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A gauntlet is a name for several different styles of glove, particularly those with an extended cuff covering part of the forearm. Gauntlets exist in many forms, ranging from flexible fabric and leather gloves, to mail and fully articulated plate armor.

Some medieval gauntlets had a built-in knuckle duster. When the hand was bunched into a fist the backhand protection becomes pronounced from the fist just above the knuckles, this allowed the user to utilize the gauntlet as a melee weapon while still protecting the hand from damage when punching.[1]

In DragonRealms, the weapon form is found with the singular noun "gauntlet" while the armor is the plural "gauntlets."


ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Agonite plate gauntlets lined with firesilk paddingDroughtman's Challenge 444/Incidental lootDroughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental lootDroughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental lootDroughtman's Challenge 433/Incidental lootDroughtman's Challenge 430/Incidental loottrue
Angular vardite gauntlets sporting a heartstone-accented extended cuffOwirvald Riverhaven Auction 427Item:Khiynit backpack with a vardite clasp
Armor:Articulated gauntletstrue
Armor:Articulated obsidian gauntlets edged with thin gold chain
Armor:Articulated plate gauntlets accented with crocodile-skin along the cuffstrue
Armor:Articulated steel gauntlets adorned with golden spikes knucklestrue
Armor:Black gauntlets forged to resemble razor-sharp claws of a lion's paw
Armor:Black gauntlets trimmed in platinum
Armor:Black leather gauntlets
Armor:Black leather gauntlets with bronze charms sewn into the cuffs
... further results


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