elanthipedia:Manual of Style

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Manual of Style Article

This page is part of the Elanthipedia's Manual of Style section. This page lists information for the standardization of articles and templates, as set down by community consensus.

  • If you disagree with or have suggestions for improvement of the standards, please post on the accompanying talk page and give ample time for debate before making any edits. Failure to follow this proceedure will result in removal of your edits.
Manual of Style Index
Discord Posts

This Manual of Style lists the accepted styles for the naming, presentation, and standardization of various types of pages. Please consult it if you are unsure as to how to do your page.

General Style


Forms have been created to help ease the addition of information for those who are not familiar with editing Wikis.

References and Credit

While we greatly appreciate the work of other websites in cataloging data, this is not the same thing as saying that it should be referenced in the text. Unless the information is directly or paraphrased from another site (which should be avoided whenever possible), no credit is necessary.

Any information that is a direct output from the game or information that can be derived by anyone, is by its nature not the work of the writer.

If for some reason it is necessary to credit another site for their work, then the best method is via the <ref></ref> reference tags.