque ivory wand inlaid with vengeance rubies - New stock. Unverified by researchers.
  • a scroll folio embossed with an image of Ulf'hara keep
a scroll stacker. Holds 40 types of scrolls at 50 copies per scroll.
  • a simple bronze chalice rippled with a rich patina around the broad rim
A magical chalice which creates holy water when rubbed. This chalice has 100 charges. Each time it is rubbed it creates 18 parts of holy water. It can be recharged with infuser stones.

There will be a separate post for these, and an Elanthipedia entry to help you identify which does what.
These are a brand new item - Each mirror is configured to adjust one of your features. You can mix and match and end up with a whole new you! Each mirror has one single use. They do not bond upon purchase.

Second Forum Post: Feature-Modification Items

The original post can be found here

The documentation for each mirror can now be found on the Supply Wagon page as well.


On the wire frame you see....

a multicolored eyeball with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your eye color.

  • a tin mirror featuring a blank face with cloud-grey eyes: Results in cloud-grey eyes
  • a brass mirror featuring a blank face with lurid saffron eyes: Results in lurid saffron eyes
  • a platinum mirror featuring a blank face with champagne-hued eyes: Results in champagne-hued eyes
  • a kertig mirror featuring a blank face with starry amethyst eyes: Results in starry amethyst eyes
  • a glaes mirror featuring a blank face with prismatic cerulean eyes: Results in prismatic cerulean eyes
  • a bronze mirror featuring a blank face with whiskey-tinged eyes: Results in whiskey-tinged eyes
  • a steel mirror featuring a blank face with incandescent gold eyes: Results in incandescent gold eyes
  • a steel mirror featuring a blank face with glowing red eyes: Results in glowing red eyes
  • a gold mirror featuring a blank face with lackluster silver eyes: Results in lackluster silver eyes
  • a copper mirror featuring a blank face with milk chocolate eyes: Results in milk chocolate eyes

a wire form with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your height or figure.

  • a folded mirror featuring a well fed pleasantly plump figure: Results in a well-fed, pleasantly plump figure
  • a twisted mirror featuring a sleek sylphlike figure: Results in sleek, sylphlike figure
  • a bent mirror featuring curvy bottom heavy figure: Results in a curvy, bottom-heavy figure
  • a heart shaped mirror featuring a malnourished figure: Results in an emaciated and malnourished figure
  • a triangular mirror featuring a disproportionate figure: Results in a glaringly disproportionate figure
  • a square mirror featuring a big-boned figure: Results in fatty rolls piled upon a big-boned figure
  • an oblong mirror featuring a mountainous height: Results in a mountainous height
  • a rhombus-shaped mirror featuring an odd figure: Results in an oddly disjointed figure
  • an abstract mirror featuring a spritely figure: Results in a spritely height
  • a round mirror featuring an itty bitty height: Results in an itty bitty height
  • an oval mirror featuring a boring height: Results in a boring and rather unremarkable height.

a multifaced dummy with some stuff on it
These mirrors will give you dimples! They will also change things about your mouth, but the dimples come along with that. The mirror depicting fangs will only work for tailed races. S’Kra Mur and Prydaens can NOT use mirrors depicting specific lip types.

  • a crooked mirror featuring a dimpled face with lusciously full heart-shaped lips: Results in lusciously full heart-shaped lips
  • a bowed mirror featuring a crooked yellow teeth framed by an aged mouth: Results in crooked yellow teeth framed by an aged mouth
  • a dimpled mirror featuring a dimpled face with dry and chapped lips: Results in dry, chapped lips
  • a plump mirror featuring a dimpled face with eye-catching pearlescent teeth: Results in eye-catching pearlescent teeth
  • a flat mirror featuring jaggedly pointed teeth behind snarled lips: Results in jaggedly pointed teeth behind snarled lips
  • a thick mirror featuring a fanged face with dazzling pearly fangs and dimples: Results in dazzling pearly fangs
  • a thin mirror featuring a dimpled face with a smugly smirked mouth: Results in a smug-looking permanently smirked mouth
  • a light mirror featuring a dimpled face with a scowling hare-lipped mouth: Results in a permanently scowling hare-lipped mouth
  • a hard mirror featuring a dimpled face with ample lips: Results in plump and ample lips
  • a dark mirror featuring a dimpled face with a guileless mouth: Results in a soft, guileless mouth

an inverted bowl with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change the color of your eyes, but they are ONLY for members of the Rakash race and will not work for anyone else.

