Post:Water-cooler Gossip, well actually I think it's a birdbath, but regardless - 04/22/2013 - 02:47

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Water-cooler Gossip, well actually I think it's a birdbath, but regardless · on 04/22/2013 02:47 AM CDT 1967
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Assistant Niloa, the new handmaiden Inyasa, Lady Arkisyela were about discussing things:

  • Inyasa's new position as handmaiden.
  • Inyasa's twin brother Rekave's new position as head of the city militia.
  • Iszauna taking over the Adan'f
  • Necro shennanigans and a cameo by a construct
  • The Pivuh guy's circus getting attacked
  • Fixing stuff in Shard that needs repairing/'projects'
  • Inyasa may hold a Shard Town Meeting soon
  • Shard Court is being entirely restructured
  • Inyasa likes jasmine tea

look> You see: a Massive wall'o'text (I cut out most of the non-conversation hand-gesturing and booze-houndery, I think that was basically all the conversation though)

[Kukalakai's Grove, Dim Glade] Secluded and shaded by a circle of ban-minahle trees, this is the perfect place for contemplating deep thoughts -- which may be why it was the Lady Kukalakai's favorite place to do exactly that. Thick grass grows up around a ring of benches in the center of the glade, and the vaguest hint of honeysuckle drifts through the air. The quiet twittering of wrens completes the sense of relaxation. Here even the over-agitated can be content to simply be. You also see a narrow tunnel leading back through the trees. Also here: Lady Bard Arkisyela, Assistant Niloa and Handmaiden Inyasa. Obvious paths: none.

Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "Hello there, magic one." Inyasa says to Niloa, "It should be a good time for all." Niloa says to Inyasa, "I should hope." Lady Bard Arkisyela just arrived. Arkisyela nods politely. Arkisyela says, "Greetings." Niloa says, "Some expressed that, though they loved Shard and lived here for long, they did not feel they understood Elothean culture much." Arkisyela says to Inyasa, "I should congratulate you on your new position." Inyasa says, "Yes, it's a big responsibility." Arkisyela says, "I have all faith you will be able to fill it." Inyasa says, "I just hope my brother does not cause too much trouble." Arkisyela chuckles. Inyasa says, "He doesn't know yet." Arkisyela says, "I think he will cause just enough."

Niloa asks, "Your brother?" Niloa peers quizzically at Inyasa. Inyasa says, "Rekave." Niloa exclaims, "Oh!" Inyasa says, "He's my twin brother." Niloa says, "I hadn't realized, but... well yes." Niloa says, "I'm sure he'll be very pleased with his posting, though." Arkisyela asks, "What posting did he get again?" Inyasa says, "He'll be very put out he didn't get 'handmaiden' though. I think he just wanted to call himself that, to be honest." Niloa says to Arkisyela, "With the militia, I'd heard." Inyasa says, "He's the new head of the city militia." Arkisyela says, "He will have to refashion the uniforms." Inyasa says, "Oh dear." Inyasa says, "Honestly, I do care about him, but he can be... difficult, sometimes." Arkisyela says, "Mmm, you really should tell him soon." Niloa asks, "Would you wish me to speak to him, or have you other arrangements?"

Inyasa says, "Not to mention that my guild is in... well, a bit of a state of flux." Inyasa says, "I should probably tell him myself. No reason to let him get the upper hand." Inyasa says to Niloa, "I'm very grateful to have your help, too." Niloa says to Inyasa, "Whatever can be done, I shall wend myself into a form that will suffice." Niloa says, "It is the least I can do now that I am home again." Inyasa says, "It'll be good to get everything back in order." Inyasa says, "There are a lot of projects that need to be done, too." Niloa asks, "Have you a list as of yet?" Arkisyela says, "I hope to have my own mini-list soon. I neet to meet with Sesi." Niloa says to Arkisyela, "The animal performance is getting some excitement, it seems." Arkisyela asks, "Animal performance?" Inyasa asks, "That would be good. How is the situation with the theater going?" Arkisyela says, "I have yet to hear from Ruea." Niloa says, "The man with the lizard creatures." Niloa nods to Arkisyela. Arkisyela asks, "Is he not the one that lost his creatures in the streets?" Inyasa asks, "Isn't he the one that brought a massive invasion into the city from goblins wanting to steal his pivuh?" Niloa says, "I had been told that Kobolds had attacked his other performance." Inyasa's features are limned in fiery rutilant light, her eyes burning with a fearsome vivacity. Niloa asks, "One should hope. Do we want to alert the guards that there may be trouble?"

