Post:Commune Duration - 01/28/2013 - 13:51

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Re: Commune Duration · on 01/28/2013 01:51 PM CST 1287
>>For Meraud's [commune]- what is the duration? Is it based on circle like it used to be, or on Theurgy?

Highly variable based on theurgy skill, and at the very high end can last for a few hours. The time it lasts is reduced if the cleric isn't in the consecrated room, and it is greatly reduced if the cleric isn't logged in.

>>I know communes are intended to be the primary method to train Theurgy, but thematically it would be nice to have some logical additional methods.

Well, resurrections teach a little Theurgy as well, and there's always Theurgy class. I also want different methods to train Theurgy, but I want to keep them tied to devotion change. To that end I'll be working on more rituals to add variety, and new communes that are more generally useful.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate

This message was originally posted in The Clerics \ Communes, Rituals and Devotion, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.