Heavy Hammer

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The Heavy Hammer
Event Dwarven Culture Faire 419, Bacon Man's Birthday Bash 419
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Tattoo shops
Restrictions Dwarf
This store only accepts Dokoras

[The Heavy Hammer, Sharing the Load]
The strong scent of smoke and burning steel lingers in the air as a smelter in the far corner dumps out wave after wave of heat. A stout, yet sturdy, table with heavy padding is covered in butcher paper and a few differently sized stools rest nearby. A Dwarven blacksmith works away at her tasks nearby while another Dwarf doodles idly in a sketchpad.
You also see a short stone doorway, a thick flap and a posted catalog.
Obvious exits: none.

Sharing the Load
We're willing to put our art on your:
  • 1) shoulder
  • 3) cheekbone
  • 5) left wrist
  • 7) abdomen
  • 9) chin
  • 11) right cheekbone
  • 13) left ankle
  • 15) left temple
  • 17) left hip
  • 19) left palm
  • 21) right shin
  • 23) right knee
  • 2) forehead
  • 4) thigh
  • 6) right wrist
  • 8) forearm
  • 10) left cheekbone
  • 12) calf
  • 14) right ankle
  • 16) right temple
  • 18) right hip
  • 20) right palm
  • 22) left shin
  • 24) left knee
Check the MENU for art you enjoy.
Then CHOOSE the location for your art after ORDERing your tattoo.
[CHOOSE REMOVE for tattoo removal.]

Dwarf only

[The Heavy Hammer, Dwarven Touch]
Wafting through the doorway, the scent of burning steel warms the air. A plushly padded table rests in the center of the room, amid a menu of options. A few Dwarves wander in and out of the room, perusing the artwork. You also see a short stone doorway and a posted catalog. Obvious exits: none.

Sharing the Load
Item Price Done
1) a staunch Dwarf warrior wielding a massive hammer 100,000   
2) a pile of vibrantly-colored jewels overflowing from a velvet gem pouch 100,000   
3) a stylized beard in black ink 100,000   
4) the silhouette of a lengthy beard and mustache 100,000   
5) a kertig boulder carved with the words, "DWARVES ROCK" 100,000   
6) an elegant, curling ribbon with the words, "LADY DWARVES KNOW BEST" 100,000   
7) a plate-wearing Dwarf standing atop a prone Kaldar 100,000   
8) elaborate black script reading, "No beard? Not interested!" 100,000   
9) an opulent gem-encrusted pickaxe crossed over a wrought iron bearded axe 100,000   
10) a disk of knotwork formed of a precise grid of solid lines 100,000   
11) a knotwork raven, wings outstretched, with a thick black outline 100,000   
12) a coal-black raven, its wings reaching upward 100,000   
13) a trefoil knot formed from a single, solid black line 100,000   
14) a heavily knotworked hammer with a slightly pointed, rectangular head 100,000   
15) a dense mesh of interlocking gridwork that encompasses the entirety of the skin 100,000   
16) a massive, steel-banded keg 100,000   
17) a crossed shovel and pickaxe 100,000   
18) a large, double-headed battle axe 100,000   
19) a thick, entwined roping of smoke-like tendrils 100,000   
20) a looping ring of coins 100,000   
21) a simple anvil in roughened shades of black 100,000   
22) a sharp-edged diamond knot displaying numerous tiny squared diamonds within its negative space 100,000   
23) an enormous, peaked mountain, darkly shaded and shrouded in snow 100,000   
24) a ring of squared spirals 100,000   
25) a sinuous snake-like creature, its writhing head turned to breathe icy clouds that wreathe the skin 100,000   
26) thickly intertwined Dwarven idioms 100,000   
Tattoo services cost 100,000 Dokoras.
Removal costs 10,000 Dokoras.
No refunds. Not responsible for accidents.
Dwarven Touch
We're willing to put our art on your:
  • 1) shoulder
  • 3) cheekbone
  • 5) left wrist
  • 7) abdomen
  • 9) chin
  • 11) right cheekbone
  • 13) left ankle
  • 15) left temple
  • 17) left hip
  • 19) left palm
  • 21) right shin
  • 23) right knee
  • 2) forehead
  • 4) thigh
  • 6) right wrist
  • 8) forearm
  • 10) left cheekbone
  • 12) calf
  • 14) right ankle
  • 16) right temple
  • 18) right hip
  • 20) right palm
  • 22) left shin
  • 24) left knee
Check the MENU for art you enjoy.
Then CHOOSE the location for your art after ORDERing your tattoo.
[CHOOSE REMOVE for tattoo removal.]
Dwarven Touch
Item Price Done
1) a short-handled Kertigen's hammer of brightly worked copper 80,000   
2) a solid white stone rose 80,000   
3) a glistening white stone rose, its sharp edges open in perpetual bloom 80,000   
4) thick black lettering that reads, "Staan Stok" 80,000   
5) thick black lettering that reads, "Knarn Stok" 80,000   
6) thick black lettering that reads, "Hamar Stok" 80,000   
7) thick black lettering that reads, "Bardh Stok" 80,000   
8) thick black lettering that reads, "Grimis Stok" 80,000   
9) thick black lettering that reads, "Drawg Stok" 80,000   
10) a hank of hair formed into the shape of a heart with the words, "I Gnash Beards!" stenciled inside 80,000   
11) a small squat blackfruit tree bearing glossy green leaves and a variety of unknown herbs scattered around its trunk. Carved into its brownish-red bark is the word "Drawg" 80,000   
12) a squat blackfruit tree bearing glossy green leaves and a variety of unknown herbs scattered around its trunk. Carved into its brownish-red bark is the word "Drawg" 80,000   
13) a long series of twisting Haakish catechisms 80,000   
Tattoo services cost 80,000 Dokoras.
Removal costs 8,000 Dokoras.
No refunds. Not responsible for accidents.