News 4 1 - Wedding announcements

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NEWS article 4-1:


Important Wedding Information:

Portals to Assisted Weddings may be found in the following locations: Therenborough (town gate), Langenfirth (near the Landing), Rossman's Landing (in front of the church), Riverhaven (town square), Crossing (the Strand on the south side of town), Leth Deriel (Sana'ati Dyaus tree), Shard (east gate), Ratha (Port Walk), Mer'Kresh (the Carillon), M'Riss (Island Ring Road), Aesry Surlaenis'a (the Faenella prayer gate), Inner Hibarnhvidar (Main Cavern by the sculpture), Ain Ghazal Chateau (Foyer).

Directions to Tamsine's Rest:  From the center of Leth Deriel, go southwest to the Deobar Bower Gate, then southwest, south, southwest, southwest, south, go trail, go gate, go path.  The happy couple's tent will be on the grounds of Tamsine's Rest.

As a courtesy to the happy couple on their special day, please remove all snake charms, winged boots, or any other items that move of their own free will, and have your bleeders healed prior to your arrival. 

For more information about arranging an assisted wedding, check out the DragonRealms Web site (under the Information section).

Everyone is invited to join in prayer and celebration to honor the graceful Eluned and her aspects upon the Ancten Ametseni.  The ship will be leaving port at 29 Nissa 420, during the anlaen of Dergati's Bane.  Please remember to bring swim-wear for the water slide!  (OOC: Please join us Saturday, August 27th at 10pm Eastern.)