Post:S'kra question - 03/16/2013 - 11:14

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Re: S'kra question · on 03/16/2013 11:14 AM CDT 614
You do enjoy making this difficult. :p

The best I could come up on my own is close to:

pi'neh mhhg'heke hhshranzh

Broken down, you're looking at: Pi being little, neh being long. This gives the river a long but small size. Heke being the water, modified by mhhg to give it the winding of a river (like a serpent.) Hhshran gives it swiftness and the zh negates it. It's not perfect, but it can imply a moderateness since rivers don't stand still.

This is a very detailed way of saying it, but it covers what you're asking for.

Hope this helps out, but in the future, you might want to check out elanthipedia. All of the translations I've done so far have come directly from it. :)

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Languages of Elanthia, by DR-NAOHHI on the forums.