Post:Mech-Split - 12/07/2012 - 21:48

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Re: Mech-Split · on 12/07/2012 09:48 PM CST 143
>>Do all 600 of my Outfitting count and I end up with 600 + 700 = something around 900, or do only my first 100 Outfitting ranks count and I end up with 100 + 700 = something around 710, or do none of my Outfitting ranks count and I just get exactly 700?

At this point, that's the thinking. We still may put a rank cap on it (that is, if you've earned more than X ranks, you can't split mech into it), that's still being discussed.

>>Double Dipping

It's definitely true that you CAN get experience in both skills at once, and eventually combine them. However, those smaller ranks are really just not worth very much compared to the higher ones, so if you DO manage to get your mech to 200 before the split, you're going to see a pretty dismal gain (at 900 ranks you'd gain like 56 if you converted it all at once). That gain is pretty worthless compared to the amount of effort you've gone through to make sure that you've kept both of them going. The cost of origami paper ALONE might not be worth the money you've lost from the high-level work orders you could have been doing.

>>At the end of the day, there aren't any GOOD solutions.

This is the root of it. If we force people to declare they want none of their mech in a skill before they can learn it, it essentially prevents them from trying the system before they make that decision. On the other hand, when we give people a chance to try the systems out, you run into the double-dipping scenario above. What we've got right now is pretty reasonable.

>>We can train the crafting skill as high as we want before converting Mech into it, but will we keep all those ranks?

So the idea of losing all but 100 ranks or some such is one I hadn't considered - Absorbing the upper ranks into your bonus pool and only combining up to 100 ranks of the target skill might be an option. I'm more tempted to just put a cap on when you can transfer, though. 150 ranks (As an example) is plenty to get a feel for a system. I'll keep thinking on adding a limit or something.

Also, I fixed it so that it doesn't nuke your mech when you convert now. CONVERT RESTORE will revert your mech ranks and wipe your crafting skills so you can try again.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ Skills, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.