Post:Consent and Accuse - 4/8/2011 - 2:51:10

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Re: Consent and Accuse · on 4/8/2011 2:51:10 AM 21931
>>The money someone gets is in relation to the fine the person accused will be getting.

And only if the Necromancer has the money in an account to be taken.

The stuff that handles the logic for ACCUSE NECRO rewards is easily my favorite of all that I've written. It starts with the header comment "A Glorious Monument to OCD," in honor of the hours spent over-engineering it to handle multiple bank accounts in some sort of rational manner and every possible contingency I could think of to not generate more coin-value than is seized.

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms (43) \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character (7), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.