Post:The TDP Post V2 - 12/28/2010 - 11:34:42

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Re: The TDP Post V2 · on 12/28/2010 11:34:42 AM 9253
>>It would be interesting if we had a choice, I almost would just rather you subtract the TDPs from me.

I really don't think you would - You wouldn't earn another TDP until you earned 7000 TDPs or whatever, which would be kind of frustrating I imagine.

TDP DEBT might tell you your debt status, though, which would let you work towards the goal of getting rid of it without totally halting your stat gain.

>>I would much rather have the option to keep the stats I have now.

In no case will people be losing stats, so any option we choose will have to take that into account.

>>Will circling TDPs contribute to eliminating the debt or only skill TDPs?

Nope - Just skill TDPs

>>5 primary skills question, because I'd much prefer that over 3 or even 4.

Having more than 3 primary skills REALLY skewed the numbers. It really wasn't pretty, especially after we included the Alternate Skills. Additionally, it basically handed the world to magic users for reasons that have been discussed already, and I didn't want to aggravate the GvG there.

>>then you may consider keeping 200/TDP for "primary skills" and 400/TDP for "alternative skills".

This put most people kind of far in the hole and wasn't a very good distribution. Reducing TDP gain ended up being more of a non-goal than it was originally, because to reduce TDP gain over time also meant putting people in deeper in TDP debt for a while.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ The Experience System (11), by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.