Post:Rutilor's Edge - 5/16/2009 - 10:23:55

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Re: Rutilor's Edge · on 5/16/2009 10:23:55 AM 2830
Hi Everyone,

I figured I'd pop in here to let you know I'm watchig all of the feedback and also give you a little more information regarding the spell itself.

RUE is designed to be tier 1 spell. It is designed to allow paladins to enhance their own weapons and those of their friends/cohorts for a small amount of time. It can be cast in one large mana intensive shot or several smaller stacking effects.

The spell is intended to improve balance/power and increase the primary attack stat as a side effect. From the feedback, everyone seems to notice the primary boosts. The secondary effect is there as well but is a smaller increase. Weapon stats fall into ranges and depending where your weapon stat resides in this range will determine whether or not you'll see a noticeable differences in the appraisal. But rest assured, there is an increase there.

I've been reading the Bugs folder as well. RUE does not increase the weight of the weapon. Just to make sure, I verified this in DEV one more time though.

Initial or single cast messaging: A soft silver glow envelopes your broadsword and is slowly absorbed into it.

Stacking cast messaging: The broadsword flashes brightly with a soft silver glow that is absorbed into it.

I'm still contemplating other Bug related questions at this time.

Hope this helps clear up some questions.


GM Nehros

This message was originally posted in The Paladins \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-NEHROS on the forums.