Post:Hiding still way OP - 05/20/2013 - 18:37

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Re: Hiding still way OP · on 05/20/2013 06:37 PM CDT 2977
>>I just assumed it was a game we were playing, perhaps I was wrong.

Though perhaps intended to be sarcastic, this is pretty much it. PCs can run hundreds of miles in minutes, and this incongruity doesn't really cause anyone to bat an eyelash; or at least it doesn't provoke people to suggest that we should make Crossing to Riverhaven a multi-day journey. Why do we care so much about the realism of stealth? The probable answer is we don't, it's just an easy target for other agendas.

Where some of us on dev side dislike "it's supernatural" is because "it's magic" has never been accepted as a good reason for anything by itself. It's much cleaner to simply accept that stealth operates on Hollywood rules, the same way distance is beholden to drama, than to invent another layer of magical theory to a game that, honestly, probably has too much minutiae already.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Survival Skills - Stealth, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.