Expertise skill

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Expertise is the Barbarian-only skill. This skill represents the ultimate combat mastery that barbs have.

Spells and abilities that boost Expertise


Spells and abilities that decrease Expertise



Expertise is learned from either using Charged Combat Maneuvers (CCM) or Barbarian Combat Maneuvers (BCM), known as self analyzes.

Self analyze

Barbarians now have a unique form of Tactical Combat that uses Expertise instead of the Tactics skill. These combos are self-only, cannot be refreshed and give a selective bonus when finished. Each form of ANALYZE unlocks with more Expertise skill.

ANALYZE <type>
Barbarians can analyze themselves to begin a self combo. These work very similar to enemy combos, except they use Expertise skill and can only be advanced by the Barbarian while engaged. Self combos do not have a strength, and subsequent ANALYZE attempts will be wasted. It is also possible to ANALYZE FLAME, ACCURACY, DAMAGE, INTIMIDATION, FATIGUE, BALANCE, VITALITY, RAGE or CALM.
  • FLAME Regain a small amount of inner fire. - Unlocks at 0 ranks.
  • ACCURACY To-hit bonus for 10-30 seconds. - Unlocks at 50 ranks.
  • DAMAGE Damage bonus for 10-30 seconds. - Unlocks at 125 ranks.
  • INTIMIDATION Prevent opponent retreat for 10-30 seconds. - Unlocks at 200 ranks.
  • FATIGUE Prevent fatigue loss from combat for 10-30 seconds. - Unlocks at 350 ranks.
  • BALANCE Prevent balance loss from combat for 10-30 seconds. - Unlocks at 600 ranks.
  • VITALITY Regain a small amount of vitality. - Unlocks at 900 ranks.
  • RAGE The next berserk costs no IF to activate. - Unlocks at 1200 ranks.
  • CALM The next meditation costs no IF to activate. - Unlocks at 1600 ranks.

Choices available will be based on how much Expertise skill is known.