Post:Taramaine addresses the Guild - Everything is under control! - 10/21/2013 - 04:25

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Taramaine addresses the Guild - Everything is under control! · on 10/21/2013 04:25 AM CDT 771
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Guildmaster Prime Taramaine gathered together the Moonmages of the realm to address the unrest in the Guild regarding the series of recent visions that have been revealed in the web of fate. Artificer Tozu lingered with the rest of the Moonmages awhile afterwards to answer questions following Taramaine’s prompt departure. Here is a record of the event!

Mistanna Redivas Scribe of Ilithi

[Imperial Palace, Conference Chambers] Hanging from the center of the vaulted ceiling is a massive gold and crystal chandelier, its gaethzen orbs glowing with a muted light. Below it, a large marble table stretches down the length of the room, accompanied by a full compliment of velvet-cushioned chairs. Portraits line the walls, most showing signs of water damage or minor ruin but all set in elegant wood frames. Also here: Artificer Tozu and Guildmaster Prime Taramaine. Obvious exits: south. Draksyth and Sebrahn followed.

You see Guildmaster Prime Taramaine Ennis-Braun, an Elf. Taramaine has silver eyes. His white hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn loose. He has pale skin. He appears to be mature. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a dusky leather tome satchel, regal robes woven from rich purple and golden silks, a belt of finely woven platinum chain and a golden medallion engraved with the seal of the Moon Mage Guild.

You see Artificer Tozu Ayochi, a Gnome. Tozu has an oval face, piercing grey eyes and a bulbous nose. He has thinning raven-black hair, with pale skin and a thin build. He is short for a Gnome. He appears to be an adult. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a black gold jadeite gwethdesuan, a black gold kyanite gwethdesuan, a satin crimson sash embroidered with the symbol of Tezirah, a tooled leather enchanter's satchel with antiqued silver buckles, a black robe shot with golden thread and some sturdy black boots.

Draksyth gives Taramaine a slight nod.

You sink into a deep curtsy.

Taramaine gravely gazes about the room.

Tozu nods.

Blind Prophet Vansiil just arrived.

Vansiil nods.

Sebrahn shifts his weight.

Taramaine says, "We will allow a few more moments for others to gather before I begin."

You nod to Vansiil.

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "My address regarding the current unrest will begin shortly. Moongates are open from all the Guildhalls and other central locations."

Taramaine says, "Perhaps our guildmembers fear what is to come too much to travel."

Taramaine snorts, loudly.

Tozu starts to say something, but thinks better of it.

Sebrahn furrows his brow.

Sebrahn says, "Mister Malzard must be doing something very important. I doubt he would miss this intentionally."

Tozu nods.

Taramaine gestures dismissively at the largely empty chambers.

Taramaine says to Tozu, "It would appear these are all that will bother to come."

Taramaine says to Tozu, "I suppose I will have to take more extreme measures to have my words heard."

Tozu says to Taramaine, "Of course."

Sebrahn tilts his head, clearly curious about something.

Vansiil fidgets nervously.

Taramaine says, "My thanks to those of you who have gathered."

You nod politely.

Taramaine says, "As I am sure you are all aware there have been... troubling visions as late and the world seems to be, once more, uneasy."

Taramaine says, "I am here to assure you all that everything is under control."

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "The address begins. Those of you unable, or unwilling, to travel will attend my thoughts instead, for you still owe your loyalty and strength to this Guild."

Taramaine says, "I have spoke with the Guildleaders at length concerning the immediate threat."

Sebrahn asks, "The Akul'tiz?"

Homikrin asks, "Please, forgive my forwardness, but does under control mean you've completely disciphered the portents we've all been seeing?"

Taramaine levels a glare at the interruptions.

Sebrahn nods to Tozu.

Taramaine says, "Now then."

Taramaine says, "As you all know the visions are troubling and show the distruction of our Guildhalls and more."

You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow.

Taramaine says, "But they are not a set future, they are and we have faced worse before."

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "I assure you, everything is under control and I have spoken with the Guildleaders at length."

