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Category Official Player Run Organizations (8)
Topic Order of the Iron Circle -- Li Tumbra Mir (6)
Message Valvidia! The Wench! (102)
On Mar 3, 2001 at 22:39
The Order of the White Rose has been visited by a strange creature sporting the title Privateer. Her name is Valvidia and she is rather a smart, but saucy wench. She's been approaching many of our members trying to find out how much dues we pay, who has it and where its at! Something is not..right about her. I am very suspicious and I've heard this "Privateer" has also been approaching the other Orders. I think we should compare some notes! Please report anything you've heard or seen on this Valvidia wench and we'll do the same. I will keep this thread going in the OWR folder.
She has spied upon us, stolen from Kovan for one..and I don't know what else yet. She is asking lots of abnormal questions of brand new members and taking note on various things about our Order as she hears them....
She was most interested in who lived on the islands...
Could she be looking at some..profiteering? or? Is she after our treasuries? Anyone from the other orders run into her?
Sholana Councilor, Order of the White Rose
Category Events and Happenings (29)
Topic Events in General (1)
Message Valdivia (4592)
By IVJAMES@PLAY.NET (Aristidies)
On Apr 8, 2001 at 14:09
We were having an informal Gathering of members of the Rose in the Midton residential area of the Crossing, when Valdivia happened to join us. Her story is interesting, but I am not sure we are being told all we should know.
Valdivia and her brother Caibre are privateers. Privateers can best be understood as legal pirates. The Captain will sell the services of the ship to a government and attack ships of that government's enemies. Valdivia and Caibre have been crewing on a ship captained by Saureen, who has terrorized Aesry on occasion and has a nasty disposition. I have heard it rumored that Saureen has the ambition to rule all of Aesry.
Valdivia feels that Saureen has not been fair to her in dividing the plunder, and that she has never received her fair share. Following a successful raid, Valdivia managed to flee with the entire bounty. Her justification, of course, is it was just to get her fair share of all she had been cheated out of in the past. Her brother Caibre, who is devoted to Valdivia, thought he had convinced her to return the bounty to Saureen and to salvage their reputations as honest hard working crew. But when he got to Riverhaven Valdivia told him she had spent the enitire fortune!
To make matters worse, a fellow crew member Jimma, located Valdivia and Caibre in Riverhaven, and has demanded 10 plat to keep silent about their location. He has the alliance of some very nasty critters, Lascars I believe they are called, and used them on an attack of the good folks of Riverhaven to convince her that she had better pay him. Valdivia refused our offers of assistance in raising the money she needs to pay off Jimma. She says "she got herself in this mess and will get herself out of it."
My impressions of Caibre and Valdivia show them to be quite different in nature. He is dedicated to her, concerned about their reputations, and troubled greatly by what has happened. He is trying to find an honorable solution, one that would allow them to return to the life of a privateer. I believe he is also very naive in believing all his sister has to say. Valdivia has no remorse in creating this situation, nor in dragging her brother in to it. And looking at her closely I saw nothing about her that would indicate she quickly spent a fortune.
Powerful people are looking for Valdivia and Caibre: Pirate Wench Saureen, Sea Raider Vsevolod. Privateer Jimma. The Order of the White Rose has offered her our assistance as of now. We do so based on our dealings with Saureen, who I personally find to be offensive, and also we are very concerned for the future of Caibre.
Ivjames Speaker of The Order of the White Rose.
[from Apostles' yahoo group]
From: Darkskye96@a
Date: Mon Apr 2, 2001 8:36 pm
Subject: Caibre, Valdivia and Jimma
here is a brief synopsis of yesterdays encounter................Sand Spit Tavern, Barroom] Apparently made from a section of salvaged ship's hull the main bar area is constructed of ancient and scavenged nautical ware. The decor is of the same vintage, an old hatch cover for a door, worn and broken capstans for tables with a hodge-podge of chairs of all sorts. A long bar that has seen much better days is the main focus of the room. The lighting is dim and there are many dark corners. The clientele seems to prefer it that way to judge from the heavily curtained porthole windows. You also see a long bar, a shadowed table, and a bill of fare. Also in the room: Allurana, Slyder, Apprentice Molark, Privateer Caibre, Holy Warrior Blasword, and Arcanist Meanne.