Peacemaker Marssi came through a narrow tunnel leading back through the trees. Marssi smiles. Arkisyela grins at Marssi. Inyasa says, "We can post extra guards, perhaps, for his performance." Inyasa says, "And greetings." Marssi says, "Hello there. I just wanted to stop by and offer my congratulations on the position." Inyasa says, "It's a very large repsonsibility." Niloa smiles. Marssi nods in agreement. Inyasa says, "I've been kind of waiting for the chaos to die down before I try to do anything." Marssi says, "It is a lot of change happening. It's exciting, but confusing, too." Marssi smiles. Marssi says, "I'm sure it will all be sorted out soon enough." Inyasa says, "Yes, I'll hold a town meeting soon."

Arkisyela says, "Marssi is the center of a bit of change herself." Inyasa asks, "Oh?" Marssi says, "Oh, not that much change, so far." Arkisyela asks, "A hope for change then?" Arkisyela says to Inyasa, "With your Guild." Marssi exclaims, "Hope is good!" Inyasa says to Arkisyela, "Yes, my guild is in a wee bit of a state of... flux and confusion at the moment as well." Marssi exclaims, "Chaos all around!" Inyasa says, "I've been staying out of all that for the most part, I certainly have other concerns to deal with." Inyasa says, "I'll lend a hand if they need it, though, certainly." Niloa says, "One may pass through the chaos without becoming as the chaos." Marssi says, "I appreciate hearing that. I'm not sure where things are headed, but it can be scary to have Khalo threats." Katralyn says to Raithren, "I'm too old in the guild to be less." Inyasa says to Marssi, "And honestly, I think it's easier to just let yourself become part of the chaos and let it sort itself out while trying to untangle it a bit." Inyasa says, "It'll certainly be interesting, no matter what happens." Marssi says, "It will! I guess I'm sort of at a "Wait and See" stand, right now."

Katralyn raises an eyebrow. Marssi asks, "Who is your brother?" Inyasa says, "Rekave." Arkisyela says, "I think he will find his own way to do things." Arkisyela chuckles. Inyasa says, "Probably."

Marssi says, "Oh! I've met him! I was really fond of him so far." Inyasa says, "He's probably going to fly into an irrational rage when he finds out who got the position he wanted." Katralyn says to Raithren, "This is what happens when I spend far too much time asleep or out in nomans land training." Niloa says to Inyasa, "Perhaps I could help him with meditations." Arkisyela says to Katralyn, "Quite a few changes." Arkisyela nods to Katralyn. Inyasa says, "Frankly I think he just wanted to call himself Handmaiden. He'll probably make up an utterly ridiculous title for himself." Inyasa says to Niloa, "That's probably not a good idea, at least if he knows you're doing it."

Marssi says, "He did seem to enjoy the title. I hope he does come up with something just as fun." Arkisyela says to Katralyn, "I know only my part of them of course. With the Theater."

Raithren says, "I'm not good with keeping up with politics."

Katralyn says, "As long as my long loved ice wine is still available, I shall be pleased." Katralyn grins at Arkisyela. Inyasa says, "The short version is that the Court is being entirely restructured." Arkisyela says to Katralyn, "I was not planning on changing the menu there." Arkisyela grins wryly. Inyasa says, "And ice wine is delightful." Raithren says, "Sounds like fun." Katralyn says, "I can not make commentary on the court of my homeland.." Arkisyela says, "You would be the first." Inyasa laughs! Katralyn says, "Too much hurtful history with everything that has happened in the past." Inyasa says, "Arkisyela has a point." Arkisyela asks, "And if you do not share that which you feel is going badly with those who have a say in the change, how will it change?" Arkisyela glances at Inyasa. Raithren asks, "Oh do i get to have a say?" Inyasa says, "What is happening for certain is that the Theater will be run entirely separately, so that it avoids the usual politics."

Inyasa says, "I am willing to listen to any and all concerns and suggestions." Inyasa nods to Raithren. Raithren says, "Too many Necromancers lurking around the city. They must be delt with." Raithren nods. Katralyn asks, "The only thing that would seem worth asking though.. are things not working the way our dear Ferdahl likes.. after all this time?" Niloa says, "It is indeed a blight." Raithren says, "I'm like a dog with a bone." Katralyn says to Raithren, "Fooey on you for such a reference." Katralyn begins nagging Raithren unmercifully. Raithren laughs! Katralyn raises her voice in merry laughter. Raithren says, "Yes well I can make fun of myself."

