Post:Splitting pouches and RT - 10/11/2009 - 14:53:53

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Re: Splitting pouches and RT · on 10/11/2009 2:53:53 PM 1380
>>You could raise the cap so that experience gain stops at something like 300 platinum

It wasn't that easy :-P.

However, we took a look at the experience curves and tweaked them significantly. The old experience limited you your experience gain by your level rather than letting your skills affect it. Additionally, it would only give so much experience at a time, and would cause a time-delay for rest, which was the root cause of only seeing trading experience a second or two after the pouch sale.

This was silly enough to elicit several colorful swears that could only be repeated in TF, end even then Copernicus would probably blush.

The trading experience has been tweaked to scale with skill rather than level, and to scale properly with pouch sizes.

This message was originally posted in The Traders (34) \ Complaints -- Traders (5), by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.