Taramaine says, "It has been decided that each Guildleader will tend to their own."

Taramaine says, "We must been unified, but we cannot focus our efforts in only one place against such a broad threat."

Taramaine says, "I am aware that Tiv is under an unusually heavy prophetic burden, and I thank him for his service."

Vansiil gnaws on his lip.

Taramaine says, "But we must defend the guild from all threats in all locations. The very future depends on it."

You nod in agreement.

Taramaine says, "Now, as to the threat itself."

Taramaine says, "The future remains clouded, but it is clear that darkness is coming for us all."

Taramaine says, "And we must be that bright guiding star in the night to all the realms."

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "Each stands ready to defend his or her own guild and those students within it."

Taramaine says, "I, and others, will remain vigilant against these threats and watchful for these portents. We will survive this."

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "It would be wise to shelter with them for the foreseeable future."

Taramaine says, "Be watchful. Be safe."

Taramaine says, "Goodnight."

A blue-spotted crimson moongate suddenly explodes into being, shuddering softly.

Taramaine calmly glances at the moongate, then steps through.

The moongate collapses in a plume of red and blue.

Homikrin blinks.

You shift your weight.

Tozu says, "Ah... perhaps he will not be taking questions."

Vansiil says, "Not surprising."

Sebrahn nods at Vansiil, obviously agreeing with his views.

Vansiil mutters to himself.

Tozu says, "That is... rather true."

Tozu nods to Vansiil.

Sebrahn asks Tozu, "Do you have any knowledge of this threat that we may not?"

Vansiil asks, "Is this under control, like the Hand of Meraud artifact was under control?"

Tozu says, "I suppose I will answer what questions I can in his place."

You flash a quick grin at Tozu.

You hear Taramaine's loud thoughts in your head, "Goodnight all. Be vigilant, I will guard us and keep us safe."

Sebrahn frowns.

Tozu says to Sebrahn, "Could you be more specific? I'm not sure what knowledge you have."

Homikrin says, "This does not fill me with confidence."

Homikrin asks, "We're informed that everything is under control, but there seems to be no information. How can it be under control if, as is apparent, we have no idea what the threat is?"

Sebrahn asks, "I'm not sure myself, sir. Does he speak of the immediate threat, the Akul'tiz, or have I missed something greater?"

Homikrin says, "How does splitting the guild leaders from one another and adopting an isolationist approach to defense.. when we can travel so quickly, that seems highly inapropriate."

Tozu says to Homikrin, "You do not need to now what he knows, for him to have it under control presumably."

Tozu says, "Otherwise he would say you had it under control."

Tozu says, "This is why he is the Guildmaster Prime."

Tozu seems doubtful of his own words.

Homikrin says, "That is true, though he did imply that he doesn't know what the threat actually is either."

You ask Tozu, "Have there been any movements from the Children, after that one was spotted on Taisgath, I think?"

Tozu says, "As for the Akul'tiz, I do not believe he is concerned with them. They seem rather the problem for holy men and clerics."

Tozu shakes his head.

Tozu says, "So far as I know, the Children remain silent."

You ask Tozu, "Have you been able to find anything more about the plume in the Wolf?"

Tozu says, "I do share your concerns."

You grin sheepishly.

Tozu says, "That was... not as well handled as it could have been, but imagine the stress he is under."

You nod to Tozu.

Homikrin asks, "Did anyone else get the impression that the moongate was a summons, and not generated by him?"

Tozu says to you, "It is a new omen. I've found no mention of it in any texts, nor my associates."

You say, "Whether he knows more, or nae, I think he tries the best he can for us."

You nod to Tozu.

Stargazer Lyzalian just arrived.

Tozu says to you, "Trying is something he's good at."

Mindflayer Zafod just arrived.

You nibble your lip thoughtfully.

Sebrahn says, "He wouldn't have to bear such a burden alone if he would reinstate the council. I find it hard to be sympathetic to his stress."

Zafod sits down on the cushioned chair.

Vansiil asks, "Any guesses as to what this coming darkness may be?"