We became of aware of Valdivia in the town of Riverhaven yesterday
and met at the Sand Spit to decide what to do. While we where there Caibre joined us. We informed him that Vsevolod had left the night before on the tide, which seemed to bother Caibre. When then traveled in quick haste to the Haven ferry. We reached the dock and then found Valdivia at the Pierless Inn.
Both Caibre and Valdivia hugged and they talked about the trouble she and
Caibre had caused..........
Then we heard Jimma's voice over the gweth... promising there would be no
place to hide this time and to prepare to meet their fates. Our party moved to the Sailfisher and much debate took place in a short time. It was decided by all to flee into the town or outlying areas with Valdivia and the rest detain Jimma. The pirate lascars appeared along the waterfront and the fight began, the town put up a great fight as did the party protecting Valdivia. When all the lascars were sent to the ol briny deep, Jimma was beset at the Sailfisher by Molark and Caibre and held at swordpoint.
As we all arrived there Valdivia returned with Blasword and Jimma begged
for his skin. Caibre and Valdivia made him promise(for a small bit of gold)
to hold his tongue or his life would be forfit..........................
Jimma took to the waters as Val and Caibre thanked us for our aid (I
would like to extend that to the inhabitants of Riverhaven) and then left for some deserved rest.
From: "Jim" <jimlim@n... </group/DRapostle/post?protectID=045176014078082192015158164043147100071143042046167121181>> Date: Sat Apr 14, 2001 3:26 am Subject: Caibre
Caibre showed up near the departure of the Seerah. At this time ship rat's were all over the south of Crossing, escaping from the Seerah for who knows what reason. Like when rats leave a ship when it docks. :P I told Caibre of the warklins, and he said he has visited pohekpi or whatever beach. The storm he said was a bad omen and all these things happening weren't good.
You ask, "The Seerah bring you to Crossing?" > Caibre says, "Aye, heard Vsevolod brung her in, thought t'have a look see."
Caibre says, "Twas what he was up t'when he left that message fer me'n Val."
Apparently pirates have a nick name for the Seerah now...
Caibre says, "Tis Bad luck Briglander..."
And as I left to get on the Seerah...
Caibre says, "good luck with ole Bad Luck Briglander."
>You say, "And maybe some bad luck will meet us" wink >You wink.
Caibre says, "That's a good wager m'friend."
Oh yea, update on the Caibre, Val situation...
He says that Val almost has raised enough money for Jimma and they're just waiting for him to show up. caibre wouldn't follow me onto the Seerah though because of the bad luck, and that he said he couldn't leave mainland until the Jimma situation is resolved. If something happens on the Seerah, i'll be sure to report
From: "Jim" <jimlim@
Date: Sat Apr 14, 2001 3:43 am
Subject: Re: [DRapostle] Caibre
actually, it seems like it might be Captain Holle that's Bad Luck Briglander because a ship he captained sunk, and he was the sole survivor. between that and the cursed Seerah... i don't know which one got the nickname. :P
From: Darkskye96@a... </group/DRapostle/post?protectID=132166091163099182187038096028114253078105139218183041>
Date: Sat Apr 21, 2001 6:10 pm
Subject: Meeting with Valdivia
here is the meeting edited I'm just posting the questions and her answers........................(some more people showed but for brevity I'm just keeping it simple)
I again wish to thank all that showed
[Gaethrend's Court, Dining Room] The quiet atmosphere and simple decor of the dining room soothes your nerves, making this the perfect spot for a relaxing meal with friends. A regal-looking Eloth maitre d'hotel glides from table to table, keeping careful watch over his domain. You also see a charred cigar, an elegant menu, and an elegant table with some stuff on it. Also in the room: Privateer Valdivia, Fighter Thonge, WoundBearer Kelsay, Vytoria, Apprentice Molark, Celestiaa, Warrior Mage Naul, Lys, Trazire, Zizer, Dalmetrin who is sitting, Warmen, Tylette who is sitting, Healer Amethystle who is sitting, Lilathe who is sitting, and Allurana. Valdivia says, "I am not used to such crowded places, so forgive me if I get abit wobbly." Lilathe asks, "can I offer you a drink to steady yourself?" Valdivia releases a quiet sigh and tries to settle herself. Valdivia quietly says, "No thank you." >Valdivia says, "Best keep my wits about me." >You ask, "have ya seen yer brother Val?" Valdivia says, "Caibre has been off trying to help me raise some coin. He should be back in the Crossing soon, I am hoping he gets a wee bit o' rest." >You say, "good glad to hear he safe" >Valdivia says, "I think I have my brother more worried then he lets on." >Grenhart asks, "an how long ye gonna pay