Inyasa says, "The Lady Bard is taking charge of the theater. And yes, necromancers lurking the streets are bad, though we also don't want to go overboard." Raithren says, "I understand, I put away the pitchfork awhile ago." Raithren points at a glaes partisan he has. Raithren says, "This works better." Marssi says, "I think they do sometimes get bold, but the citizens normally do alright with knocking them down. A few are pretty persistant." Katralyn says, "I can say though, the criminal and necromantic element running amock in this province is a little disgraceful, but in light of the history.. not surprising." Niloa asks Inyasa, "Have I missed much in my studies abroad?" Inyasa says, "We do allow the Hounds of Rutilor to operate in the city. However, we have Dragon Priests and Adan'f to worry about, which is worse than the occasional idiot with a death wish."

Katralyn says, "I understand the dollmaker has been seen." Inyasa says, "Yes, apparently she's the one in charge now. Which is a bit scary." Arkisyela asks, "In charge?" Katralyn says, "Been a long time since that silly thing was out..." Niloa nods to Arkisyela. Marssi says, "I have yet to meet her. I suppose that's a good thing." Katralyn asks, "Really?" Arkisyela says, "That sounds worrying." Raithren's jaw drops. Raithren says, "They put her in charge." Katralyn says, "She had a true love of my former husband's eyes."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "And I'm sure you can catch up from your studies abroad." Katralyn says, "Mind you.. so did I, so, I can not blame her there." Inyasa says, "Well, Vigther hasn't been seen at all in a long time, and the dollmaker seemed to be calling all the shots in their last appearance." Inyasa says, "I'm not sure what they're up to with the fire maidens, either." Raithren says, "He might be a doll." Raithren says, "Can't imagine who would want to cuddle with him though."

Katralyn says, "Iszuana was very unpredictable.. I can't imagine that she is actually calling the shots.. it sounds more likely that someone hidden pulls her strings." Raithren grins at Katralyn. Marssi says, "It's scary to think of it either way." Katralyn says, "Well she's easy to distract." Raithren nods to Marssi. Katralyn says, "At least she was." Inyasa asks, "What do you mean, he might be a doll?" Katralyn just tickled Raithren, who laughs and returns the favor. Raithren says, "The dollmaker is the puppet of a puppetmaster." Arkisyela says to Raithren, "That sounds confusing."

Raithren says, "Adan'f seem to take power in very brtual ways, and she liked to use ... real parts for her dolls." Katralyn says to Raithren, "Tricksy tongue twisting bard." Inyasa says to Raithren, "Yes, I have no illusions that that's changed, either." Katralyn asks, "Did she make any dolls the last time she was out?" Inyasa says, "She was making undead and calling them dolls, from what I heard." Marssi frowns. Inyasa says, "I don't really think they have the manpower to be a serious threat to the city itself, but they're certainly something to keep an eye on." Katralyn says, "Well it is just as well."

Katralyn asks, "So.. what other changes were made to the court then?" Raithren ponders. Inyasa says, "Well, right now it's mostly empty." Katralyn says, "That is a lot of change."

Marssi says, "It will be rebuilt! It won't be lonely forever." Katralyn says, "Sounds very much like what happened a long while back." while back." Inyasa says, "I'll be functioning in much the same manner the advisor did. And yes, it will be rebuilt. I have a few people to talk to." Raithren asks, "Can I be the Ambassador to the Adan'f?"

Marssi says, "Change has to happen sometimes. Shake things up to keep it from being outdated and stale." Niloa nods to Marssi. Inyasa asks Raithren, "Are you going to be talking to them with the edge of your blade?" Raithren says, "Maybe." Raithren exclaims, "I can sing to them too!" Niloa says to Marssi, "For growth in any thing, change must occur from time to time." Inyasa grins at Raithren.

Raithren says, "I know a song that will set their souls on fire." Katralyn says, "Outdated and stale was the reasons things were changed the last time... that last time caused a great exodus of long time patriots." Marssi says, "It's very true. Even if the change is hard, it is needed." Inyasa says, "I don't think it's a good idea to try talking peacefully with crazy necromantic creatures led by some'one who acts like a spoiled four-year-old." Raithren says, "Oh well, i just wanted a risky job." Katralyn says to Inyasa, "But you do not know the silver tongue this one has..." Katralyn grins slowly at Raithren. Inyasa grins at Raithren. Katralyn says, "I am quite sure he has the skill to have her eating out of his hand." Katralyn hums an innocent tune. Niloa says to Inyasa, "Maybe he should be sent to tell your brother, then." Niloa grins at Inyasa. Inyasa says, "Do you mean eating his hand? Because that's more accurate." Inyasa winks.