  • a valta mirror featuring a Rakash face with incandescent valta eyes: Results in incandescent valta eyes
  • a vruna mirror featuring a Rakash face with mesmerizing vruna eyes: Results in mesmerizing vruna eyes
  • a relna mirror featuring a Rakash face with brooding relna eyes: Results in brooding relna eyes
  • a zila mirror featuring a Rakash face with lurid zila eyes: Results in lurid zila eyes
  • a zala mirror featuring a Rakash face with tempestuous zala eyes: Results in tempestuous zala eyes
  • a forfra mirror featuring a Rakash face with crepuscular forfra eyes: Results in crepuscular forfra eyes

an oddly lopsided globe with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your eye characteristics, but not their color! For example, if your eyes are blue, you might use one to have smolderingly intense blue eyes.

  • an alexandrite mirror featuring a blank face with smolderingly intense eyes: Results in smolderingly intense (current color) eyes
  • a garnet mirror featuring a blank face with squinty-looking eyes: Results in squinty-looking (current color) eyes
  • a sapphire mirror featuring a blank face with thoughtful-looking eyes: Results in a smattering of wrinkles emphasizing thoughtful (current color) eyes
  • a ruby mirror featuring a blank face with blue curled lashes and awestruck: Results in bright blue curled lashes fringing awestruck (current color) eyes
  • a pearl mirror featuring a blank face with a pair of unfocused and crossed eyes: Results in unfocused and crossed (current color) eyes
  • a topaz mirror featuring a blank face with droopy eyelids and red-rimmed eyes: Results in droopy eyelids that hang heavily over red-rimmed (current color) eyes
  • a diamond mirror featuring a blank face with exhausted eyes: Results in dark baggy rings encircling exhausted (current color) eyes
  • an emerald mirror featuring a blank face with come-hither eyes: Results in lusciously long lashes framing come-hither (current color) eyes
  • a moonstone mirror featuring a blank face with hopelessly wide eyes: Results in long eyelashes that fringe hopelessly wide (current color) eyes
  • a coral mirror featuring a blank face with exotically tilted eyes: Results in exotically tilted (current color) eyes
  • a beryl mirror featuring a blank face with completely lashless eyes: Results in completely lashless (current color) eyes
  • an opal mirror featuring a blank face with tapered lashes fringing drowsy-lidded eyes: Results in tapered lashes fringing drowsy-lidded (current color) eyes
  • a cloudy crystal mirror featuring a blank face with unflinching and hardened eyes: Results in unflinching and hardened (current color) eyes
  • an agate mirror featuring a blank face with listless and lackadaisical eyes: Results in listless and lackadaisical (current color) eyes
  • an amethyst mirror featuring a blank face with differently sized eyes: Results in differently sized (current color) eyes

an expanse of tanned leather with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your skin, scales, or fur. Please note that mirrors with a specific race on them can only be used by that race, except for the ones with Humans on them. Mirrors with Humans on them can be used by anyone EXCEPT S’Kra Mur, Gor’Togs, or Prydaens.

  • a bear-etched mirror featuring a blank face with spectral blue skin: Results in spectral blue skin/scales/fur
  • a cougar-pelt mirror featuring a blank face with warm caramel-hued skin: Results in warm caramel-hued skin/scales/fur
  • an eel-skin mirror featuring a Human with pasty white skin: Results in pasty white skin
  • a goblin-skin mirror featuring a Human face with a labyrinth of visible veins: Results in a labyrinth of blue veins beneath translucent skin
  • a giant mirror featuring a Gor'Tog with blinding lime green skin: Results in blinding lime green skin
  • a dragon-etched mirror featuring a S'Kra Mur face with silver-traced ebon scales: Results in silver-traced ebon scales
  • a serpent-scaled mirror featuring a S'Kra Mur with dazzling amaranth and gold scales: Results in dazzling amaranth and gold scales
  • a lynx-shaped mirror featuring a Prydaen face with spotted hoarfrost white fur: Results in inky splotches befouling hoarfrost white fur
  • a gargantuan mirror featuring a Gor'Tog face with shimmering emerald-dusted skin: Results in shimmering emerald-dusted skin
  • a fur-framed mirror featuring a Prydaen face with ashy and singed fur: Results in ashy and singed fur

a series of blank-faced heads with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your hair color. They will only work for Humans, Elves, Rakash, Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarves, Elotheans, and Kaldar.

