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Phabious Maggilor
Race S'Kra Mur
Gender Male
Guild Thief
Instance Prime
Relatives None

You are Observer (a thief Serpent) Phabious Maggilor, Night Watchman of The Locksmith Union, a S'Kra Mur.

You have a sharp-featured face and slitted silver eyes, black scales and a slender tail.

A sparkling bloodstone shaped like twin crossed daggers rests on your forehead, just above your eyes.

You are elderly.

Your left cheekbone has a tattoo of a hand of cards displaying a royal flush.

You are in good shape.

You are wearing some flowing nightsilk robes, a shimmering black cloak, a shimmering midnight black scarf, a copperwood longbow, a burlap game bag beaded with a simple design, a forester's crossbow, a shalswar-hide targe with a reinforced design, an albredine crystal ring, a polished leather belt with a stiletto and a briquet hanging from it, a black leather moneybelt clasped by a jade dragon and a lacquered ironwood parry stick with dark steelsilk straps.