Category talk:Moon Mage titles

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Sect Titles

Are no longer circle based. Instead they are divided into 5 tiers, and the former 70th circle sect titles are now third tier. 700 is the value for a secondary skill for a 5th tier sect title.

No sect titles have spell reqs. For every sect two are basically prediction based, 1 is for joining and the rest are thematically linked to 2 factors each sect would care about.

Compact - While they are political creatures most skills don't reflect this very well. As such the titles reflect their more research oriented nature.
Skills: Scholarship and ???
Titles: Celestian, Politician, Advisor, Academic, Grazhirean, Horoscopist, Genethlialogist (7/7)

Monk - The only sect not based on a two skill model, their requirements focus on self improvement and understanding the true nature of things.
Skills: Discipline and Appraisal
Titles: Sophister, Monk, Ascetic, Crystal Soul, Enlightened, Crystallomancer, Photomancer (7/7)

Fortune's Path - The requirements here are focused on their relationship with Fate. As mentioned these are the reqs I feel are most likely to change when I do a review for the skill combine, but generally it focuses on their tendency to be where Fate wants them and not where Fate does not. If that makes any sense at all.
Skills: Astrology and Escaping
Titles: Fateweaver, Gambler, Unbound, Cartomancer, Astraglomancer (5/7)

Pethian - The Pethian focus is, as may be expected, on sight and understanding truths that others might not.
Skills: Perception and Appraisal
Titles: G'nar Pethian, Sightless, Garden Seeker, Blind Prophet, Lecanomancer, Chaomancer (6/7)

Nomad - The emphasis here is on their nature as hunters. Hint: Not a weapon requirement.
Skills: Skinning and Perception
Titles: Nomad, Spiritualist, Animist, Ossomancer, Sciomancer (5/7)

Tezirah - Emphasis on their nature as masters of shadow and darkness as opposed to their political nature (since much like the compact political nature is kind of hard to define).
Skills: Hiding and Stalking
Titles: Tezirite, Tenebrous, Shadowmancer, Umbromancer, Master/Mistress of Shadow, Enoptromancer, Cryptomancer (7/7)

Heritage - They're book junkies. What can I say?
Skills: Teaching and Scholarship
Titles: Heritage Keeper, Archivist, Proctor, Gestalt, Accord Keeper, Bibliomancer, Stoichomancer (7/7)

Sect Title Update

From Post by GM Raesh on 5/14/2013

Sect requirements were drastically redone. Each sect now requires a magic skill and a secondary skill.

Compact = Astro + Scholar
Monks = Attunement + Appraisal
Gypsies = Augmentation + Athletics
Pethians = Debilitation + Perception
Nomads = Warding + Outdoorsmanship
Tezzies = Arcana + Stealth
Heritage = Utility + Scholar