Lady Marelanis Nelii
Noble during the time of the Empire and the raising of the Zaulfung Stones by Farn's Company.
Yeluenne's sister. Was to marry the prince of Amlar (was this Cedrick?). She was from Telias. Died in the Zaulfung Swamp like her lover Cedrick, but she didn't walk like he did. She's now a ghost. Also seen in the Ring Visions. Very good looking.
The ghost in the Zaulfung Swamp
She only responds to things that have a direct relation to her current state... Essentially, these words are "who/name, help, sluagh, boobries, evil, Cedric, 'my jewel', and Marelanis.
You say, "Marelanis."
The ghost seems to glow more brightly. "Marelanis! Yes, that's my name! Marelanis Nelii, Os'Virkaruu neg Amlar'kendia." At your blank expression, she smiles. "Holder of the Silver Heart of Amlar. That means I was to marry the prince. It was an arrangement meant to help ensure peace between the humans of Amlar and my own people of Telias, but I loved him the day I met him."
"You have found the name I have lost. Perhaps one day I'll find my way free of this place. You have given me not just a name, you have given me hope as well. Arikehe."
look marelanis
The ghostly form is that of a young Elven woman. Her hair reaches the small of her back and the cut of her clothes is several centuries out of fashion, though the soft silver glow about her makes it impossible to determine the color of either.
She is sitting on the soft wet ground, covering her face with her hands and sobbing.