Tozu says to Sebrahn, "So it would seem, though I'm sure he has his reasons."

Lyzalian shrugs.

Tozu says to Vansiil, "It's hard to say. Darkness, perhaps fire, seem to be central themes in it. Tiv, Raelyka and others have noted that the visions seem somehow... unusual."

You tilt your head inquisitively.

Tozu says, "I've heard theory that Pelag ai Aldam may be tied up in all of it, but I do not think that a suitable explanation."

You blink.

Homikrin ponders.

Homikrin asks, "I've been not really paying attention, but has anyone seen anything odd in the owl or shrew constelations?"

Tozu says, "That's one of Raelyka's personal theories... he's something of a specialty with her."

Homikrin angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Tozu says to Homikrin, "I've not, no."

Tozu says, "I do think that Taramaine is right to try and defend all of the guilds, and our mobility aids in quickly confront any threat as it arises but it's not an accident that Tiv and his guildhall are so central in these visions."

You nod to Tozu.

Homikrin nods to Tozu.

Tozu says, "Unity however, it is important in these times more than ever."

Lyzalian nods.

Tozu says, "And while Taramaine speaks of us being defenders of the realms and the future, words are easy and actions are hard."

Tozu says, "I would encourage actions."

Sebrahn nods to Tozu.

Zafod says, "Actions are difficult while the prize remains hidden."

Tozu says, "We cannot afford to be isolated. Is this threat to our guild unique or part of a greater threat? We cannot yet know."

Tozu asks, "Are there any other questions?"

Zafod studies the faces around him.

You nod to Tozu.

Vansiil frowns.

Homikrin ponders.

Homikrin asks, "Somewhat off the wall, but how old is Kssarh?"

Tozu laughs!

Zafod grins.

You say, "If I may, have you heard of the Akul'tiz prophecy before? We've been advised that Lomtaun may be the best to query... but he doesn't have much to say on it, really."

Sebrahn says, "Old enough to take offense to your question, I'm sure."

Sebrahn smiles at Homikrin.

Tozu says to Sebrahn, "A diplomatic answer."

Homikrin ponders.

Homikrin says, "Well, i wasn't exactly planning on asking HIM."

Zafod says, "Make sure you have wings on if ever you do..."

Tozu says, "I'm honestly not sure. He'd already been a Guildleader for some time when my apprenticeship began, but he attained the position young."

You try not to grin at Zafod.

Homikrin says to Zafod, "Contingency, ready to invoke..."

Homikrin grins.

Zafod cackles!

Tozu says, "I think the anger and outrage keeps him young."

Tozu grins.

Zafod says, "Interesting times. Stay Safe and Alert all."

Zafod bows.

Zafod stands up.

Tozu nods to Zafod.

Lyzalian says, "Has to be at least 60."

Tozu says, "Thank you for coming."

You give Zafod a courteous nod.

Mindflayer Zafod glides south.

Tozu says to Lyzalian, "Given that I'm 80, I think you're a little low."

Lyzalian says to Tozu, "Well, I've only been in the guild about 30 years."

Sebrahn says to Tozu, "The last I saw you, you looked rather unwell. It was after the naming of Vellano. I'm happy you seem as if you're better."

Tozu nods.

Tozu says, "The ritual was... more draining than I thought it would be."

Sebrahn gives a slight nod.

Tozu says, "It took several days for me to fully recover."

You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow.

Sebrahn asks, "Were you informed that it would be so taxing?"

Sebrahn cocks his head.

Tozu says, "I knew the magic was significant."

Sebrahn nods.

Sebrahn says, "As long as your weren't blindsided by the effects, I suppose that's good."

Sebrahn says, "I know Mister Malzard was concerned."

You smile at Sebrahn.

Tozu says, "You an assure him I'm recovered."

Tozu smiles.

Sebrahn says, "He would probably give me a good scowl for saying so."

You nod to Tozu.

Tozu says, "And I thank him for his concern."

You chuckle.

Sebrahn flashes a quick grin.

Sebrahn says, "I will."

Homikrin gets an alchemist's laboratory notebook bound in grey suede from inside his alchemist's robe.

