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Category:Private Ships

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NOTE: This page is about the buyable ship system. Also available is a listing of important boats.

Also known as Player Ships, these are ships that could be purchased at a shipyard, such as Barana's Shipyard, or are available for private purchase at auctions.

However, the shipyards have been closed for several years now and the only sources for new vessels have been through auctions or raffles. This halt in production has caused all private ships to become more valuable, selling on average for far more than their initial cost during the shipyard's production years.

Ship Classes

There are four classes of ships available at shipyards: Cog, Cutter, Brig, and Galleon.

The amount of rooms for use and the speed at which you sail depends on the class of vessel which you are sailing. Larger vessels can sail faster and have more available area, but also come with the drawback of having the largest amount of crew wages required for use.

A number of special Auction-quality ships feature more rooms and some are rumored to have faster than average speeds for their class.


This is a single-masted, single-sailed vessel with three rooms above deck

Cost: 8,000pK
Crew Wages: 3.8pK every 30 Real Life days
Build Time: 15 game days
Speed: Moderate


This is a single-masted vessel with five sails, three rooms above deck, and a customizable cabin.

Cost: 12,000pK
Crew Wages: 5.8pK every 30 Real Life days
Build Time: 30 game days
Speed: Moderately Fast


This is a double-masted vessel featuring eight sails, four rooms above deck, a customizable cabin, and the choice of either a hold or a galley.

Cost: 15,000pK
Crew Wages: 6.6pK every 30 Real Life days
Build Time: 60 game days
Speed: Fast


This is a four-masted vessel boasting twelve sails, four rooms above deck, a hold, a galley, a customizable cabin, and a second simply-furnished cabin.

Cost: 20,000pK
Crew Wages: 14.4pK every 30 Real Life days
Build Time: 90 game days
Speed: Very Fast



  • The owner of the ship is automatically assigned as the Captain of the vessel and is the only one able to assign positions on the ship to other players.

Historically the Captain of a vessel is responsible for its safe and efficient operation, including cargo operations, navigation, crew management and ensuring that the vessel complies with local and international laws, as well as company and flag state policies. All persons on board, including officers and crew, other shipboard staff members, passengers, guests and pilots, are under the captain's authority and are his ultimate responsibility.

Ship's Mate

  • Also known as the First Mate.

The mate is responsible to the Captain for the safety and security of the ship. Responsibilities include the crew's welfare and training. The Ship's Mate is considered to be part of the command crew for the vessel.

Ship's Master

  • Also known as the Quartermaster.

The master's main task is to steer the ship and apply the helm orders given by the Captain or watch officers. The Ship's Master is considered to be part of the command crew for the vessel.


  • The Ship's Pilot is an NPC attached to the vessel and serves as the means for which Players command the ship itself.

A pilot is a mariner who guides ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. Pilots are expert shiphandlers who possess detailed knowledge of local waterways.


  • A general rank for any other players assigned to the crew.

A seaman is generally any person who navigates waterborne vessels or assists as a crewmember in their operation and maintenance. Anyone assigned the Seaman rank cannot get past the ship's guards (if on) and cannot command the ship's pilot.

Other Positions

  • These positions are accessed without using the ship's Pilot NPC.

While not supported by the Private Ship system itself, there are other positions which are available though using the title system in the game. Most, if not all, are located within the Ownership Titles.

Pilot Commands

Commands available to Captains

Commands available to Command Crew

  • These commands are only available to whomever is assigned the Ship's Mate or Ship's Master positions.

Captain's Ring Commands

One time every 24 hours you can command your ship to sail to one of the main ports by remote with your Captain's Ring.

  • TAP: To set the destination.
  • RUB: To command the pilot to sail to the set destination.
  • STUDY: to receive a gweth message from your pilot with the whereabouts of your ship.

Transferring Ownership

Only the Captain may transfer ownership and they must have the captain’s ring in their possession. Go to the broker’s office inside the shipyard office, put the captain’s ring in your right hand and GIVE {new owner}.

The new owner must wear and TURN the ring to activate it.

Notes about Sailing from the Ship's Pilot NPC

1 - You can ask me about position and speed for helpful info.
2 - COMMAND (Pilot Name) TO ... will give you a list of commands.
3 - You can use the trim command multiple times to increase the speed of the ship.

  • The use of this command is incremental.

4 - You use the ease command to slow the ship.
5 - The ship's wheel must be centered for the ship to reach optimum speed.
6 - A 30 degree turn of the wheel is enough for a nice, controlled turn.
7 - Keep a LOOK out because at full speed it could be easy to miss something.

Ship Captain FAQ

NOTE: Information provided by Kraelyst

  • Where can I buy a ship?

You can buy ships at a shipyard. Currently only one shipyard exists: Barana’s Shipyard in The Crossing. From the bank go SW, Go Bridge, SW, Go Gate, Go Office. Join the appointment book and then enter the door when the clerk says they are ready for you.
UPDATE: Ships are no longer available for purchase.

  • How do I get a custom name?

When you enter Barana’s office, type REQUEST or REQUEST [ship name]. If you want the ship to be preceeded by “the” then you need to include that in your request.

Example 1: REQUEST the Frayed Knot Your ship would be seen in the room as… You also see the Frayed Knot.
Example 2: REQUEST Frayed Knot Your ship would be seen in the room as… You also see Frayed Knot.

Custom names must be approved by a GameMaster, so obviously prime time is your best chance of getting a GM. If you make a request and don't get a response, try back during prime time another day. Once approved, the name will become an option available in the ship-buying process. If the name you want is not there, do NOT complete the ship transaction. You MUST wait for your name to be choosable because once you choose a different name they will not change it.

