Sever Thread (2.0)

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Sever Thread
Abbreviation: SET
Prerequisites: Unknown
Signature: No
Spell Slots: Unknown
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: Unknown / Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Prep (min/max): 8 / 62
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: Others, Critters
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The Elemental infusion of the Pattern of Luck, Sever Thread generates a massive surge of luck around its victim. The luck that teleologic sorcerers deal with is not the 'good' or even 'bad' luck of folklore, but a force of improbability, which they believe twists fate and slackens iron-clad destiny into shades of probability. Sever Thread sends such a powerful surge of corruptive luck that the victim's connection to fate is disrupted, metaphorically severing his thread in the web of fate. While the disruption lasts for a mere moment, the mystic violence of the act can cause confusion and distress in the victim.

Once cast, Sever Thread creates a perverse link between the caster and his target. The caster can predict upon the target at any time during the duration of the spell, even if he's halfway across Elanthia, to choose the precise moment he brings misfortune upon his victim.

Effect: Unknown
Example Messaging: Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for writhing purple magic around you. Following your unspoken command, the malignant energy lashes out toward a fendryad!

Some of the purple energy arcs away from you and anchors itself around a fendryad, creating a psychic link between the two of you.
Muted colors slowly return to the world.

Akugi gestures at you.
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for some flickering threads of purple light around Akugi.
You feel a chill rush down your spine as Akugi's magic lashes out toward your mind!
Akugi's magic breaks through your mental defenses! While nothing happens immediately, a precognitive sense of dread wells up in the back of your mind.

Predict Sever <Target>: You look inside yourself, surrendering your mind to the Sever Thread spell.
Your vision blurs for a brief moment, accompanied by a burning sense of malice in the back of your mind.
You see <target>'s thread of fate disintegrate under a massive barrage of corrupt luck and reform hesitantly.
You sense that the spell controlling your prophetic talent weakened as a result of your attack.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Once the initial connection is formed Sever Thread works as a remote Prediction ability.
    • PREDICT SEVER <target> unbalances, stuns or immobilizes the target depending on the success of the initial cast. It also prevents the target from perceiving magic and using magical devices.
    • PREDICT VISION gives the caster information about the target as well as the strength and duration of the spell.

Also See

  • Reene's notes on the spell and Teleologic Sorcery in general.