Post:Appraisal ranges - 1/26/2009 - 00:03:05

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Re: Appraisal ranges · on 1/26/2009 12:03:05 AM 200
>>You'd figure that with enough skill in the armor/weapon and appraisal you could nail it down,

I think in the current appraisal system it takes 2500 ranks to get it down to exacts.

Nah, seriously the simple fact is that if two things are really close it's probably always going to tell you "about as". I mean, if they are only one point away from each other, then they are about as sharp or balanced as each other. Yes, this means you can end up with your scenario of a,b and c where a and b appraise the same, b and c do as well but a and c don't. This is going to be true at any skill range and we'll probably never let it get quite so specific that you can instantly detect a 1 point difference between two items in a straight comparison. But hey, tomorrow is another day and anything is possible so who knows.

GM Oolan Jeel

This message was originally posted in Lore - Appraisal Skill, by DR-OOLAN on the forums.