  • How do I customize my cabin? (cutter, brig, and galleon only)

Your cabin will have five pieces of furniture in it: table, bed, chest, wall, and window. While ordering your ship you will choose from a pre-set list of descriptions for each piece of furniture. You may enter the ship office and get a list of the furniture options by typing ASK BARANA ABOUT FURNITURE. The following are the furniture options available as of 8-19-05.

  • Beds

1 - a simple pine cot 2 - a knotted rope hammock 3 - an overstuffed leather sofa with patched cushions and a missing leg 4 - a plain oak box bed

  • Windows

1 - a pine-framed porthole 2 - an oak-framed porthole 3 - a brass-trimmed porthole 4 - a cracked window

  • Tables

1 - a knotty oak table 2 - a worm-rotted pine table 3 - a deeply-scratched redwood table 4 - a chipped and peeling white-washed oak desk 5 - a roughly cut pine desk 6 - a dry-rotted mahogany desk 7 - a dark cherrywood desk with sword-notched legs 8 - a polished maple desk with mismatched legs 9 - a knotty pine table

  • Walls

1 - a pine-paneled wall 2 - an oak-paneled wall 3 - a tapestry covered wall 4 - a white-washed wall 5 - a rough plaster wall

  • Chests

1 - an oak footlocker 2 - a pine footlocker 3 - a warped cherry cabinet 4 - a brass-bound worm-riddled wood chest 5 - a crate

  • Can I customize my pilot? (name, race, gender, clothing, etc)

No. You receive a randomly generated pilot with a randomly generated name.

  • How do I find out how much time is left until my ship is ready?

You can ask the foreman at your ship in the shipyard. The foremen are only present during daytime hours. Additionally, for the first 12 real life hours the ship will not be far enough along for the foreman to tell you anything about it. Syntax: ASK FOREMAN ABOUT SHIP or ASK FOREMAN ABOUT TIME

  • How do I bribe the foreman to speed up work on my ship?

ASK FOREMAN ABOUT TIME and then GIVE FOREMAN 100000 KRONARS. The foreman is only present during daytime hours and you may not be able to bribe him during the first 12 Real Life hours.

  • My ship is completed. Where is it and what do I do next?

Once the ship is completed it will sail to the nearest dock. In Crossing this is either the Crossing Docks (2 rooms west of the shipyard gate) or the Landfall Dock (from the bank go E, S, S, S, Climb Stair, Down, Go Dock). Immediately board your ship, go aft, and do 2 things: 1. COMMAND {pilot name} TO SET TITLE 2. ASK {pilot name} ABOUT RING

  • What happens if I lose my captain's ring?

Go back to your pilot and ASK {pilot name} ABOUT RING

  • How do I interact with my pilot?

Type COMMAND {pilot name} TO to get a list of possible commands. You can also ASK {pilot name} ABOUT {destination, guard, launch, speed, position, accounts, help, or wages}

  • Who can control the ship?

Only 3 people at any time are able to control each ship – the Captain, Ship’s Master, and Ship’s Mate. The Captain assigns the Master and Mate. The Captain can also assign the rank of Seaman to 10 people, but a Seaman cannot control the ship and cannot board the ship if the ship is being guarded.

  • Can I pay Crew Wages in advance?

Yes, you can pay in advance. GIVE {pilot name} {amount} KRONARS

  • What happens if I don’t pay my wages?

If your wages are not current the pilot will not respond to commands. If your wages go unpaid for 3 months your ship will be RECLAIMED AND SOLD AT AUCTION! It is wise to pay your wages well in advance, and if you are planning any extended absences you should also alert Simutronics via Feedback or Billing. ASK {pilot name} ABOUT WAGES ASK {pilot name} ABOUT ACCOUNT

  • Can I withdraw from my Crew Wages account?


  • How do I buy additional ship routes?

Only the Captain may buy ship routes and they must have the captain’s ring. Go into the shipyard, go corridor, and go west into the “Cartography Services” room. Type ORDER.

  • Do the ships travel at different speeds?

Yes! The more sails a ship has the faster it travels. Cogs are the slowest, cutters are faster, brigs are faster still, and then galleons are fastest of all.

  • How many items can be stored on a ship?

WARNING: Items stored on a ship are NOT secure! Items can be picked up by other players, they can disappear in a game crash, and it is even possible a rogue janitor can get them, and if lost the GameMasters will NOT replace them. Do not put any items of value on your ships!
Now, to answer the question. You can put many items in and on furniture without fear of the “regular” janitor. In the captain’s cabin (cutter, brig, galleon) there is a table/desk that will hold a few things including large items (including weapons, containers, pyramids, etc), a cabinet that will hold a lot of smaller items (such as food, drink, herbs). In the hold (brig, galleon) there is a chest and a net, each will hold a fairly large number of smallish items (like herbs, lockpicks, ropes, torches, gem pouches, etc). Other furniture exists also that can hold items. So in other words, the ships will hold tons of items if they’re relatively small and a number of large items as well, but again, don’t put anything there you aren’t willing to lose!

  • Can a player-owned ship be damaged?

Not currently.

  • How do I buy mangonels, trader tables, forges, stoves, or other major permanent items for my ship?

You don’t. These are not currently available. You got a stinking ship, isn’t that enough?

  • Can I attack other ships, pirates, sea monsters, harbors, or anything else?

No. And if you interefere with any regular route ships (like the Skirr’lolasu, Halasa Selhin, Kree’la, etc) you will be in serious trouble and possibly have your ship taken away. Do NOT moor to these ships!

  • Are there limitations on where different classes of ships can travel?

No. All player-owned ships can travel to all the same areas.

  • Can I AFK script on my ship?

If you or anyone else is caught afk-scripting on your ship all learning may be permanently turned off on your ship, same as what happens with homes. Just say no!

  • Can Captain's Rings be altered?

Yes, if you find an alterer who is willing to work on it.

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