Post:Combat 3.0 Update - 02/05/2012 - 06:38

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Combat 3.0 Update · on 02/05/2012 06:38 AM CST 170

I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know where we stand with Combat 3.0. This is purely a quick, simple overview; I will be posting far more details over the course of the next 48 hours in the Combat - Weapons and Armor folder, but please understand that any and all details are subject to change during the ongoing testing process. So without further ado, in totally random order...

In the Test Instance now:

* Combat 3.0 is Skill 3.0 compatible.
* Parry & Shield are no longer bound to the results of Evasion contests; each is calculated and applied individually and on its own merits.
* Bypassed or non-existent second lines of defense (ie parry vs missiles) will be partially compensated for by Evasion and Defending.
* To Hit and Damage "rolls" are no longer as tightly tied together. High accuracy will improve damage, but not to the extremes it does now.
* To Hit rolls are primarily a function of weapon balance and agility, with strength and suitability to strength as secondary modifiers.
* Damage rolls are primarily a function of weapon stats modified by strength and suitability, with accuracy determining the random range.
* Combos are gone. Each type of attack will have a set of pros and cons, and can be used in any order desired.
* Examples of attack pros/cons are balance gain/loss, fatigue costs, defense costs, accuracy and damage modifiers.
* Defense penalties from attacks no longer last indefinitely; they will expire after a brief period determined by the attack type.
* When "last attack" defense penalties expire, the attacker will automatically revert to their last defensive posture.
* Weapons that do elemental damage are now possible. * Help features have been vastly expanded to list all attack options, as well as give details on the pros/cons.
* Creatures capable of dealing with skills in the 1000+ range are now much more viable and easier to create.
* Balance is gained by choosing lighter, more controlled attacks (jab), or by pacing the battle to allow time to build position.
* Balance is lost by attacking at a rapid-fire non-stop pace, or by using balance-unfriendly attacks like Lunge.
* The penalty for fighting multiple opponents is now skill-based; Tactics (from the aggressors) vs Defending.
* The MO penalty is scaled to make it desirable to try to keep engagement at 2 or fewer enemies.
* Since Defending can be learned several ways, dancing with 3+ enemies should no longer be necessary or even desirable.
* Fatigue pool is much larger, but recovers much more slowly. The penalties for being fatigued are less severe, especially at the top end.
* Two-handed weapons used while also using a shield will result in shield hindrance being applied to both weapon and shield.
* Small weapons have a lower minimum RT than the larger weapon types.
* Small weapons have a higher chance of a positive critical roll.
* Melee and Ranged attacks now use a common core, so should act in a more consistent manner.

Coming Soon to Testing (mostly done): * Fixes to some existing Armor Protection bugs/issues.
* Special Tactics-based perks for some attacks such as Feint, Circle, Bash, and Sweep.
* Updates to the Combat Messaging system to properly reflect the new defense scheme, as well as to allow more toggle options.
* Experience for combat will be based primarily on the degree of challenge presented, NOT damage or lack thereof.
* Experience will also take into account some common modifiers such as penalties for fighting in water to encourage exploring such options.
* Combat experience will be modified by how long an action takes to complete, so taking the time to AIM will not reduce exp over time.
* Stuns in general will be much more rare, although some styles & weapon stats will substantially increase the chance.
* Stuns from combat will have a brief immunity timer to prevent chain stuns; heavier stuns may extend the length of an existing stun, however.
* Water combat will be more viable than at present, and use Outdoorsmanship skill as a modifier.
* Flee will be delegated to the role of "must get out of combat NOW". Retreat will be moved to an engagement range control, not an escape route.
* Retreat will be treated as other combat verbs, and have similar pros/cons, including defense, balance and fatigue modifications. (Note to archers: Yes, this will make it more difficult to maintain range solo, but the new defense model makes melee-ranged archery much more viable)
* Guarding allies will be a little more useful and practical.

Again, this is just intended to be an overview. I will be posting more details over the next couple of days, so please be patient! The features listed for "Coming Soon to Testing" are largely done already, and I expect most if not all of them to be moving to Testing over the course of February.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.