Katralyn says to Inyasa, "Never underestimate a bard.. especially a bard male." Katralyn raises her voice in merry laughter. Inyasa says to Niloa, "That's not a bad idea, he needs people as much as I do." Arkisyela asks Inyasa, "If Rekave takes all the Bards, what will I do?" Arkisyela grins wryly. The snow leopard growls, "Izzy, she likes choclate. If you were going to feed her." Marssi grins at Arkisyela. Inyasa says to Arkisyela, "I'm sure you can share." Inyasa grins at Arkisyela. Arkisyela says, "I suppose."

Arkisyela chortles softly at some secret joke. Katralyn says to Raithren, "We'll have to see about your eyes.. although silver may be close to stormy grey.. she has a penchant for those." Katralyn grins at Raithren.

Inyasa says, "That sound dangerous." Raithren says, "I'll try to keep my eyes in my head." Katralyn says, "Yes.. but you can always lure her." Katralyn nods. Arkisyela says to Raithren, "A good place for them." Arkisyela nods to Raithren. Marssi says, "Oh, pardon me a moment. I have a rescue to make." Marssi rubs her crystal ring. Inyasa says, "Well, I can heal eyes, so it's not a bid deal." Marssi smiles. Inyasa says to Marssi, "All right, take care." Niloa waves to Marssi. Marssi exclaims, "Thank you, you as well!"

An immense dirt construct stomps in. Marssi curtsies.

An immense dirt construct is perfectly motionless, as if the force that drives it has been temporarily cut off. Zerreck slows abruptly, his activity far less animated than a moment ago. Katralyn says, "Oh good grief." Marssi frowns. Raithren says, "Blah." A snow leopard growls ferociously deep in its throat. Niloa says, "Oh my." You notice a long-fanged snow leopard begin a careful search of the area. Raithren says, "See what i mean." An immense dirt construct is perfectly motionless, as if the force that drives it has been temporarily cut off. Katralyn slings a balanced light crossbow with an intricately carved stock off from over her shoulder. Katralyn loads her light crossbow with a sleek quadrello.

You hear a countertenor voice chanting from the shadows:

"Leave us alone. And you will be left alone"

An immense dirt construct is perfectly motionless, as if the force that drives it has been temporarily cut off. Raithren says, "This isn't leaving us alone." Katralyn asks, "You insult the Tower with this monstrosity?" Katralyn frowns. You hear the sound of someone cackling! Raithren says, "This is making yourself a problem." Niloa says, "I see him." Marssi says, "I don't think spells are able to be cast here." Katralyn exclaims, "The power is rather poor.. and I'm not dressed for this!" Katralyn laughs! Inyasa says, "Show yourself, fiend."

You hear a countertenor voice chanting from the shadows:

"Listen to my words. Do not search us out. "

Niloa searches around for a moment. Marssi closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Zerreck comes out of hiding. An immense dirt construct is perfectly motionless, as if the force that drives it has been temporarily cut off. Marssi says, "You shouldn't be making threats here." Niloa says, "He left." Raithren searches around for a moment. Raithren grumbles.

Raithren says, "Seeee what i mean about problems." Arkisyela asks, "Now, how do we get rid of it?" Katralyn says, "Destroy it." Katralyn says, "But not here." Raithren says, "Herm.." The snow leopard growls, "A large broom." Raithren says, "Yes i can't risk burning down the tower." Raithren says, "Or the Glade." Marssi says, "I don't know how to get rid of these things." Katralyn says, "Well it's just going to be an irritant."

Inyasa asks Niloa, "You said you got a sight of him?" Niloa nods to Inyasa. Niloa says, "I did." Arkisyela says, "I saw him as well." Arkisyela nods to Inyasa. Niloa says, "He has returned." Inyasa says, "Leave now, fiend, and take your abomination with you." Raithren says, "Why not take your thing, and depart the city." Inyasa says, "I will not warn you again." Niloa says, "And another, whom he tries to follow." Katralyn says, "I do not think they control these particular things."

An immense dirt construct stomps off. Arkisyela says, "Better." Arkisyela squints. Marssi squints. Niloa says, "He has left with the monster." Arkisyela sheathes her throwing blades. Katralyn lets out a long sigh of relief. Marssi says, "Someone is here, or was." Niloa nods. Arkisyela searches around for a moment. A snow leopard growls ferociously deep in its throat. Arkisyela says, "Osus." Arkisyela flashes a quick grin. Niloa nods to Arkisyela.

