Post:Web-breaking spell/ability. - 5/2/2009 - 11:02:14

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Re: Web-breaking spell/ability. · on 5/2/2009 11:02:14 AM 8308
Web-breaking in general is probably getting nerfed.

I personally think status effects should not be something people expect to 'get out of' on anything approaching a regular basis.

>Amount of mana does not seem to change how much you affect things very significantly, other than magic resistance.<

It does, it's just there's only 3 static success tiers for Griz, the RT doesn't scale in the middle of said tiers. So the spell only has trinary effect. Most other spells you can see better granularity.

>Now my other observations. I'd love for the min prep to be lowered if possible<

I'll check and see how it stacks up against its tier, but mana is meant to actually be a resource, so some spells are going to have high preps and that's how it's supposed to be.

>and the intown thing removed<

When I review a few other things we can look at this. Right now the 'intended' design of the guild has been for Rangers to suck inside cities. (Intended in quotes because it's not me who designed it) In return a fair amount of your spells actually have mana efficiency / difficulty bonuses in wilder areas.


This message was originally posted in The Rangers (31) \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements (2), by DR-ZEYURN on the forums.