Post:Signature Spells - 03/06/2013 - 10:36

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Signature Spells · on 03/06/2013 10:36 AM CST 373
We've reached a decision on what makes a signature spell. Here are the general guidelines:

Every guild should have about half of their spells flagged signature, the other half are fair game for everyone to use.
Intro spells (Which act as if they're basic to non guild members anyhow) and Basic spells should never be signature unless it's tied to the guild's confound.
Advanced spells should be roughly half signature, largely guided by confound reasons.
Esoteric spells should always be signature.

As a reminder a confound is what lets a Guild do its particular brand of voodoo. For Moon Mages it's their connection to the Plane of Probability, for Paladins it's their soul state, for Empaths it's empathy and so forth. No confound, no magic.

Each guild will be updated to reflect this in the near future.

As a general reminder - Magic is still under preview, and is going to remain that way for awhile as we shake out some issues that have arisen since release. Something to keep that in mind before paying out large sums of money for scrolls and whatnot when the system is clearly under flux.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-RAESH on the forums.