  • a black mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by frazzled and blackened hair: Results in frazzled and blackened hair
  • a green mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by phosphorescent green hair: Results in phosphorescent green hair
  • a pink mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by glitter-dusted pink hair: Results in glitter-dusted pink hair
  • a carmine mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by shimmering carmine hair: Results in shimmering carmine hair
  • a silver-hued mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by brilliant silver hair: Results in brilliant silver hair
  • a violet mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by gloaming violet hair: Results in gloaming violet hair
  • a shady mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by eerie black hair: Results in eerie black hair
  • a turquoise mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by black-laced turquoise hair: Results in black-laced turquoise hair
  • a yellow mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by luminous blonde hair: Results in luminous blonde hair
  • a grey mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by blue-tinted brittle grey hair: Results in blue-tinted brittle grey hair

a triangular platter with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your nose / snout.

  • an alabaster mirror featuring a blank face with a disdainfully scrunched nose: Results in disdainfully scrunched nose/snout
  • an anloral mirror featuring a blank face with a disjointed and flattened nose: Results in disjointed and flattened nose/snout
  • an obsidian mirror featuring a blank face with a prominently tapered nose: Results in prominently tapered nose/snout
  • a soapstone mirror featuring a blank face with a rakishly crooked nose: Results in rakishly crooked nose/snout
  • a heartstone mirror featuring a blank face with a snootily upturned nose: Results in snootily upturned nose/snout
  • a howlite mirror featuring a blank face with a flawless and beyond perfect nose: Results in flawless and beyond perfect nose/snout
  • a granite mirror featuring a blank face with a peeling sunburned nose: Results in peeling sunburned nose/snout
  • a gneiss mirror featuring a blank face with a crusty nose: Results in crusty nose/snout
  • a felstone mirror featuring a blank face with a haughtily aristocratic nose: Results in haughtily aristocratic nose/snout
  • an avaes mirror featuring a blank face with an upturned snobbish nose: Results in upturned snobbish nose/snout

a narrow tray with some stuff on it
These mirrors will change your tail. They will not work if you do not have a tail. Please note that if a mirror depicts a particular race, it will only work for members of that race.

  • a splotched mirror featuring a person with a severely scorched tail: Results in a severely scorched tail
  • a drizzled mirror featuring a person with a seriously kinked tail: Results in a seriously kinked tail
  • a speckled mirror featuring a person with a curly little tail: Results in a curly little tail
  • a smeared mirror featuring a person with a partially severed tail: Results in a partially severed tail
  • a buffed mirror featuring a Rakash with a tightly braided tail with a poofy feathered tip: Results in a tightly braided tail with a poofy feathered tip
  • a dotted mirror featuring a person with an oddly twisted and slightly forked tail: Results in an oddly twisted and slightly forked tail
  • a polished mirror featuring a person with a glitter-dusted spiraling tail: Results in a glitter-dusted spiraling tail
  • a squiggle-covered mirror featuring a person with a lackadaisical tail: Results in a lackadaisical tail
  • a cracked mirror featuring a Prydaen with a frazzled static-charged tail: Results in a frazzled static-charged tail
  • a pinstriped mirror featuring a person with a flopping smooshed tail: Results in a flopping smooshed tail
  • a striped mirror featuring a person with a timidly tucked tail: Results in a timidly tucked tail
  • a spotted mirror featuring a person with an outlandishly long tail: Results in an outlandishly long tail
  • a blocky mirror featuring a S'kra with a zig-zagged tail: Results in a zig-zagged tail with iridescent scales