Gwethdesuan (obsolete)

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Gwethdesuans (gweths for short) are Moon Mage enchantments worn upon the head that allow one to broadcast one's thoughts to every gweth-wearer within range. Some must be tapped to activate, others need only to be donned. All gwethdesuans have the ability to receive thoughts, but two types are unable to send them. All gwethdesuans deactivate if you die or remove them from your head, but some will also deactivate over a period of time or if you tap them. Additionally, with the exception of certain Estate Holder LTB gifts, all gwethdesuans have limited charges and run the risk of shattering each time you activate them.

There are six types of gwethdesuan:

Type Transmission Duration Range Channel
Kyanite send/receive Unlimited Long Chorus
Sjatmal send/receive Short Long Chorus
Lasmodi receive Long Long Chorus
Jadeite send/receive Unlimited Short Cacophony
Lantholite send/receive Short Short Cacophony
Waermodi receive Long Short Cacophony

There are two channels, one that manifests as a chorus of thoughts (long range) and one that manifests as a cacophony (short range). You can wear gweths in certain combinations, but it's not recommended to use jadeite or kyanite with other gweths of the same type. Also, using either of these with gweths of the same channel and capabilities will cause the jadeite/kyanite gweths to stop working as well when the limited-duration ones shut down.

Sending thoughts is a taxing endeavor, so short messages are the norm for most people.

Each gwethdesuan stone will be set in some sort of metallic chain, though it seems that the type of chain has no bearing on the gweth's functionality.

NOTE: due to the way that Albredine Rings work, messages sent via the gwethdesuan should not begin with a preposition (at, to, with, etc).