Post:To clear up a few things. - 05/05/2012 - 22:20

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To clear up a few things. · on 05/05/2012 10:20 PM CDT 1270
There IS a Rakash Champ, I am alive and well. It takes a very long time to design, build and clear an area as large and involved as Siksraja. ALL the items and things in Siksraja are within policy and went thru the rigorous QC all new areas undergo.

I have ALWAYS designed items/stories for Rakash to leave the option of how much roleplay they wish to create with their player up to the individual. There is no need for anyone to look stuff up, the Rakash language exists and is in use, if you do not wish to utilize those types of items, do not. I certainly have had to look up many weapons that are in use that do not seem to have upset anyone because they are not in Rakash and many of those have been mentioned in previous posts. (nimsha, bola, to many to mention here) No one makes you use anything, it is a choice that is up to you.

I regret not seeing this earlier but was otherwise occupied. Let this be the end of the discussion. I am posting to assure the Rakash I am still here, they are not abandoned, and there is NO MESS to be cleaned up!

GM Anji
Rakash Race Champ

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Rakash - Rakash Pack, by DR-ANJI on the forums.