Katralyn gazes at Osus. Osus shrugs. Osus says, "Someone's gotta clean this place up." Katralyn says, "My coins would be gratefully returned." Niloa says to Osus, "The necromancer was following you, or trying Osus says, "Yeah, they do that. I'm sure I'll wake up in the temple pretty soon." Katralyn says, "Hrm.. I think I need a drink, I am not even talking right."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "I can describe him to the guards, if you would wish." Inyasa nods to Niloa. Niloa nods. Assistant Niloa went through a narrow tunnel leading back through the trees. Inyasa says, "Good enough, I'd say. And yes, I'd place him in the idiot with a deathwish category." Raithren nods. Raithren says, "They like to make themselves a issue." Niloa says to Inyasa, "It is done." Inyasa says to Niloa, "Remind me to have a chat with a certain someone." Niloa says, "I shall." Raithren says, "I mean the brilliance of declaring yourself, in order to avoid being hunted.."

Raithren says, "Something is definately wrong with the person who uses that as a tactic." Osus shrugs. Marssi says, "They feed on the attention, too." Osus says, "Gotta respect the confidence." Inyasa says, "No, we really don't need to respect the confidence." Raithren says, "I refuse." Osus looks at Inyasa and shrugs. Katralyn asks, "Confidence coming to a spot where peace is mandated?" Katralyn raises her voice in merry laughter. Osus says, "You get the pleasure of having a whole city to defend you, its easy to be smug then." Arkisyela raises an eyebrow in Osus's direction. Arkisyela asks, "What city defends him?" Raithren says, "Oh I guess the city defends me, because i'm one smug fellow." Niloa says, "All of those of Shard have the pleasure of the whole city protecting them." Niloa says, "This is what a city is for." Osus says, "No cities defend him. Thats why, while I dont agree with his existence, I respect him for being brave enough to take the fight to an entire province." Osus shrugs. Katralyn asks, "One?" Inyasa says, "I'm not really interested in fighting. That isn't my role. I'm a healer first and foremost." Osus asks, "5?" Osus shrugs. Raithren says, "I'm sure i don't have a city to defend me when i'm outside the city, and even when i disagree with a city i don't run around trying to take on a fight with a city for no reason." Katralyn says, "Seems that if he takes his fight to more than one, that there is no cause, just a penchant to create trouble." Raithren says, "In fact I just avoid cities I don't like." Katralyn takes a sip of her rum.

Katralyn says, "Distasteful occurance.. glad he's gone." Osus says, "You say trouble, he says chaos and unrest. Its a viable tactic." Osus shrugs. Inyasa says, "You are making me want a drink." Inyasa chuckles. Katralyn asks Osus, "Are you defending or admiring his tactics?" Niloa says, "Only if one submits to chaos instead of moving through it." Arkisyela says, "I will stay ready just in case he or it comes back." Niloa says, "Thank you." Osus says, "Admiring his bravery." Raithren says, "I still say the braver man stands his ground when someone offers up a fight, not attempts to create a fight in a place he is clearly unwelcome." Inyasa says, "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. I wonder what he hopes to accomplish, because it's certainly not going to be good will of any sort."

Osus asks, "What were you all talking about before he arrived?" Niloa takes a sip of her rum. Osus raises an eyebrow. Raithren says, "Actaully court." Inyasa says, "The overall changes to the Court." Raithren says, "Being empty." Katralyn asks, "He's a necrolord, do you think he has a need of goodwill?" Osus asks, "And now you're not?" Niloa says, "We were rather finished, actually." Niloa shrugs. Raithren says, "We were talking about varoius things." Katralyn says, "Not much to talk about when the subject is "empty." Osus asks, "So his tactics were somewhat successful?" Katralyn glances at Osus. Inyasa says, "We were just chatting." Raithren says, "Oh and we talked about dolls and puppets too." Raithren says, "And eyeballs." Raithren nods. Katralyn nods to Raithren. Katralyn takes a sip of her rum.

Inyasa says, "We can change the subject to our favorite teas." Osus chuckles. Katralyn says, "No.. not tea.. I beg you." Katralyn laughs! Inyasa says, "I like jasmine." Inyasa winks. Niloa takes a sip of her rum. Katralyn whimpers softly. Inyasa asks, "What's wrong with tea?" Inyasa says, "Now I'm curiosu." Marssi says, "I like a tea that Allye makes. I usually prefer coffee, though." Inyasa says, "Curious, even." Niloa says, "A nice green tea with hints of foral infusion." Raithren says, "I don't know." Raithren says, "I jsut drink what women give me normally." Katralyn asks Raithren, "You fear your natural side will get out of control under the power of the rums?"

About then they broke out the bootlegger's crate and I think headed out a bit after that.

-Then End, Sorry if that took a week or two to get through...

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Ilithi Events, by POWERHAUS on the forums.