Item:Trio of delicate lilac moonsilver fairy slipper orchids

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Incomplete Item
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trio of delicate lilac moonsilver fairy slipper orchids
Look: Carved from a single piece of gorgeous lacewood, the haircomb is fashioned into a spiraling triskele knot. Nestled within the center of the artfully looping spirals is a trine of small blossoms wrought from silver metal with a distinctive lavender sheen, the flowers casting a soft silvery-amethyst glow against the lightly scaled wood. Pure white thealstones, each glowing with its own pale luminescence, create the characteristic spots that dapple the bearded orchids' petals.
Weight: 2 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is placed in the hair.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Stolen from the Moons (3)