Post:Climb Practice - 11/24/2009 - 00:06:55

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Re: Climb Practice · on 11/24/2009 12:06:55 AM 3430
>CLIMB PRACTICE was very viable before the experience change

> That's arguable.

Depends on the area. If you have multiple climbs in your skill range nearby, practice was probably not so great. If there is only one or two, CLIMB PRACTICE generally gave more experience than you'd get with limited available climbs and the timers.

As a reminder, the new climb system also tracks the hardest climb in the game, and any climb near that level will teach climbing perpetually. In other words, if the hardest climb is 550 ranks, any climb from, say, 500 ranks on up will teach to 2000 ranks. Not exact numbers, but it does illustrate the idea. This doesn't mean it will teach well, but it should be possible to train climbing to the caps.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ Survival Skills - Getting There (9), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.