Homikrin turns a page in his laboratory notebook.

Draksyth takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it.

Homikrin ponders.

Draksyth nods politely to Tozu.

Ill Omen Draksyth goes south.

You blink.

You gaze off to the south.

Homikrin says, "Knew it.."

Tozu asks, "Again, my apologies for the Guildmaster's... shortness. I'll let you all return and close the moongates if there are no more questions?"

Homikrin says, "These visions... there have been visions regarding the guild for months and months."

Homikrin says, "Many of which invoke the impression of the imortals.."

You exclaim to Tozu, "We are Moonmages, we can always come up with questions, opinions and theories. But I've nothing else presently to demand your time. Thank you for lingering with us!"

Sebrahn says, "I believe we're used to his demeanor. There's no need for you to apologize for his actions."

Tozu says to Sebrahn, "The years have done nothing to soften it I'm afraid."

Vansiil gets a bottle of death brandy from inside an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.

Vansiil takes a drink of his death brandy. He immediately falls to the ground like a sack of bricks, doubled up in pain.

You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow.

Tozu asks Vansiil, "Are you alright?"

Vansiil rolls around on the ground, doubled up in pain.

Vansiil rises to a kneeling position.

You pat Vansiil on the back.

Lyzalian says, "Right, do not drink death brandy."

Vansiil asks, "It's all under control, right?"

Vansiil appears to have gone unconscious.

You cover your mouth with your hand.

Tozu asks, "... Is there an empath here?"

Lyzalian says to himself, "Definitely do not drink death brandy."

Vansiil writhes a bit in his sleep.

Tozu frowns at Vansiil.

Vansiil suddenly starts and sits up, jolted out of his sleep by some unknown force. He looks surprised, but then cheers.

Homikrin asks Tozu, "Was there any clarification on the visions from long ago? such as the one regarding the Halfling with a nightingale stairing at the observatory?"

You nod at Lyzalian, in complete agreement with his views.

Vansiil shivers.

Homikrin angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Vansiil relaxes a bit, looking quite a bit calmer now.

Vansiil says, "Phelim shrine."

Vansiil puts his brandy in his traveler's backpack.

You nod in agreement.

Lyzalian nods at Vansiil, obviously agreeing with his views.

Homikrin ducks his head.

Tozu says, "Even after the fact people tend to argue about the meaning of some visions."

Tozu says, "But, yes, that particular one I believe spoke to the addition to the Crossing Observatory."

Tozu says, "A nice gesture by Gylwyn. I'm sure Kssarh did not appreciate it."

You try hard not to grin.

Homikrin chuckles.

Homikrin shrugs.

Homikrin says, "I suppose i've been skipping so many prophecy related meetings, I can only assume i'm behind the times."

You say to Homikrin, "There's another coming up next week in Shard."

Sebrahn says to Homikrin, "Miskton will be holding another soon."

Sebrahn nods to you.

Tozu says, "I've found them rather insightful when I can attend them."

Homikrin says, "I'll have to make the effort to make that one.. assuming we haven't come under full assault before then."

You say to Homikrin, "Or, especially."

Lyzalian says, "Well, suppose I should head back, it's nighttime."

Lyzalian bows.

Stargazer Lyzalian goes south.

Sebrahn says to Tozu, "The vision of Cherulisa had a very fruitful end. An old cave was reopened for our use. It's wonderful."

Homikrin says, "True.. time to get home."

Tozu says, "Yes, I should be returning to Shard myself."

Homikrin pads south.

Vansiil says, "Needs a buffet in here."

Tozu says, "I'll wait until everyone has used the moongates before closing them, unless you wish to be left here in Throne City."

You flash a quick grin at Tozu.

Vansiil leaps to his feet!

You say to Tozu, "Farewell sir. Fortune favor."

Vansiil waves to Tozu.

Tozu nods.

Sebrahn nods to you.

You nod.

Sebrahn says to Tozu, "Take care, sir."

You wave.

This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Events, by BLADEDBUTTERFLY on the forums.