Curse of Zachriedek (2.0)

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Cleric thumb.jpgCleric Guild
Curse of Zachriedek
Abbreviation: COZ
Prerequisites: Uncurse
Minimum Prep: 8
Casting Cap: 48
Valid Spell Target: Others, Critters with weapon or armor
Description: The Curse of Zachriedek spell will malign the weapon or armor of your foe, causing it to become weak and unstable. As a result, the object will be less able to serve its intended purpose. The Uncurse spell may be able to unravel this foul enchantment.
Example Messaging: You point a crooked finger at a crypt fiend and garble an unintelligible curse.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over a crypt fiend's dinzelka gloves.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over a crypt fiend's dinzelka helm.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over a crypt fiend's twisted mass of shadows.
A disturbing black radiance creeps over a crypt fiend's dinzelka shroud.