the sea scum?" >Valdivia says, "Till I feel you are all safe from the Lascars he brings with him." Valdivia says, "And perhaps save myself and Caibre in the process." You say, "ya havent made the best of friends with Saureen" Valdivia shakes her head at you. >You say, "but what would she think of Jimma making coin" Valdivia says, "She never cared for me. A girl thing I think." Celestiaa says, "Valdivia I must Admi that I myself Dont trust this sea dog You buying his silence will only keep you safe for a temporary time" Valdivia flips a lock of hair from her eyes. >Valdivia says, "I think you are right, Celestiaa, but time is important." >Amethystle asks, "if ye be paying the scum, is that nea just given em more time ta get gear n train his rats?" Valdivia says, "I hope Jimma's time runs out before mine. I figure he has to report into Saureen sooner or later." >Valdivia says, "I do not know that." Naul asks, "Valdivia, do you have any idea where his ship lies?" >Valdivia says, "I am not even positive he came here by ship. I assume he did." Valdivia says, "Saureen is a mage, so he might have gotten here in other ways." Naul says, "It would be nice to carry the fight to him for a change" >Valdivia says, "You are bolder then I." Grenhart asks, "how else would he get here?" Valdivia asks, "Moongate?" >Valdivia shrugs. Valdivia says, "Just something to consider." Celestiaa asks, "Valdivia do you know if Jimma is of any importance to Saureen?" Valdivia says, "Other then a crewmember? I don't think so." >Amethystle says, "Validia is the payments cause ye fear this scum or that he has some hold over thee? Giving em coins ta get better gear and hire more rats is nea a good thing. Even though ye intentions be good." Valdivia says, "Well, I hope I avoided some of that." Valdivia says, "But your fears, I understand, Amethystle." Celestiaa says, "I believe by Valdivia paying Jimma it gave us time to gather to help plan it was not a coin given in Vain" >Vytoria says, "I thought the first time I met your brother he told me you had taken some money and that is why they werent happy" Valdivia says, "Jimma thinks I gave him some of Saureen's coin. I hope that limits how long he stays and what he does with it." >Valdivia nods to Vytoria. >Valdivia says, "I really don't think Jimma will stay here long. He will want to go back to Saureen." Grenhart asks, "What makes you think that Val?" Valdivia says, "Because she is his captain." Valdivia says, "And his mates are with her." >Valdivia says, "And he don't want to end up like me." >Valdivia says, "He is going to get what he can fast and move on...that is kinda their way." Valdivia smiles ever so slightly. You ask, "so just one more payment of ten plat will do it?" Celestiaa asks, "Valdivia if Jimma leaves wont that put your safety in Jepardy?" >Valdivia says, "What he says." Valdivia says, "He says he won't tell Saureen he found me or Caibre." >Valdivia says, "And he didn't really name a price, he just said a plat a day, if I remember." You say, "well for sure he wont tell Saureen he got money from ya" Valdivia says, "No, I don't trust him." >Valdivia says, "But I don't get to choose my enemy." Valdivia says, "I beg you, let me try this one last time. If he leaves fine, if he doesn't you all have lost nothing." >Grenhart says, "Only if you let us help you pay." >Valdivia blinks at Grenhart Celestiaa asks, "Valdivia Has he told you where to met him to transfer the Coin?" Valdivia says, "He has not, he just showed up last time and told us then." Valdivia says, "He was days late then too." Celestiaa sighs. Valdivia says, "He drink more then Caibre." Valdivia blushes. Valdivia says, "he said he wanted atleast a plat coin for each day he gave me." Thonge says, "makes me feel he arrived by ship, ships are less accurate arrivals than any other means." >Valdivia says, "Possible, Thonge." Celestiaa asks, "What I am getting to is, is it possible to have someone with you at the time of Payment iscase he does have Saureen try to capture you?" >Valdivia says, "He came after the big storm." >Valdivia says, "I wouldn't want to put anyone else at risk." Grenhart says, "i donnae do nothin i don't want." Valdivia says, "I have not asked you to do anything." Warmen says, "Kinda sounds like ya have ya own army here Valdivia" Valdivia smiles at Warmen. Valdivia says, "Good friends." >Valdivia says, "I have asked something recently and I guess I should just be out with it." Valdivia says, "I share your fears of Jimma or Saureen trying to double deal me." Valdivia says, "I am scared they are going to rob me or something." >Valdivia says, "Perhaps I am being silly." Valdivia says, "I have earned some coins to pay him and I don't trust them on me." Valdivia says, "And if he steals them from me somehow and then claims I didn't pay him...."
She then gave coin she had gotten to all the orders that didnt get any from her the last time she was in the realms...... then word came of a lascar running near Crossing and we suggested she hide away.......would not be good to have her found with all of us............
Category Events and Happenings (29) Topic Events and Happenings -- General Discussion (IC) (9) Message A Privateer's public offer (2293) By MALSKEPT@PLAY.NET (I m not angry, honest!) On May 14, 2001 at 05:01
Well, I've sworn I'd leave these scrolls alone a while, as they only bring me grief, but I've gained some information that should be shared so I return briefly.
Last evening, as I healed in my yard, I heard the thoughts of Caibre and Valdivia in my head. He wished for her to leave with him at once, and she did not seem to wish to join him. Eventually, they grew quiet.
Sometime later, Jimma's unpleasant thoughts interrupted mine, demanding more coin from her, or from her friends. He was apparently none too happy at receiving no response from his quarry, though several people told him places they might be. He sent his lascar friends about the town, eventually even to my yard. Imagine the nerve!
Shortly after that, some friends dropped by with whom we discussed what little we knew of the situation with the lascars and Jimma. (I've written a previous scroll with what little information I had, for those who don't know yet.) She left and the rest of us pondered various plans that might bring the town relief.
We'd been chatting a while, Gertoch, Asarian, Wryt and myself, trying to figure out what might help, discussing various angles. I invited Kithria to come over, because it seemed she had a reasonably good rapport with Vsevolod. She came over and we talked a while. She gave us some perspectives we hadn't had yet, but then had to leave.
We chatted on a moment or two after she left and suddenly heard the voice of Vsevolod very near! I've no idea how long he'd listened, but it was obviously enough to get the idea that we realized the young folks in town would just continue to be hurt if Jimma were around.
We spent a bit of time discussing things, hearing Vsevolod's perspective on what had happened. He says that Jimma, while he was indeed sent here to return Valdivia and Caibre to Saureen, is out of control. He also said that Saureen doesn't tend to change her mind once she's got it set, and that her mind is set on having the two back on her ship. I don't know if she would approve of the blackmail Jimma has resorted to. Gertoch and I had been discussing the possibility of somehow getting Saureen's ear and having her take Jimma out of our hair, but Vsevolod doesn't seem to think that would help much.
So, we come to his offer. He says that if we should manage to bring Valdivia and Caibre to him, he will guarantee that Jimma will leave and take his friends with him. Nobody in our group was willing to make any such promise. (At the very least, neither of the parties in question are our property to hand over to anyone.) I've not met Valdivia face to face, but I should not like to see harm come to Caibre, if avoiding it were possible. He seemed an honorable man when I met him.
And that is where the situation stands now. I've no idea where events will lead from here. I will say that, though he hid the entire time, Vsevolod was polite in his conversation (if a bit obsessed with coin) and did not seem to be speaking with intent to deceive as far as I could tell. (I sensed no deception, but can be fooled as easily as the next Elf.) Anyway, I leave the offer and decisions about it to wiser heads than my own.
Signed by my hand,
Ysabeau D'avalynne